ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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my girl is going through some rough shit right now

this seems like an obvious thing to see, but it's natural for her to be more in emotional retreat, right? especially with possible deep emotional wounds at play?
seeing as how things were hunky dory before this awfulness, and are also seeming to recover now that they're lessening, i ought to be emotionally available to her and a good boyfriend, right?

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fuck off larping faggots
women dont browse Jow Forums
post tits with timestamp or gtfo

From the last thread... don't want to lose my only two admirers.

Asking both
Why am I so afraid to text my crush and try to start a conversation? How do I avoid to come up as awkward?

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Made an ass of myself in front of this girl I'm pursuing by getting very drunk at this picnic her department was hosting that she invited me to. I am really horrible at social events, especially when a person I know knows everyone at the event, so I mixed phenibut with alcohol in an attempt to loosen up but it backfired completely. She's rightfully mad that I embarrassed her in front of her department heads and classmates and friends there.

I've done her wrong by drinking before, and we've had spats that almost always stem from my drinking. In spite of this, she hasn't abandoned me yet as she would always tell me there's good inside of me. I was told by an old friend of hers that she would have entered into a relationship with me a few months ago if I were sober. I fear this time she will abandon me, when she is the only person that makes me feel good and valued.

I wanted to talk to her, but she told me she "does not want to talk right now". This was 2 days ago. She's going to 2 graduation parties today and tomorrow, then getting her wisdom teeth removed on the 12th. I really want to talk to her to clear the air, but should I wait until after her procedure, or try to squeeze it in on the 11th? This is tearing me inside, I dont want to lose her. I now I should wait, but I really can't.

I've started attending AA meetings, set appointments for counseling and am going to do whatever it takes to get out of this rut.

You're scared of rejection. Look at it this way: if she say yes, you're golden. If she says no, you're no worse off than you are now, and you'll be proud you faced your fear. If you don't ask, you'll always have to wonder what could have been, and you will have let your fear control you. The only screnario that has a negative outcome is the one where you don't ask her out.
Also, you should do it in person if possible.

Girls, do you wash your bf's cummy underwear or do you tell him to send it to his mom?

So I need some dating advice because I decided to stop dating for several years. I met a girl on campus recently, we're both doing a master's, and she was talking to my friend who in her class. Later on I ran into her outside student housing and didn't recognize her at first, but she came and said hi, gave a proper introduction. Then we ran into each other a third time, but both of us were busy. I didn't want this to be a weird relationship where we run into each other and say hi, but don't know anything about each other. So I messaged her apologizing for being too busy to talk earlier and asking if she wanted to explore the city sometime this month. She said she has to work on her dissertation for the next week or two before her supervisor leaves the country, but should be free afterwards. It was a good conversation and we got to talking about boy bands. So what should I do from here? Wait two weeks and hit her up again cold? I might run into her outside the apartment again, or I might not. Should I try to keep a text convo going? I'm inclined to just go cold for two weeks then ask again

Ask how she's doing after the operation. And be clear to her you're taking concrete steps to change


why the fuck does my boyfriend tell all his friends about every aspect of his sex life with me including the embarrassing stuff?

for example last week i accidentally started my period during sex and it got all over his shirt. i washed it and it was fine but i was still super embarrassed.

despite that, he told all his friends that i have to see at his apartment occasionally.

i’m so embarrassed. apparently he said he tells them everything. my friends ask about my sex life, but i’ll only make a few comments about it and refrain from the embarrassing stuff about my boyfriend (like the fact that he can’t cum from sex)

i don’t feel it’s worth it to tell him to stop now, because all the super embarrassing stuff is already let out of the bag

i’m still upset he didn’t keep it between us

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Your boyfriend sounds like a bit of an ass. Is that why you like him?

so if you hint at asking a girl out and she just ignores the message and replies about something else that just means she doesnt like you at all right
or should i try one last time in person

Question for women

Do you feel it's normal to go back and rekindle old love interests? Or do you burn bridges and never look back?

