Just got out of jail serving 2 months for pistol whipping a cracker with his own gun he thought was going to protect...

Just got out of jail serving 2 months for pistol whipping a cracker with his own gun he thought was going to protect him from calling my sister a nigger. I beat that white boy so bad he has to love with a disfigured face forever. My lawyer showed me the hospital pics. Put a smile on my fac for the whole sentence. How's it feel to be disillusioned about any fantasies of buying a gun to protect you from niggers? If my sister hadn't stopped me I would have killed that cracker :)

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How does it feel to be destined to hell Schlomo?

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Ayyy holmez.

Juu don't like them Crackkkers?

Ayy meng, lemme tell juu about the time I ate spaghetti... jea. A white girl, no... an Italian girl... jea... she sucked my dick while I ate spaghetti.

Es tru, ese.

>serving 2 months for pistol whipping
Yea I don't think so schlomo

Can you cite your claim with a local news article?

There’s no niggers on Jow Forums
When will the obvious larping stop?

Next time you want to LARP as a nigger, learn to use retarded english like a nigger. Better yet, paint your fat face with black shoe polish, string yourself up on a noose and stool, and post a livestream link so we can watch you swing and make gifs from it for a few weeks then forget you ever existed.

Attached: a-lynch31-bw.jpg (1600x1149, 533K)

Always puts a smile on my face seeing photos of dead niggers shot by police.

Attached: White man turns nigger into a baby turtle.webm (720x405, 2.28M)

He provoked the altercation with racist slurs. He didn't want to testify because he would have faced 10 years minimum for pulling and pointing. May come as a surprise to incels fantasizing about getting a gun and provoking a nigger to shoot, but you simply cannot use stand your ground when you provoke. You have a duty then to retreat.

so...guess i have to fire 6 niggers, foreclose on 2, hang 3, and assrape 2 more to make it even? ok then.

false. only texas allows fighting words doctrine.

Why not hang all of them?

This is bait!!! A nigger would never be able to tell a story this coherently!!!

Happy Hanukkah


You could have saved us the time by just saying you are a nigger. We would've assumed jail, anti-white, stupid, etc.

>Just got out of jail serving 2 months for pistol whipping a cracker with his own gun he thought was going to protect him from calling my sister a nigger. I beat that white boy so bad he has to love with a disfigured face forever. My lawyer showed me the hospital pics. Put a smile on my fac for the whole sentence. How's it feel to be disillusioned about any fantasies of buying a gun to protect you from niggers? If my sister hadn't stopped me I would have killed that cracker :)

Ok so your black and you just got out of prison...!

So who wrote your post?

This is why we are hated OP instead of acting like an abhorrent degenerate actually make something of your life

Post BBC

Was minding my own business faggot

He Was clearly in denial over his lust for the superior black woman.

if your insist on larping as a negro please use the conventional negro vernacular and type it in all CAPS

Its basically "tits with timestamp or GTFO" for men

>implying niggers can write or read
Whatever you say (((buddy)))


Christ killers go to hell when they die, friendly reminder.

So you were dealing drugs.

Post scrumptious cock an address or get the fuck off my board nigger!


"Why are white people so hateful against my brothas and sistas shieeet man."

Say "Ahhhh"

Attached: gun.gif (336x320, 65K)