The gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar"

Two people died and 13 were injured.
He has 27 convictions for crimes including robbery spanning France, Germany and Switzerland, and has spent considerable time in prison as a result.
Not even migrant. He was born in France.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was mossad agent to stop the protests this weekend but guess what? THEY WON'T STOP.

Every single Israeli that posts on Jow Forums will be dead by the end of January.

Religion of peace.

Arabs don't stop being Arabs just because their mother shat them out in Europe.

>He was born in France.
Any yet you racist fucks will still say immigrants are dangerous. Sorry, nazis but this one was one of yours - a frenchman. All people are equally capable of violence.

Why do they have that ash spot on their forehead?

>The suspect, 29-year-old Strasbourg-born man of Moroccan heritage, Chérif Chekatt.

>Not even migrant. He was born in France.
lol, that's only by us-standards not an migrant. you should know better ruski...

>Some Muslims also believe that on the day of judgment, this bump will particularly fluoresce an immense white light.
Dumb monkeys, lmao.

I mean what i mean. He was born there but still he end up like this. Maybe with other wictims ahead.

fast fix


does he look like a frenchman? what is french about him? that he was born in eu.

so if some paki comes with his pregnant wife to the US and waits long enough, his kid will be 100% american, because it was born in the us.

absolute state of amerimuttica and I know that's your law. doesn't make it universal. only muttpeople see logic in this shit.

> oh this guy was born here. he even might have breathe some air produced by local trees for some days in his live. he must be native!

>already whited-out his face

well done BBC

>"Allahu Akbar"
get lost

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You know, the politicians said we'd get used to muslim terror attacks.

And now they are proven right. We dont even care anymore. We just accept that our polticians have sold us out and that muslims will commit atrocites.

We have accepted it as part and parcel.

2/10, not subtle enough. You need to defend the arab more

>what is french about him? that he was born in eu.
Yes. That is literally the definition of a frenchman

>so if some paki comes with his pregnant wife to the US and waits long enough, his kid will be 100% american, because it was born in the us.
Absolutely. It's literally in The Constitution

We must not.

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this shit lives in ghettos. they have their own areas in the cities they live in. everything in their language. they watch tv from their country. they have the same traditions as the people in their country. nothing about him is french. It doesn't matter where you are born. it matters in what culture you are raised. you can be born and raised in paris. if your parents are pakis. if they don't give a fuck about france and you either. if you still consume only the media of the place your parents came from, you have only paki friends, etc. you can infact be born in france but not be a frenchman.

or am I a russian just because I was burn in russia even if I can't speak a single russian word?

White men apologize RIGHT FUCKING NOW

I just draw attention. They are not assimilate even if they was born in europe.

>Yes. That is literally the definition of a frenchman
Nope. It's the defenition of a amerimutt. that's why you are mutts in the first place.

>Absolutely. It's literally in The Constitution
And the next american idiot who is thinking other countries give a single fuck about the us constitution.

I know that if some paki shits his children out in the US, they all will become magically americans. doesn't mean you can shit your kid out in germany and I will call him german while he is telling me in fluent english, that he doesn't speak german.

same for the sandnigger in france. if you attack your hostnation, you lose every right to be associated with the people you attacked and killed, as long as you aren't directly raised and highly influenced by said people.

now go and lose more whiteness. you are already at 50%. that's half untermensch. No one cares at this point if you go full retard for 0% but get the fuck out of europe. jew-serving-zombie.



See, you can't always blame migrants. Plenty of terrorists are domestic.

This was french-on-french violence.

it wasn't you fucking lier.

>same for the sandnigger in france. if you attack your hostnation, you lose every right to be associated with the people you attacked and killed
Oh, honey. You're fearless leader attacked and killed 6,000,000 of his fellow countrymen.

O, пpивeт. Кaк caм? Бaтpaчишь тaм?

100% on cunt detector.

lol muh 6 gorillion as an argument on fucking Jow Forums? dude, you have to go back. also stop posting here kike. no one likes kikes here, didn't you notice yet?

your IQ is showing.

when will those white people stop

I know Strasbourg, several areas of this city are shitskins neighborhoods, it's highly possible that they are hiding in one of this neighborhoods.

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6 million sounds like a lot. Got any proof?

he was 100% 24 carat pure french according to secular nationalist fags

said the guy who used a 'muh 6 gazillion' argument on pol. dude, we have a saying here it goes like that: "Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen."