Why do women share all the intricate details of their sex lives with their friends? Men everywhere have been annoyed that their girlfriend's friends know all about their dick size and that time they couldn't get it up and the how he makes noises that she thinks are weird.

You're actually in the minority for not sharing those details, and for a guy he's in the minority for sharing them. None of my friends are interested in the whole kiss and tell thing and it has been entirely limited to women in all my experience.

women do that too

what do you think about guys who spend their day shitposting/ larping?

Don't hint. Be straight up. Don't have to call it a date. Could just say you should hang out

so should i still do it in person right being more straight up

Are there places you go where you expect to get hit on or go to to get hit own? Are there places for vise versa, where you really shouldn't/don't want to get hit on at?

sex is the fucking worst.
It's stressful, filled with anxiety, the pressure is ridiculously high, and if you mess up you will never hear the end of it. I absolutely fucking hate sex with every cell in my body.

I get horny but I would rather masturbate than have sex. It doesn't matter if it's with the most beautiful girl in the world, I would just rather not. I hate it. I fucking hate it.

In person is always better

Even as a guy I don't like when people get too detailed about their sex lives... just not a respectable thing to do, shows you don't think before you speak, that you're a dumbass who is either bragging or being inappropriate... I probably wouldn't be friends with your bf depending on how much he does this.

Women, what's the correct response to "I'm fine" when you are obviously not fine?

"stupid cunt, communicate or i will dump your moody ass"

guy here,

"always here for you"
"If you need an ear!" (in a gallant manner to get them to laugh but also drop a hint that you can listen)
I made that last one a catchphrase of sorts and women always talk to me about stuff, even if they're 'fine'.

Dont you just hate it when they tell you about the "jerks" yet they dont seem to notice you as a romantic interest?

I tend to find information like that useful. Though yes it does hurt when the one you like tells you all about how depressed and lonely she is. To you. The person who likes her.

I'm no total ladykiller, but when this happens i imagine that you ought to just ask them out, gauge their reaction, and if it is negative, even if polite, move on

my crush has a user picture of a drawing of himself and a girl. it's over, right?

Believe me, I know.
>freshman year college
>ask out girl got talking to
>denied but became friends, ok, first friend here
>build friendship, support each other through our classes, get into 4 dorm unit with other friends
>think things are going well and actually getting places
>plateaus, nothing really happens for remaining years
>college ends still a kissless virgin at a school with a 1/3 male to female ratio
>missed my main chance to easily meet someone

It's given me more confidence in my capabilities but in hindsight I really did waste my time and felt used.

what anime is she from?

they're cartoon portraits made by the girl in question

She sounds needy. It's not over. Keep an eye on the situation

I find a perceived lack of innocence to be strongly off-putting.
Am I screwed?

Boy what gender is you

m8 what do you think I am

I think you're a faggot but that's neither here nor there...

How good a friends do I have to be with a girl before I can ask her to be a model in a random idea I had for a photoshoot?

>not a pro
>just for funsies
>not going to be paying anyone

I am a 26 year old dude.

In that case I think maybe you are screwed, but not wrong.

Should I get circ'd for my jewfu?

Would you lovingly rape your man in the ass with a dildo?

What kind of careers do girls like?
I’m a 22 year old bartender and need to change and do something better.
I was thinking of becoming a carpenter, but I’m worried that girls will think I’m stupid or something. Most of the ones I like are going to or graduated uni.
I could go to uni but I don’t know what I’d even do.

I generally like 'professional' careers since I'm in one myself, but if a guy can make himself a solid career doing a trade or something, that's fine too. I'd just worry about the toll physical labour would take on your body.

Ladies, do you like it when the guy tosses you around in bed during sex? I.E. if I lifted you up and pulled you towards me or used my strength to flip you over? I realize this is a personal preference so I'm just looking for anecdotal evidence.

