How do you accept being FOREVER ALONE?

> If girls don't want chads/badboys, they want someone who's charming/funny/intelligent/rich
> What do if you're a boring, vanilla manchild?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not all girls are the same
Some want criminal bad boys,
Some want sweet boys.
Some want fat guys some want skinny guys.
It doesn't really matter what girls want though. They are children.

The common factor amongst people I see in relationships is not that they are cool, funny, interesting or even handsome. It is that no matter what they are into they are social and compete within their social group. Like you could be into international fart trading, but if you are the best at it you'll be attractive to females.

Like some guys I work with are painfully dull, but they get out and about and don't worry so much about being seen as cool, they just keep doing what they want. Somebody somehow wants their basic boy asses.

Stop being a retard and fix your shit. It's got nothing to do with being a boring, vanilla manchild. It's the fact that you're a stagnant fool who spends time whining on Jow Forums instead of shaping up.

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>muh virginity
>muh womens
>muh chad
>a bloo bloo bloo
Why don't you enter the next stage of life instead of living as an eternal man-child.

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>OP asks for an easy fix, doesn't get the answer he wants, and leaves the thread without deleting it

Jow Forums board motto

They pretty much do want the same kinda guy. It’s just variations of the same theme.

If Elliot fixed his attitude towards other people, took some responsibility for his faults instead of writing a narcissistic novel blaming it on the world around him, and worked on himself a little not only would he and several people be alive, he'd likely be in a happy and healthy relationship right now. Same for the other incel crybabies around here.

I doubt it. Becoming a genuine nice guy isn't going to guarantee you a loving relationship. There's a reason incels are incels.

Nice try woman

>oh shit he implied a someone's failures might be his own fault
>he must be a woman, only women can do that

Guys like me are ten-a-penny, so why would even a semi-attractive girl want me, when she could have the pick of the guys?

Get a haircut, trendy clothes, lift some weights and get basic social skills and you're already in the top 20%.

Make yourself into what a girl wants. Life is competition and you're sitting on Jow Forums wondering why you don't have a trophy instead of going and getting one

Let me ask you something OP. Have you tried getting a gf?

Define “try”?

I’m already fairly fashionable and well built. It’s the social skills I lack. You can’t teach that.

Of course you can. What a ridiculous thing to say.

>I'm already fairly fashionable and well built

Protip: you aren't

Jesus OP, I don't know
>talk to girl
>try to set up date
Something along those lines

girls wont give you a chance to even say hi if they dont find you the least bit attractive wtf are you talking about

So you haven't tried. See, neither did Elliot. Do you seriously expect a gf to materialize out of thin air?

Yeah okay Elliot. How's about you go out and fucking try it sometime?

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Dogs have social skills. Legitimately retarded people have social skills. People in aids riddled shitholes with a life expectany of 50 years and an average IQ of 78 have social skills. You're MADE for it and you suffer because you let them rot away or were fucked over.

You could always lower your standards and date someone who looks a little worse, but that you connect with and share common interests.

>cant teach social skills
Yes you can. Plus you actually need to go out and do it. Practice practice practice. I spend most of my day practicing guitar alone, so truthfully my social skills aren't great, but I've seen them improve since high school as I've opened up more and more. At this point it's your fault for not going out and trying

The irony of shallow unattractive men becoming bitter because attractive women aren't shallow

Stop being shallow and start dating women that are on par with your own looks, or start making money to make up for your shitty personality/looks

Not OP, but I know 2 real life examples where the not attractive guys both have really good-looking gfs. And those guys aren't even Chads or anything in terms of personality since I've talked to them both and one used to be my close friend.

I’m not even that choosy...

>he thinks incels are mad because girls in their league are ugly, not because they're completely worthless leeches

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You guys just don’t know what it’s like to have invisible guy syndrome. Women have the pick of the guys. That’s why 80% of women go for 20% of men on dating sites. It’s a woman’s market.

Stop spreading incel lies. 80/20 is a r9k meme that has nothing to do with reality.

It's a men's market. We have more power and status than ever. And we can reach girls farther away than ever.

Yeah if you’re a chad. What about the rest of us mere mortals?

I'm part of the 99%. Sorry that I can't help you 1%.

I don’t know how to accept that I’ll be single forever and never find anyone special. How do you come to terms with that?

Why would you accept that?

Because I have no choice. No point deluding myself that guys like me can get the girl.

you mean if Elliot wasn't fucked in the head

Everyone else can get a girl. Are you truly in the bottom 0.01% of males?

You numb yourself to those emotions, it's what i did, accept you're not special, just a roach.

Really? Everyone else can? Then I guess I must be.

Just stop being that, dammit.
