You have been all eating cancer meat for years

Are you fine with this?
Should cancer meat be marked and sold at different price? Why are so many farm animals getting cancer in the first place?

Attached: DOwxKyXW4AAtnOj.jpg (574x680, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw ate lambs kidney raw the other day and felt fucking good
>tfw ate two racks of ribs yesterday and still standing
>tfw haven't lifted wieghts since summer and haven't for 4 weeks and still have muscle left

Feels fucking normal t b h.

pool*nd being pool*sh

They get it from all the drugs there given

Drugs and gmos give them cancer.

Grains give animals cancer. Grains are as unnatural for animals as it is for humans. That's why grass fed meat and free range chicken is so expensive.

The ebonics text meme has to stop, it's physically painful to read.

Do humans get cancer from taking drugs?

This is how all meat is. Cut out nasty bits, eat the stuff you like. Most animals have scent glands, I don't eat that shit.

>not eating grass fed animals


This is nothing new, usually it smells like shit and the meat is toughened around the abscess. They cut around it and chuck it away, do you think you will get poisoned by eating it?

Attached: beef.jpg (2591x1935, 869K)

This is more triggering than the pic, you are right user.

That's most likely not cancer. Also how does a pig get cancer in the less than a year of life? Also sounds like a pozzed website from the name. Also fake news

Attached: you_need_to_stop.jpg (500x481, 57K)

Fucking retard. Chickens eat bamboo in the wild. Bamboo is grass. Grass is grain.


thats a fucking cyst you morons
>t.butcher by trade

oh shit we fallout now

Attached: 1539551571603.jpg (960x960, 93K)


gotta love vegan propaganda

Yeah of course, nothing is thrown away in private businessmen capitalism. It doesn't surprises me at all, since industrial meat is fatty and cancerous. People eat anything, known a sausage guy who spit inside and then he sold it and they were all so happy how great it tasted. Meat eaters are stupid, for them everything is good, just needs spices.

This is why you should buy your meat from local farmers instead of wal-mart.

Its not a brain, as long as its not rotten or poisoned I can eat cancer meat like any other meat.

Wow, cutting out parts you don't want to eat, and eating the parts you do.

What a revolutionary concept, what can we call a man who does such a thing?

Perhaps, a butcher?

> Retards still believe its cancer and not just an abcess

They just wash that shit out and get on with it

Chickens prefer eating bugs and rats, fucktard, and only eat grass when they’re fucking starving. Idiot.

Not only that. Not only pigs. Beef is the same shit.
They stuff those animals and feed them cheap gmo corn.
Aside from the animals not getting their preferred food which they normally eat, they are also heavily deprived of movement.
Which results in all sorts of diseases and hormonal disbalances which by itself makes the meat unfit for consumption (milk, etc too).
High quality meat products are from free and grassfed/ natural, organic fed animals.

Cocksucker forgetting your dumbass bamboo comment. They eat grass greens more than the seeds.

Normally dogs get the meat parts thrown away. They turn all the intestines into dog food, add smell to it and dog eats it.

Nice vegan propaganda, m8

Lol sausage guy is a piece of shit

Dumb kaffirs of course will get cancer but the Muslim man knows not to eat pork as it is harem and prophet Mohammad pbuh knew of its dirtiness

What's wrong with eating other creature's cancer anyway. Not like it's contagious. I'd eat a nice soup of tumours over vegetables any day!

Go deep throat a carrot

I’m a vet and that’s not cancer Bollocks
Immunomodulatory drugs

And why should you care? If you cook it properly, every cell gets destroyed, no matter if it's cancer or not. Eating cancer won't suddenly give you cancer you stupid brainlet

this user made took a biopsy from the picture and checked it under microscope
he's also a pathologist, so he knows it's a cyst, not a tumor


It’s like that video of a cow’s udder abcess being drained and vegan spastics screeching IT AM GO IN UR MIIIIILK.

Relax faggot, i eat meat, just not the shit they sell in supermarkets.

No they should be thrown out, and not even sold - that is disgusting.

Attached: fuck all that.gif (220x220, 176K)

It’s from all the hormones and shit that the animals are loaded up with. It’s not the tumors you have to worry about, it’s whatever chemicals that caused the tumors- since when you eat the meat those chemicals are still there and depending on the chemical it may be absorbed into your body before it can be destroyed in the stomach

wow what a great source boyo

They've really been shilling anti-meat propaganda lately. I can see some global treaty on taxing red meat in the near future. Then they will find something wrong with poultry too, and finally when they tax fish everyone but the very rich will be vegans.

Why couldn't there be cancer in meat though? And what would happen if you ate it?

Its nice that they cut it out to begin with. You could make a semi-convincing argument that most types are acceptable as food.

Not defending it, but theres a case there to be made. The really sick pictures like is not the cancer itself, but is probably mucus produced by an adenocarcinoma or etc.