If you're smart then you'll be a carpenter for all of 2 minutes before someone gets you into proper building and then the only limit is your own imagination. A good builder is worth their weight in gold and women love gold.

Is this your first time going to AA or will it just be another "try"

I love love love the feeling of absoluteness helplessness as my man tosses me around like a ragdoll and overpowers me; pinning me on the bed. And he goes completely feral when I whisper in his ear "I'm yours" or "i'm going to come".

This is why I lift

The best sex I've had was like that, yes please

Is this something he has to work up to or ask about, or is it ok to just go straight to it with a new partner?

Is it normal to feel weird once you’re in a relationship?
I’m in a relationship for the very first time and I feel awkward that another person is showing me this much love (besides parents).
I have social anxiety so that probably plays a big part of it.

I am literally so attractive I habe made multiple women do double takes and I workout 6 days a week, but trying to get a gf or anything close feels like a recipe for utter misery. What am I supposed to do?

First time. I never thought I had a problem, always described myself as "being on the cusp of a problem, but I could manage it" because I was *only* getting drunk twice a week. Was sober for the first 3 months of this year, but relapsed because I thought I had it under control

She's always supported my self-betterment efforts in the past and constantly tried to tell me that my life was worth it and that i was a great person, but I fear I've done this one too many times and her patience has worn out and she'll cut me loose now.

Help me Jow Forums. There's a girl I am 100% sure I know she likes me. Like, after dates she texts me to say she had a great time, she's willing to drive 45 minutes to meet close to me. She laughs at my *really* stupid jokes. She has reciprocated physical affection including hand holding and side-hugging. She asks me when we're having our next date usually. I like her too, so that's a plus.

It's been 2 dates and I know a lot of people kiss on their first, I have a strong aversion to physical contact though, like I rarely hug family straight on bear hug. How do I get over my inhibitions to give her what she probably expects?

I can say it's probably forgivable because she is a small town girl who is fervently Christian (works at her church, goes on church trips) who I know is shy so she maybe isn't as eager to get to it as most people. But I know I can't beat around the bush forever.

What are your beta orbiters like?

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>I am literally so attractive I habe made multiple women do double takes and I workout 6 days a week, but trying to get a gf or anything close feels like a recipe for utter misery. What am I supposed to do?

You need to learn how to talk to girls too. Being attractive is great, especially if you just want no strings sex, but to build up a meaningful relationship you need to actually talk to girls.

Where do one go to find and pick up introvert girls?

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OkCupid got me one but I will warn you ahead of time that it is not a good environment for men to get women. In fact I was in the process of quitting and giving up on the site.

Even for a fairly decent guy on OkCupid it will take you about 50 messages to get a reply. This isn't anecdotal, it was published on their blog. These girls have a daily barrage of messages so you simply will not stand out with a "hey" and an average profile. The sad truth is that most shy girls are at least moderately overweight and are about as socially autistic as you are, spending most of their day indoors or at work. I've dated a several introvert girls who when questioned will admit to doing nothing with their time but going to work at their sales job. No hobbies besides the latest Marvel flicks. Basically if you're imagining an anime or something where introvert girls are horny virgins who are just desperate for someone to bring them out of their shell even though they're hanging out in cafes, libraries, and bookstores already... you'll be disappointed.

Alternatively, my friend met his introvert GF through WoW.

Graduated 2 years ago. Find it difficult to meet people. Its just work -> gym -> home schedule for me. Single girls where do you hang out? I'm not a bar type of guy and the hobbies I have don't really have alot of girls in them.

>I was thinking of becoming a carpenter, but I’m worried that girls will think I’m stupid or something.
My father is in carpentry and the dude snaps and pops every time he moves. I'd really suggest you consider a different trade.

>These girls have a daily barrage of messages so you simply will not stand out with a "hey" and an average profile.
They've also done some weird bullshit with their website, so now you have to both mutually like each other before you can message them as I understand.

