Never forget what American soldiers really do overseas!
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go undercover and bust mcstain for being an ISIS arms dealer? that piece of shit was put to death too hahaha.
The Iraqi government already suspended these guys diplomatic protection years ago. Probably for stunts just like this and more.
no wonder these cunts never adjust when they come back home.
It depends a lot on where they go and what they do. If they felt the cause was more just they might have less bad feelings about it.
Aren't Blackwater mercenaries?
yeah because these are the guys that where already doing drive bys on families back in the home land and killing their friends and families.
ya like open fire at people who cut them off or try to fuck off because maybe they were trying to start their text book ambush method? they also hung alwaleed upsidedown and beat him and a bunch of other faggots for staging the las vegas massacre. its as if shitblue is trying to get ahead of the curve to smear blackwater because theyre salty as fuck that blackwater is protecting julian assange before his testimony against seth rich's death and the clinton foundation and U1.
Yup, guns for hire.
yes, but also meth addict psychos for the most
theres a clip in the video (the ops picture)
Where they spray down a bunch of cars waiting at a red light.
shills dont like them because trump hired them to help fuck with deepstate and they busted an arizona senator for being an isis arms dealer.
theres also a clip with obama firing an AK at us soldiers. wait for that clip to start showing up they will shut down the internet to get rid of it .
also have you ever heard of the CIA? they pull frame jobs all the time.
lotta loyalty for hired guns
they got what they deserved.
yeah or the other clip where a team is doing drive bys on families specifically.
If you wanted to erradicate a people you wouldn't do it that way so its just pleasure for them at this point because they even do it in the USA aswell...
Ever hear how many children go missing in the USA annually and are never seen again ?
Hell, id love to be merc. Good money, such fun.
Looks fun as fuck
And im actually on Black-waters side.
Im just dissapointed in how they did it ...
If they wanted to kill all the people in those cars why did that idiot spray and stop firing ??????????
Like fuck keep shooting dumb cunt area is not clear.
BlackWater Chads are just fucking ALPHA males and you are faggot Europeans, and austrlaians who just suck mad cock and cannot compare to our Chad Psychopaths.
Don't piss off America or these guys will be all over your country.
you mean like how CIA killed the 17 kids in douglas highschool while everyone else got standdown orders, fucked the cameras because they are preset with 30 minute delay and then blame a kid who showed up in just his clothes in an uber prior to having live gun and fired drills recently before it and then have a 20 year old who had a cnn exec mother and a 3 letter agency dad who trains other agencies in mock shootings show up on tv and cry for gun control? (((all video titles are real))) . pol is a critical thinking board fuck off back to snopes and youtube.
>another name for sewage
shut the fuck up npc. "orange man bad" "everything is a conspiracy" fucking muppet.
im dissapointed in them in being so gay and inefficient, I'd hire the firm Elon uses over them , like who would want to hire a security force that had a good chance of just snapping and start attacking you themselves for no fucking reason cause they are high on drugs, no wonder they changed their name so many times.
Blackwater is "the swamp's" protection
fuck shitwater and the jew lackey erik prince.
>Don't piss off America or these guys will be all over your country.
these cunts got prosecuted and jailed in their own countries you fucking loser
Go away faggot Kushner shill
Are you ironically saying that did not happen ?
Meh. War zones are fucked up, kiddos. They have a dirty "contact sport" job, and they do it well. Consider that in all the time blackwater (now academi) has been in business NOT ONE VIP has lost their life under their protection.
Just be glad your nations have law and order and shut the fuck up. Keep your insane divisive bitching up and there just might be Chinese/Russian apc's in your neck of the woods one day...
>Killing muslims
I wish they would come over here and do some of that
>pull up to family of 4 going to the beach and gun them down turns out they where american tourists
too bad they mainly operate in the tourist areas and friendly fire often
None of those guys look like Chads, they're all undoubtedly psychopaths though.
ANTIFA is going to gitmo too as well as private sector prisons. INSCOM is watching all of them.
hillary clinton and the deepstate sent in CIA to kill those kids.
>American soldiers
>*automatic gunfire stops*
>"haha forget we where in the USA"
How many times has this happened ?
Too many times.
yes and james alefantis is a child killer.
yea i seen tons of these usa merc videos
of them just mowing down random civilians for fun
did you know there was more usa-hired mercs in iraq than there were actual soldiers?
yeah, because they want shit done off the books, the soldiers were mostly for show, but mercs are allowed to do anything.
forgot even
Black Water changed their name to Xee and now owned by Monsanto
i wish i could join blackwater
aslong as you use them as disposable units that you ensure get raped and murdered in prison after their mission.
are you practicing your (((first comment)))
I bet they do fucking gay oaths or fucked up shit, I mean they're all psychopaths they have to or else they'd kill off their whole team to save their own life.
otherwise as a political leader your screwed.
