What prevents you from ending it, user? Really tho. I need some of that myself cause I'm barely holding on...

What prevents you from ending it, user? Really tho. I need some of that myself cause I'm barely holding on. The nihilism is fucking overwhelming. Everything is pointless once the illusions of purpose and greater meaninng r gone. But I promised myself to wait 'till parents are dead, so like 15 more years.

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Fuck hold on,

Eh....... I guess drugs?

But nihilism is awesome op there are no consequences for you're actions after you die, if you accept you are going to die then your time is limited so it has the value you give it. Nothing matters so do what you want it's only your fault if you are having a bad time.

I'm afraid of death and afraid of hell. Also I don't want to hurt my parents and grandmothers, it would be devastating since my family is quite small and I have no brothers or sisters.

Too numb and lazy.

You're not a nihilist if you fear hell

I guess not

what hell tho

I'm a Christian so I fear that hell but I also fear any possible hell that maybe I was never told about. I fear the unknown actually.

Before you die, maybe you can try to do everything first. I mean gey drunk, meth and sex, skydiving literally anything. If you want to end it, thats your choice but I wouldnt reccomend it. Get someone who will listen to you and maybe you can tell them why you're feeling this way maybe?

Good for me then, I don't wanna go deeper that hole. I still have my goals and values and views and really wouldn't like them gone.
Been there, done that. I don't like alcohol and haven't enjoyed a single party I've been to. Haven't done drugs yet, but I'm gonna try some weed later this year tho. Things that provide that adrenaline rush ain't for me 2. As for sex - I'm saving my first time for when I get a gf. Which is gonna be hard considering that I tend to fuck it up whenever I'm with someone for long enough. So yeah, there's not much in life to look forward to and it's all in vain after all.
> If you want to end it, thats your choice but I wouldnt reccomend it.
That's the thing, user. I wanna wait until my parents pass away. Or at least 'till I finish college, get a high-paying job and get "delegated to another country". So I can't kys myself for another severaly years, at least. I'm not sure if I'll last that long tho.
> Get someone who will listen to you ...
Yeah, about that. There was a person like that. They actually reached out to me and tried to listen and understand and help cause they've been there too. And guess what, my retarded ass pushed her away and cut all contacts. Why? Good fucking question. I was lucky someone like her appeared in my life once and don't think there's a chance of it happening ever again.

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What's even the point of suicide? Why does everyone feel like they need their life to serve some higher purpose or something?

.> What's even the point of suicide?
what else is there to do?
> Why does everyone feel like they need their life to serve some higher purpose or something?
what's the point if it doesn't?

Don't be so stuck up

>what else is there to do?
Live I guess.
>what's the point if it doesn't?
As far as I can tell there isn't one, which is why I asked the question. I don't know what about life requires an external purpose.

I don't know, I guess I just want to see how this story ends

For me, it's my cats.

Everyone else can fuck off.

If you have no reason to live, you have no reason to die either

Wait up...who r u?

The prospect of seeing high-on-life normalcunts destroy themselves with nukes is worth the wait for me.

what do u mean?

I want to have a good life not only for personal satisfaction, but to show all the ignorant degenerates around me how it's done.
No way I'm dying if people like that continue to exist and spread their misinformed viewpoints.

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I actually like my life. Sure, it may be pointless in the long run, but so what? There doesn't have to be a meaning for me to enjoy what is happening right now.

I'm extremely successful academically without trying much, I have a wonderful partner who understands me in ways I thought to be impossible in the past, I have many hobbies to distract myself from the futility of it all. I think that being bummed out over the lack of meaning is actually somewhat arrogant. Why do you think that your life specifically needs to matter when we're all meaningless in the grand scheme of things? Making peace with the fact that you're the same as everyone else is a marker of an adult.

Nihilism is a big meme. Don't fall in that hole.
Just do stuff you like and improve yourself.

Waiting on my sexbot and health insurance will pay for it

No one is 'a nihilist', it's a state of mind, not a philosophy.

>What prevents you from ending it,
Literally because I can't jack off when dead and I can't miss my daily nhentai updates