>talking to this girl
>tells me she has been molested previously in an adolescent relationship so she doesn't feel comfortable with physical contact unless she initiates
Is there a possible way to ease her into it? I like her a lot and I don't even care about getting sexual. I just want to hug her and cuddle her. I don't want to give her up
I want to prove her wrong

How do I spot a MGTOW? I'm starting to feel the man I've been hitting on might be one.

Make it super casual, be gay, get her lots of things she likes (beer, smoke etc) to sway her.

My gay friend got a girl to do a fake sex scene for a video project.

While that's true, if you like someone it puts your message paired with your profile and in their discovery queue "doubletake" so it's not totally pointless

>(like the fact that he can’t cum from sex)
Well clearly that says more about you than him.

You cannot be MGTOW for an extended period. If he likes you, the MGTOW shell will fall apart as soon as you show interest in him.

BTW, is this behaviour towards you why you like him ?

How about you just let her do it her way and eventually she will be comfortable with you? Trying to "convince" someone they're wrong when they've got this kind of aversion is super not cool.

My gf wants me to be rough with her. During sex she keeps saying stuff like "fuck me like you own me" (which is a little weird given her stance on varous social issues). At times she has even insisted I punch her, strangle her, dominate her etc -essentially sexually assaulting her but with consent. How do we safely engage in rough play?

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Use safe words. and kinks often has nothing to do with their stance on social issues.

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Every relationship ever would be 200% improved with a general safe word, not just a sex one. Why it's not more common I'll never know.

why are liberals so weird

Best way is to google how to safely do all that, there are a lot of tips or videos about it. With choking you never actually press on the windpipe, just put pressure on the sides of the throat.

Most importantly have a safe word and insist that she use it if anything is too much (same goes for you, use the safe word if you ever get uncomfortable).

>If he likes you, the MGTOW shell will fall apart as soon as you show interest in him.
I want to believe, but ever since I made it clear that I like him his behaviour was nothing short of odd. He's not disrespectful towards me (we've known each other for years and he's a sworn leftie), but he told me he "doesn't believe in love" or that women and men can be friends. When I tried to initiate physical contact (eg. hugs, cheek kiss, touching his hair) he would freeze completely and not hug/kiss etc back. I'd like to assume the guy is just completely not into me and move on, but he loves to bring me gifts, pays for meals whenever we're together (even though I don't ask to) and even cancelled his plan to go to a con he was really looking forward to just to spend more time with me. We still text almost everyday and he made me a cute birthday card last month when it was my B-day. I seriously have no idea wtf is going through his head right now.

>BTW, is this behaviour towards you why you like him ?
We're pretty much twins when it comes to interests, tastes etc. I had a crush on him for about as long as I know him but only recentely started hitting on him, that's when the problems started.

I guess I'm just looking at it the wrong way, like I have to ask for her permission every time I want to put my arm around her or hokd her hand

I would probably stay away from girls like this. Normal girls don't ask you to punch them wtf. Probably a sociopath - AVOID

This is one of those things that you just have to bite the bullet. The only way to move forward is with will power. I'd recommend not trying too hard to set some kind of scene for the kiss because then you're just putting yourself under more pressure. Just pick a nice quiet moment and look at her lips, this is pretty much a universal sign and if you've caught her doing it to you then you've already got a green light.

It's like ripping off a bandaid. After it's over you won't be able to figure out why you were so nervous.

Do not engage in rough sex unless you know what you're doing. You can experiment by being a little bit more aggressive each time but don't rush into it. One of you will end up hurting the other.

If I were him I would have already tried to escalate. He's probably not into you :/ At the same time it is strange that he doesn't believe in man/woman friendship given your relation.

Yeah, with so many mixed signals I fear I fell into some MGTOW trap where he brags on Jow ForumsTheRedPill how he manipulated and broke the heart of a girl that wanted to jump on his alpha male dick.

Eugh, feels fucking bad, especially since it's the first time I actually tried to go for a relationship with someone. Going to give him some benefit of doubt and not cut contact completely, but I'll keep him at arms lenght for the time being.