>Why are so many farm animals getting cancer in the first place?
Because pretty much every complex organism can get cancer? It's a consequence of being an organism composed of millions of cells - each of which can degenerate and become cancerous.

You can see cancer right here. Nigger Jew food.

Attached: battery cage chicken industry.jpg (634x356, 67K)

growth hormone, vet user
why don't you mention them?
also, why don't you explain to them the mechanism through which GH may cause cancer in animals?

Chickens are from Asia, the reason they reproduce so fast and the reason that we keep them for their eggs. Is that once every somany years bamboo shoots starts reproducing at the same time causing massive amounts of food, chickens eat bamboo so their strategy is to then reproduce very fast so there is more food for their offspring. Please go and die, so you can be food to the rats and bugs. That way you'll atleast be of some use to the world.

You get cancer by eating excessively or really just eating. When your body has enough “nutrients” the cells divide. Each time they divide the chance of a mistake increase. When you have enough food the body will support the feeding of the cancer. This is why fasting has such a big effect on cancer.

this. Tumors are just a collection of cells. OP is retarded

Most slaughter animals don’t live long enough. Cooking the meat would kill the cancer, I imagine it’d just be tough and taste disgusting. Tumours are just meat at the end of the day.

Cancer happens because you have bad genes and bad immune system. Some have both, so they get cancer more likely. Of course your immune system is going to be shit if you eat just meat.

>complaining about meat that makes it's own sauce
looks like the future to me

>don't worry, if I get cancer because of their stupid shit, I will make more meat than I ever ate before I go out.

>making the world a better place every day (:

Once you get cancer fasting does jack shit. Cancer isn't controlled by the body anymore. It managed to set itself free from the totalitarian rule of the body. We are all Nazis.

And what would happen if you ate it?

nothing, cancer is just cells that are out of control reproducing. it's nothing that can be transferred

you might be the biggest retard on Jow Forums so far today knows. I have had italian grandparents that were fat as fuck but no cancer. It comes from bad genes and mixing with retards and other undesirables like Im sure your family tree will show.

Why are these shit Europeans astroturfing this bullshit vegan garbage? Just go kys if you have the strength.

Attached: carlos.gif (378x212, 972K)

Pretty sure non human cancer proteins can't do anything to human tissue because of how the protein folds.
I know that prion diseases are caused by a protein MISfolding but I strongly doubt animal cancer can metastatize to a human

I worked at meat factory and that's literally what we did, cut out the cancer and throw it back on the line. You all have been eating cancerous shit meat, unless you killed the cow or chicken yourself the meat has been dropped in chlorine covered ground and machinery left by the cleaning crew. If you ever wondered why first worlders are getting more cancer than third world countries that's why.

Alternative medicine can't cure you of cancer, it's a scam, but maybe healthy lifestyle can prevent it. Some people think healthy means eating vegetable and fruit, not true. Eating non-sprayed vegetable and fruit is the correct answer. Chemicals in food in supermarket are in such quantities that it becomes useless eating vegetable and fruit for health benefits.

Chemical and radioactive cell damage also turns them cancerous.

a tumor is not filled with pus you retard

There's literally nothing wrong with that. Genetic codes are extremely fragile and you'll ingest no genes from eating meat. If eating cancerous meat might increase your chance of getting cancer because of the genes, then it would be true for all food derived from DNA cells including plants because cancer is a myriad of different mutations and genetic change. Same thing applies for hormones. You won't be getting any effect from hormones by digesting them through your stomach, they can't even survive the stomach without being cooked let alone after being grilled.

Also, that pic doesn't look like cancer, it looks like pus from a non malignant type of growth or infection.

In a weird, abstract way he's not outright wrong. It might not be the cleverist way of putting it, but its not wrong.

That's not strictly true. Macronutriants and such are a real thing and can affect your health. That's ignoring any kind of glandular, phage and enzyme activity that could be occurring in the tumor producing practically any kind of molecule known to organic chemistry.

I can use my spit to ferment your alcohol, would you like that? I have more good bacteria than 4 of you hues combined.

What is horizontal gene transfer?

it's not cancer, this is just a pus filled cyst which is a result of the animals getting much bigger than they are supposed to , resulting in pressure "pockets" which results in cysts/abscesses forming
the white shit is just dead white bloodcells , not nice to look at but not dangerous

they dont get cancer because theyre slaughtered within 1-2 years of being alive
cow lives for up to 22 years
fucking retard

That's retarded. First worlders get more cancer because they live long enough for cancer to kill them. Third worlders get less cancer because at some point they eat fried food all day for 5 years and have their hearts explode before they are 50, or they get into a car accident or get a dumb infection. It's literally a life expectancy difference that makes cancer more common in the first world.

vegan fake pictures are the best because they know so little about anatomy.

cancer is a statistical phenomenon, and its increase is simply because people eat more thus increasing the metabolic turnover and with that the chance of cancer occuring

even drinking water in high amounts will increase your chance to get cancer

Meatcutter user here.

