What is the Triangle UFO?

I noticed the post code for my IP was changing constantly, and then it went static on a town not where I live. I knew the government was screwing with me.

Anyway, I was a stoner, so I was looking through a bong site for a bong, and decided to search for the static post code as a SKU code. It actually came up with a nice looking bong, so I added it to my wishlist.

Within several seconds of doing this, I heard a loud jet engine sound, so I ran outside and looked up and I saw a V formation of circle white lights, within a meter of the roof of my house.

Now I live in a rural area, and this was uncommon, so I waved at it, and it turned on a red light that blinked, and the aircraft changed direction.

Moments later, an ordinary fighter jet was flying along, after the triangle aircraft had gone. So I wrote down the morse code for "come" and I blinked my torch at it in morse code.

A week later, a fighter jet went across the night sky, and then the triangle, this time it was flying directly upright through the sky with its lights in an upright V shape. It was very spooky.

This triangle aircraft has flew over my 10 acre property and signalled to me, at least 30 times since November 2016. It has even demonstrated "warping".

Does anyone have any idea what it is?

Attached: MUFON-1-524792.gif (590x441, 26K)

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It's a magic flying machine.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (400x290, 83K)

that's some good weed

nothing to see there goy!

It's the boomerang you shitposting aussies struck the twintowers with.

This isn't normal aussie shitposting.
This is advanced aussie shitposting.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x250, 467K)

mach 10 aircraft.

Extra-dimensional geese from the future

Why is it always the stoners who see these things, I wonder? Just like the "creepy stories" on /x/ that always begins with a bunch of retards smoking weed in some spooky place. Fuck right off!

Funny. Some strayan has been posting similar things here for years. Long before 2016. Also triangle craft.
You live in the middle of nowhere? Watch out, those things leak radiation.

Hopefully that new bong arrives soon. You obviously haven't cleaned your current one. ever.

If you´re not just a shitposting bot, this was likely your garden variety TR-3B. Congrats, your stoner ass has been flaggedin your PTB citizen database entry.

Literally our stolen tax dollars at work.
If you´re a millennial and live at home because there´s no jobs or future for you, THIS is the reason why. If you got money, buy yourself a pair of 3d gen night vision goggles and watch the SSP maneuvers in orbit live.

P.S. ignore Wilcock and Goode, literal cult leaders.

Attached: tr-3b.png (800x424, 197K)

PTB? Please explain more. I've never seen one but its an interesting topic.

it was the turn signal of the car in front of you you clod

PTB-Powers That Be, Deep State, THA JEWS pick one.

>tfw schizophrenics witness 30 UFO sightings and never record a single one.

It warps away if I get out the camera.

Wow, how convenient.

Don´t argue with the bots.
You´re literally talking to a computer.

Attached: blu sht.jpg (300x200, 9K)

Drones you fucking tool

This is the only "supernatural" experience I have ever had. Me and 3 other friends were by the lake of the condo complex we grew up in (heavily wooded area) and there was this circular alcove of trees where people would hang out, smoke, drink, etc. One day, as its the afternoon is becoming night, we looked up because we noticed the wind was very strange. The wind was pushing down and blowing outwards if that makes sense. The trees were blwoing in an outward direction coming from the top, which is obviously not how wind normally blows. We look up and see nearly this exact picture, though the light seemed more pink in person. Triangle shape and glowing orbs, I still remember it clear as day. Needless to say we fucking ran out of there fast.

Attached: TR-3B-UFO-881923.jpg (590x350, 24K)

Dad saw something smiler once. It showed up on the news then next day seen in Arizona.

He said he watched it warp in that direction. Like big beam of pink light shot to the horizon and then it just followed it just right behind the beam