It means: If you are a american, don't speak about intellect. the whole world knows how fucking stupid you are, since your countryman are proving it every fucking second on the internet since it's existence.

it feels like someone with down-syndrom is calling a normal guy a retard. sure, whatever you say guy with down syndrom.

he looks indian though

>Two people died and 13 were injured
lmao loser

He looks greek desu

Whiter than an English from India, Ravi...

could you even pin point greece on a map? kek

this old story? it's time to move on

very similar to the terrorist attack in toronto this summer that the media tried to cover up. if you dont remember search archives for 40kg carfentanyl or danforth shooter on jootube. guy goes to a christian area to kill christians.

Dude are you actually autistic or just pretending to be? I know Germans don't understand humor but god damn

What a tragedy!

We'll never know what the motive is but we clearly need more funding for mental health and at-risk youths within marginalized communities that are disadvantaged.

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Stay Allahu, Stay Akbar.

that's a nice way to say that you can't, kek

>already whited-out his face

This. The background should be a neutral grey, it is very light grey in this showing photo manipulation.

Dude i'm greek/italian. You're either a newfag, underage or "spassing"

so now they release his name officially
it's almost like
they're fucking retarded

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still a shitskin.

shootings almost same numbers...
other photo

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When you shit in the kitchen is it considered food then ?

they really tried to make him look white
some even posted black-and-white photo to deceive

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can't tell if tard, lib, shill or bait.

Its obvi bait

hopefully people realize from this and american niggers etc. that it’s not an issue of illegals, refugees, economic migrants, but rather brown (shit) colored people in general

that in mind, we’ve clearly already lost any chance in hell at fixing our destroyed, crumbling former utopias, without large scale violence. it’s time

Guys... he just wanted to let everyone know that he has a helluva snackbar

It's considered German food

>american flag
>I'm >insert eu country here

Poor trolling effort

it's justified vengeance

Religion of peace

>The man shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") as he opened fire.
Wait, why is the (((BBC))) reporting this?

For what?


They don't want him to be caught :)

>He was born in France
And some people use this as some kind of sick justification that this makes it just a regular French domestic problem..

and he let people go if they weren't white, the taxi driver

...except blacks are 7 times more likely to have the MAOA gene making them well...more violent.

Human races are not equal, faggot.

Im beginning to think they arnt sending their best.

Human races are equal, faggot.

I wish this meme was real, I see it spammed here constantly lately to counterbalance demoralization tactic by shills.
Thank you user.

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Human races are not equal, you absolute faggot.

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>As he fled he came into contact with four soldiers, Mr Heitz said, and began firing at them. The soldiers fired back, apparently hitting him in the arm.

The absolute state of European armies.

It's all the fault of prisons.
We need a more human environment for people to reform and reintegrate.

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Cool pseudoscience. What's next phrenology? The Bell Curve? Flat Earth Theory?

American prisons are daycare centers and slave camps for the average American nigger.

gee i wonder
what ever happened to libya?

It's all rightful Ottoman clay

What happened in Libiya? And how Libya related with this case?

France destroyed t, supported terrorists (real terrorists), and murdered Qaddafi

jews are not entities that are part of the host nation, they are just parasites and getting rid of them is the right thing to do.
back to the oven you go.

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A ME Muslim born of two ME Muslim parents in France does not a Frenchman make; doesn’t matter what nation he was born in, he’d still be a shitskin Muslim you absolute dumbass

imagine the scandal if the soldiers shot dead that pure troubled young man who suffered systematic racism growing up in racist Europe.

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French isn’t a race

They are burgerbro
Your graph doesnt work you stupid fuck

Born in France does not equal to citizenship.
Also as I understand he did spend some time in prison where he became a religious fanatic. Guess what religion and citizenship status his inmates had.

He's as french as Asterix.

>I reject reality becuase it doesn't conform to my faggot mind

lol, OK froggie. Enjoy your boiling water.

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This is a slide thread. The shooting is a falseflag to take heat off macron and the based yellowjackets. Sage and report. Nice try schlomo

you misinterpret the proof of systemic racism

Proof like this?

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Hey, they just wanted the oil. It is not their fault the Lybians did not give it to them for free. It is all a matter of perspective.

Dude niggers are violent and stupid as fuck. I can't even communicate with half of them because they act retarded or are retarded.

Maybe. How is that case related?

and muslims just want vengeance and stopping western looting and destruction, it's not our fault the french don't kill themselves

Research “Operation Gladio”

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