Yellow Vests are Macron Leftists - Who haven't learned any lessons

Gilets Jaunes are rural retards. But ironically of course.

Majority of Yellow Vests are just leftards, the same ones who voted Macron in who aren't happy he was extreme enough or some stupid shit.

FRENCHIES VOTED FOR Macron! - They got him.
FRENCIES VOTED FOR Climate scam! - They got it.
FRENCHIES VOTED TO Tax themselves to oblivion.
Reap what you sow retards.


- but less responsibility.
- misc. fart huffing.
- but not to pay for any of it.

They are malcontents with an excuse.

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>Yellow Vests are Macron Leftists
stop posting, aussie.
you are not worthy of internet.

Came to say this.

Macron has successfully stabilized the situation. He gave a convincing and heartwarming speech. People understand that France is going through some tough times and that adjustments need to be made. Macron is doing an excellent job all things considered. Adapting to the realities of the modern economy has proven demanding for many people, and many still struggle. Change is always difficult and it is understandable for those that feel left behind to be searching for easy answers, and for targets onto which to project their anger and frustrations. But this anger is often misdirected. Macron definitively could have been more effective at letting these people know that he is aware of their struggles, which have often been going on for an unacceptably long time, and that his platform is helping steer France's economic development on a path where everyone has more, not less, opportunities of ooooook fuck it. You god damn rural and suburban retards think it's my job to make sure your sorry ass gets paid like you were actually doing something useful? Not my fault you don't have any skills that can't be done by third a worlder that barely knows how to read or emailed to India. Maybe if you had any ability to plan ahead you'd have a career by now. Oh wait you couldn't even plan a path through Paris to reach the Elysee lol. Macron out.

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Nice reddit, you did a funny!
Enjoy explaining your joke to everyone who didn't get it, in an hour, so you can brag about how cool it was and make sure you get as many upvotes as possible!

>using reddit
Did your shitty abbo brain not get it?

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Shut the fuck up retard.

This isn't what I'm trying to say.
Macron is retarded as well.
Talking with (((Unions))) will do nothing. Subversionless movement of non-roots.

D'aw you twigger'd little babby, ilu2 pie.
I would let you smoosh me if I could. You're adorbs.

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retarded shill goes full reddit

I wish I live near you, I would provoke you to the point of attacking me, I would let you and it would be beautiful, I would be able to force you to uncuck yourself for just long enough, you'd finally have a chance at that nice family you always wanted with a nice girl. Well then bitch?

Yes they are. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't use them to get what WE want.

We love you France-chan!

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Silly African. That's Kongou.

>Yellow Vests are Macron Leftists
Are you retarded they want macron dead

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>Australian education
Read the OP next time fucktard.


>- but less responsibility.
>- misc. fart huffing.
>- but not to pay for any of it.

>They are malcontents with an excuse.

You sound like a shill kys

>try’s to check if Teste has Christmas cg
>doesn’t have her


Commandent Teste still better than your slut bote.

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>blah blah blah

>more blah blah blah

>many more blah blah blah

>whoa i can't believe it but more blah blah blah

>They are malcontents with an excuse.
Wrong mate

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>guys being hypersexual
oh no that sucks? !:unexpected

What a stupid response

okay manwhore lmao
I love how triggered guys get when they get called out for their degeneracy and looseness...
>"b-b-but not all guys!"

the heat fried his circuits

Saturday, they will protest against terrorism and Marrakech pact, it's not leftist at all...

>Brazil's idea of sounding smart is bringing up circuitry and heat

>protest terrorism and immigration
>not protesting Zionism
Yellow gilet=Jew controlled opposition


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t. jidf

t. retard

If you say you protest against jew control, the state will cancel your demo user, remember "jour de colère" with soral

I actually disagree with both sides here because the Jews didn't do anything wrong my friends.
Allowing central banking is the fault of Government and not rubbing the media into the dirt is also a government choice based on plan of action / convenience.

if you really think they vootd for him your fucking stupid


do we really have to explain the whole power ladder again? come on mate

>- but not to pay for any of it.
>- but not to pay for any of it.

Saged your post.

Macron wants climate worship... It wasn't in his program..

Oy vey you're right.
How could the frogs have possibly known that retarded leftist man would do retarded things that would tax the frogs into the ground??? HE DIDNT PUT THIS ONE TAXING ISSUE ON HIS AGENDA

Boo-hoo cry me a river you sissy man. I hate French guys.