How do you fine these introverted cool gamer/anime girlfriends...

How do you fine these introverted cool gamer/anime girlfriends? My friends (across state) somehow manage to have their own. I'm in a college town and I've attended gaming clubs at my college and stuff like that, but there are either no girls or they're unattractive. I go out, but I don't know how I'd find an introvert that way. How do you do it?

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Become a streamer, not even joking

>How do you do it?

Keep trying. There's no aisle in the shop to buy an "Introverted GF" with a side of "Gamer". You just need to put yourself out there and see what you find.

And try to find something that makes you happy, don't compete with people over the internet. That's the way to always be unfulfilled. Not saying you should settle, just that a GF is more than bragging rights on Facebook or Discord. Do it for yourself, not to impress them.

it used to be okcupid, no idea now since those sites are all scams now

Ok, what do I do on Tumblr

You should realize that any cool, cute, and sane gamer/anime girlfriends are highly coveted so they're quickly "off-the-market" so to speak.

Set your expectations lower or you're setting yourself up for disappointment, like the people dedicating their entire lives to trying to get a corporate job at Apple

implying I don't want a schizo gf

Will you find it cool if the girl is literally introverted and has become a shut in and is addicted to vidya, animu, memes, etc? I thought guys find popular girla more attractive

Not op but that would be my ideal situation.

What you mean you like popular girls more?

no, the kind of girl you described at first.

I was a "popular" kid in high school and i seem pretty normal but what you described is pretty close to my ideal girl. Though they're almost non-existent, I've come across a lot more girls willing to fake those interests for attention, kind of like cosplay girls. I don't mind it that much but it is a bit deceptive. I've also come across "normal" girls that really do love anime and video games but have to be normal and take criticism of their interests too harshly.

You wouldn't find that kind of girl easily desu. Goodluck with that.

I know it seems to be impossible, but even if I found one I would probably be too much of a pussy to ask her out or whatever.

Yeah that's why you have to be friends first and get to know each other. I do know some girls like that but they're just either bisexual or suicidal or retarder or all idk. It'd be hard to find your ideal girl

You're looking for a unicorn, user.

Find a shy girl who has poor social skills and self esteem. Mine loves me so desperately that she'll do whatever I suggest so she'll game quite happily. The only drawback is this nagging feeling that she doesn't like anything, she is just terrified of losing me so I'm always second guessing stuff. Also kind of like having a cute pet, hard to not abuse the position or toy with her for the fuck of it because you are pissed at having to suggest and push everything.

It sounds pretty negative, but it is really nice if you are looking to be nice. Oh you said cool? Man goodluck with cool lol.

My girl is basically toddler / grandmother tier in a 20 year old body.

what the fuck is desu? typo?

A 4channer that isn't a weeb? How is this possible

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>How is this possible

Anime cons. Find the lonely looking cute girls and just talk to each one until you hit it off with one of them. My past 3 girlfriends have been like that. Get used to being turned down a lot though.

I went to one once, I was the lonely guy eating alone and all weeb girls had some obese necbeard bf with them. I was actually impressed how these neckbears were more successful than I was

Try arts degrees. Graphic designers, artists, musicians, all spend most of their time indoors playing videogames and drugs. High chance of mental issues though

Women are only cool and interesting when they're whores or over 35. The same applies to men, only the age is 25.

Buyer beware, the funny thing about the introverted gamer girl is that once you bring her out of her shell, she'll get a lot of attention from other guys and will, within a year, have a dude on the side she emotionally cheats with, like a backup.
Gamer girls are whores, the sweeter they seem, the more heartless they really are.

You have been warned.

You guys do know that these girls are the equivilant to neckbeards right? They only have pussy on their side to bait you. Most gamer or introverted girls are either physically gross as fuck as in she's just a nasty bitch who doesn't wash, or mentally immature as fuck and will expect you to act like you're still in high school. But standards don't exist for you guys

This, they're not meant to be brought to the surface. Dating a gamer girl is like the first one to discover gold. Good luck on keeping what's yours.

Literally up to coincidence.

I fit your description and I don't go anywhere. No gaming clubs, no anime cons, no nothing. I just go to my uni/job because I have to. The rest of my time I spend holed up in my house and play vidya/read/study languages/write/participate in similar single-person hobbies.