Its cencored in your land but not here bud.
I especially like how there was many cases where the mercs shot each other on accident.
They almost always shoot in front of the vehicle for a warning shot, then straight into the engine block if they continue, then- finally and only if necessary, into the driver.
Cherry pick all you want, you would do the same thing if you were in a war zone where the civilians and enemy look the exact same and literally everyone wants to string you up and burn you, plus you were transporting one of the most important people on the world (or at a minimum- someone who can actually afford the services of the premier private military).
someones gotta do it.
im sure it was just an (((accident))) and purely a (((cohencidence)))
just bomb them into the stone age ffs
>I'd hire the firm Elon uses over them
which firm does Elon use?
Talk to Elon
Are you a schizo or displaced Iraqi/Persian? Either way, lighten up faggot
neither im telling Mercs to watch their ass for their own safety
nothing wrong in that vid. go away antifa
WTF, I love Black Water now!
American soldiers ≠ mercenaries
These people are deeply flawed square pegs running away from something at home and no better than the subhuman scum they fight (and protect). They are the useless culls of western civilization. I hope you hajjis kill them all to cleanse the western gene pool.
They're all hiding from the realities of life at home and their abject failures in society. Joining a contractor is just a slower, more cowardly way of committing suicide.
Same as Lying Chris Kyle and all his tours. The man was a sociopatic piece of shit with zero skill set outside doping a scope and telling fabricated tales of heroism. Couldn't hang in the real world, got put down by a psycho marine he was shittalking about (by text) in front of.
I wish I was old enough to have served during that time period.
Imagine the thrill of operating with impunity inside of a war zone.
I'm sure life has been extremely dull for these guys ever since they left.
Sand niggers are thickskulled savages who only respect strength. I'm not surprised at all that soldiers would realize it much faster than stupid liberal whores.
>wahhh I hate contractors for the way they drive in traffic and shoot engine blocks
>it would be so much more humane to just bomb innocent civilians
If I were the FBI, I'd use these sort of threads to phish out low IQ psychopaths.
Join the French foreign legion and get paid to shoot up africans.
based Finn
USA wants to rule the world.
USA is on the way to ruling the world.
>USA uses fake propaganda, fake media, and fake news to convince Americans of stupid shit.
USA are the bad guys and MUST be stopped.
Russia and China are our last hope.
No, you can watch molymemes interview with Eric prince to see what Blackwater actually is.
Top kek, boomer.
>spray a bunch of cars waiting
They shoot at the front side of one vehicle you dumb sand nigger. They did it because the vehicle was pulling out. Most of these videos are all from VIP escort missions where they have orders to never stop moving.
those very soldiers who go home suffering from fucking PTSD and ADD because they treated the world like its their playground. yea these people got thrown into jail. they are as thick skulled as any sandnigger you mention.
We just had a bunch of these Iraqis, 7 or 9 of them, just rape a child like it wasn't even a big deal. The media and the establishment acted shocked and surprised, but I bet Blackwater mercenaries aren't.
>he was shittalking about (by text) in front of.
What did he say to him? Is there a transcript? Where was it? In the car or in the shooting place?
What's with all you faggots calling cunts boomers lately? Whatare you fucken 14 year olds from Reddit?
Stop this hivemind bullshit.
>Same thing with memeflag.
Where do I sign up?
Holy zero credible sources, Batman.
It's fucking cancerous that this new breed of Jow Forums faggot has joined, this new breed of filthy liberal 14 year old millennial faggot with no hope, no muscle, and no beard.
>They are the useless culls of western civilization
>Works in a cereal factory
>Just waiting for an accident to occur so they can sue their company and live off SS and disability
>Browses a Mongolian basket weaving forum for autistic man children and incels
Just out of curiosity, what type of sand shitskin are you exactly?
They are literally doing nothing wrong in OPs video. And you are a literal faggot retard cuck if you think otherwise when you have 0 knowledge of the situation on the ground in Iraq at the time
h-hes small
Now this is shitposting.
Beards make it so I can't wear protivogaz
He's probably the one least likely to get sniped, in the war zone manlets have the upper hand.
i have no issue with dead sand niggers.
Much easier to find adequate cover.
>doesn't support blatant misconduct
>am a type of sandnigger
fuck off. these cunts got prosecuted and for good reason
Durr it's a european war machine you dickward. It's a nation born out of war
Is that Joe Rogan?
so... are you a sunni sandnigger?
Well if you're not a sandnigger then you're some type of NEET edgelord. Not sure which is worse anymore.
I once asked a blackwater merc how it felt to kill a man.
He replied that he didnt know, "I've only ever killed muslims".
It’s like watching The news covering The president. The kikes always use the same tricks. It’s a bunch of clips with no context and liberal npcs lacking critical thought commenting on it.
let me try and say it in a way you'll understand. y'all as dumb as you sound