Everytime we fined cancer we through the whole piece out. But that's just us tho

Attached: 20181125_165513.jpg (1536x1536, 735K)

This is the end goal. Feed the masses on grains and legumes while the eilte stay strong and healthy eating meat.

>muh gmo
dumb boomer

Too bad they only have statistics for cancer deaths and car accident deaths. Would be nice to have statistics also of how many got cancer cut out and how many lost legs in accidents. If you are in India in poverty region, you can have 2 cancers and it's not a problem unless you can't live. Not all tumor is malignant, so it's not always a problem.

>implying cancer is contagious
>implying cancer from an animal is contagious
There's no health risk there - only a risk to the quality of the meat.

Interesting info

Never ever eat processed meat, that means no...
>Anything based on pre-minced meat
>Convenience (ready) meals

This shit is not only filled with cancerous tumours and other diseased felsh, tests on samples from dutch meat market found traces of...
>Human flesh
>Rotten meat considered 'unfit for human consumption'
>Flesh of domestic animals including cats, gogs, horses
>Animal and human excrement

The meat industry is corrupt as hell, there are known cases of criminal gangs using industrial meat processing plants to dispose of their victims, animals that die from cancers and other diseases and are marked for incineration end up in mincing machines. Large food producers by their meat at auction where they bid on huge frozen blocks of 'meat', nonbody knows exactly what meat.

As already mentioned the amounts of drugs that are pumped into these animals is off the scale, hormones, antibiotics and god knows what else.

Only buy meat by the cut, on the bone if possible, from a trusted supplier, make sure it has complete traceability, you will need to pay a little more and invest a bit more time and effort, but the difference is obvious and absolutely worth it, support your local farm shop or artizan butcher, stopp feeding the monster corporations that will happily feed you and your family literal diseased shit.

Attached: west malling butchers.jpg (1200x585, 444K)
anyone else can smell that picture


that looks like bone

It doesn't stink

you don't like wasabi tartare?

>what would happen if you ate it?
Nothing. The only exception is prion disease (Mad Cow). You can't kill it with fire.

>t. retarded nigger with no idea of what cancer is

That's not homemade meat just because it's in butcher shop. Homemade meat has name of farmer on it and his address, just like homemade drinks or anything else from farmers. Meat without names are to be avoided, since you can't trace origin and the farmer has no responsibility.

Probably the most useful post in this propaganda thread.

swiss vegan boy over here thinks thats a bone lel

if its frozen maybee.
If its warm it does smell. Its rotten dead matter its the worst.

When I used to butcher longpig back in Liberia we would often find bad things in the meat and just cut it out. Too valuable to waste.

>meme flag
Dumb shill

That's my local butcher, they only sell meat from local farms, I know some of the farmers who supply them personally, I worked several summers in that shop while at school. Everything in that display comes from 3 counties.

What's wrong with GMO?

So I can claim I eat cancer for breakfast? Nice!

Cool LARP faggot

That's an abscess not cancer. There's no easy way to tell when it's internal like that unless it's huge. Trimming is perfectly safe and acceptable.

That would add about a billion times more bacteria diversity to the food and would be bad, you fucking idiot. "Yeah, you say that air guns are safe? How about I shoot you with a 12 gauge in the chest! Check mate."

Horizontal gene transfer doesn't happen through ingestion very often precisely because the stomach evolved to digest living tissues and it survives interacting with living organisms. And again, same thing I said before, you would have to answer why would it be different than eating any form of animal derived tissue that is healthy. Because genes that give cancer in a cow can be completely harmless or destroy a human cell without giving it cancer while healthy genes from a messy horizontal transfer can possibly fuck you up. So it's not like the cancer cell is drastically different from a non noncancerous cell when it comes to creating mutations through horizontal accidents.

So why would red meats be more risky than non-red meats for instance? Probably because it's related to the high amount of fat and protein is supplies to cancer cells to replicate within your body and not horizontal gene transfer.

You understand that eating something doesn't integrate it into your dna right?

This. I've accidentally eaten chicken with obvious bone cancer. It's gross but it's fine. You can't catch cancer from eating it. I'd be more concerned if the butcher was popping an abscess on the meat or something. Even then, bringing the meat up to temperature would probably mitigate it.

learned that the hard way after my 20th serving of boiled bull penis

Knew a vegetable guy who used to fuck himself with veggies everyday before before he sold them, these faggy onions boy vegans loved the "exotic" flavor, he always sold out, I wonder if more do this, maybe that's why there is always e-coli breakouts from veggies, vegans are dumb as fuck, green=healthy to them

>never eat burgers