Tfw veteran attending college

>tfw veteran attending college
>tfw civilians are all undisciplined whiny slobs

Should I just go back in? I don't think I can take it anymore.

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Just pay attention in class and learn. Why does it matter to you anyways. And if you're taking a legit major then I guarantee that the students who will make it are disciplined, just not in a military manner.

T. Senior engineering student

>Calls civvies whiny
>Whines on Nigerian underwear stitching forum
Dank (you) 4u cervix

do online school, college is a fucking gongshow right now

Shut up civvy, unless you've served, you will NEVER understand

shut up, whiny bitch

>complains about whiny civs
>is just a whiny bootlicker


have a (you) from me

Shut up crayon eater.
if you weren't retarded you would have gone to college in the first place not after 10 years of crayon eating.

this retarded

>who will make it are disciplined
general life rule here

stop whining you lil bitch

when you are this retarded

Guys I fucking hate civvies should I reenlist so I can die for them?

Not OP, but I'd die for their right to live cozy, happy lives.

I feel you, been working R&D for 2 years on a Batchelor.
And many years before that
Going back to uni for masters
>holy fuck do I get annoyed at these utter children

I know right? Literal untermensch.

He gave you the best advice you could take and you rejected it, why did you even come to this board if you refuse to have an open mind?

I'm too damn smart for civvie school
t. a fucking retard

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Lol dude if you were actually disciplined you would know that what others do and say is irrelevant to you and doesn't matter. If you were really disciplined you would be there for study and your education and be focusing on that, not external factors around you

Working with Jodys is miserable unless you're the boss
A career in the military is always miserable once you start having to deal with politics

You're older, obviously you'll feel weird among kids fresh out of high school. Be happy about your advantage, a lot of them will fuck uo and come to regret it.

Collage culture is unrecognizable from what it was 5, 10, 15+ years ago.

There was always guys who were there to waste time, the ones from rich families who are there cause they have to be. but now everyone's in collage cause we're told we will fail if we don't go. That means the time wasters have doubled, tripled, w/e. SJW culture has taken over, it's like the collage hippieX1000, saying "fanfiction sucks" in literature class will make them turn on you. It's the 10th level of hell, a never ending circle jerk of "everyone is equal"

Just ignore them all and get the grades you need.
If you happen to meet someone whose not worthless, make the connection, since social networking is important. Just don't waste time on the dopes who take nothing but feminist studies.

Dumb wojackposter
Take your false sense of superiority and gtfo.
Hope it was worth seeing your buddies die in the desert for oil.

You only get to claim you're a veteran if you actually fought in a war
If not you need to fuck off