I'm dating an introverted gamer/anime girl

>I'm 35, she's (almost) 21

The thing is I have been into nerd culture since I was a kid and still follow comic books, video games (not as much because of time), anime and cartoons, only watch fantasy and sci fi movies really, etc

With that being said, I'm a full time software engineering student but I still do construction to pay through school and I lift 6-7 days a week, have tattoos, strict diet, look closer to 25, and generally don't look like I'm into nerd culture. I'm not awkward or weird or shy around women

I'm not saying this to sound like I'm trying to brag, what I am saying is that my nerd interests are just a small part of me. They are a hobby, not a lifestyle. My girlfriend loves my work ethic, how much I sacrificed to go to school (came from literal poverty and childhood homelessness) and how hard I work to stay in school, my charm and confidence, ambition and determination, etc...

Girls that are into nerdy shit have tons of average looking socially retarded guys all pursuing them all thinking that all the really need is similar hobbies.

Make that shit your hobby, not your lifestyle and work on making yourself a better person and it will be easy to date gamer and anime girls.

Also, keep in mind what this guy said.

>35 man with 20 year old child
That's fucking gross dude, you're probably dating a kid with self-esteem issues whose desperately looking for validation from some sort of authority.

Seriously, I'm the male version of this. How the fuck do I meet introverted (but not socially autistic!) women who keep their Internet lives separate from real one but still don't like exposing themselves online?

Literally happened to me, exactly as described. Beware indeed.

Is it even possible to meet you, then? Coincidence can't happen if you're 100% sealed off, right?
If you really are who you say you are, how would YOU like to meet a guy, through what circumstances?

The whole "thanks for socializing me now I can do all the slut stuff I pretended to not want to do when I was simply incapable of it" phenomenon is definitely real.
It's never happened to me but I watched it happen to my friend twice.

Lurk more

You're pathetic
>oh, I'm self conscious about this so it's OK!

To OP, as the guy I replied to mentioned himself, relationships of dependence (or other abusive ones) might be "easy," but not even discussion the fact that they're wrong and even horrible, they are not fulfilling. As he said, you don't have a relationship, you have a "pet" (not going to go into terminology). So the things you are looking for in a relationship, you won't find there. Unless all you need is a warm fleshlight, which would be much simpler anyway

You know... There are people that are agreeable and agreeable people find a tremendous amount of fulfillment and happiness in life by being in a relationship and "under control" almost...

If you're agreeable and end up addicted to an abusive relationship it's a tragedy but if some one knows what they're doing and are productive about it, it can be quite wonderful especially if they're skilled, kind, intelligent and useful domineers.

That's one of the biggest reason BDSM has become so popular, cultural ignorance is at an all time high these things need to manifest themselves in self destructive manners. And it's not a full replacement for that relationship structure.

lurk moar knewfag

Ok OP here. When should I actually start to get worried about not having a loving girlfriend? Currently 20 in college, and I feel like I have a lot going for me (good major w/ internship, i'm /fit, good genetics, smart, sometimes funny and somehow always get called cute) but I read the stories about people trying to date in their 20s or trying to meet women after college and I see so many guys have to settle. I don't wanna do that. Should I be worried about getting a loving girlfriend in college?

No, guys think the popular girl a good lady and bad for a relationship. The introvert gamer/animu girl is coveted wife material.

>and I feel like I have a lot going for me (good major w/ internship,

You're looking for a gf, not applying for a job. I don't know why so many people are like "uh I have a 10.5 GPA and know javascript and have an IQ of 156" when looking for a gf.

anyways now that I'm done busting your balls over that little harmless detail I can tell you that you shouldn't worry about it. The more you worry about it the more you make a big deal about it, the more you make a bi deal about the less you're gonna be able to act on it.

You want a gamer otaku gf? Go to where all the game and otaku girls are. There's for sure anime clubs and gaming stores and yearly conventions at this time of year and all sorts of other shit for you to go meet that kind of girl at.

that's not necessarily true either way. I know, and dated, gamer otaku girls who were HUGE sluts and on the other hand some popular girls who were hard-working and honest and still hadn't had sex even though they were already in their 20s


Just remember that you're looking to date, not marry for life. Take it easier and explore some people