He might just be a sperg. I've done similar just by being a fucking sperg.

Agree with dude below could just b nervous
Also how much do you weigh, could that be his problem?

So i work with a Girl, we became good friends, i like her actually i like her alot we have good chemistry, i make a move she rejects me, we still remain friends albeit i take some distant, she meets Another guy, it goes to shit, she says shes missed being around me, she also asks alot of times if i miss her, or just says wow you really miss being around me (practical only meet when we work, a few Times outside of work) she comes in to work one day about to start her shift, i ask her if she wants anything because shes standing by the register, she says "you" i ask her what she means with this and why she keeps asking if i miss her, she says its just a joke

Also shes gotten alot more touchy with me, she will literally stand and hug me at work, constantly leans against me etc

Here is the kicker, a new girl start at work, i promptly make a move get her number etc, but i aint really feeling it, not at the same level as the other girl, yesterday me and girl A both start work at the same time, she Contacts me and asks if if i want to meet up before work, i agree we take a walk into town wich takes about 2 hours, shes still very touchy puts her arm around me, pulls my chain a bit, ask me what i think about her, and if i could handle her, after a while i tell her im going out with the new girl, she get shocked and laughs and asks me a bunch of questions, when ever she finds some fault with the other girl she say "what a retard" "shes really stupid" in a very jealous sounding way, i point this out and she just smirks and looks like i caught her redhanded, she then proceeds to help me out with this girl, very masterfully i must say, she basically got the girl to agree to sleep with me

Anyways im getting so many mixed messages from girl A wich is a pain because i dig her alot, idk what the fuck to do, im not very good with women honestly, shes already rejected me a few times, but she still acts like she wants me

You were her backup, when her other guy fell through she came after you.
You could drop new one for her but you would only ever be plan B.

Well, he did tell me he's a sperg, but I brushed it off since so many people love to self diagnose mental issues nowadays

I could understand if we just got to know each other, but we've been friends (although he apperentely doesn't believe it??) for more than 5 years! Why would you be this nervous around someone you know very well? It just doesn't add up.

I'm a sticc 24 y.o. girl (5'8', 116 lbs), he's actually the one trying to lose weight right now.

Yeah, he's probably just a sperg. I've went on dates with a girl for weeks before even mustering up the courage to talk about kissing her. Some of us are just socially and romantically retarded.

Express explicit interest in kissing him and then if he doesn't run away, kiss him. He will thank you for the rest of his life.

Yeah thats what i was thinking, thing is tho, she is smashing another guy on the side, she cut contact with him when she got tries to get serious with the other guy, and now shes back with the guy aptly named manwhore, although this is only sex nothing els, she is very sexual, thats one of the reasons the other guy dumped her because she was to hard to handle sexually and shes a very and i hate saying this, strong woman but its true

Honestly idgaf if i am plan b we have good chemistry, and alot of fun, shes also one of the most honest people i have ever meet

Possible he means he doesn't believe men and women can be just friends without one catching feels? (As in his feels for you?)
He could certainly be nervous around someone he knows well if he likes them and inexperienced.

Sounds like your mind is made up then.
Poor new grill getting smash and dashed

Is it a good idea to smash the new girl? I mean i work with her and if i just smash her and then go after the first girl... idk feels like a dick move

I thought you did already when you said A convinced her to sleep with you?
I probably misread, I'm critically low on sleep.
If you haven't already, then do not smash new grill because your heart seems set on A (who I happen to think will leave you for the first upgrade that comes along

What do when I took a girl home last night (my first time ever) but we didn't have sex? Escalated several times, at one point ready to fuck but I go soft... After that try escalating a few more times, she seems to like it but says she's having problems having sex or something. Tbh she wasn't that good in making out or getting sexual, don't think she is very experienced, but she was genuinely cute and seemed to like me a lot. We talked, flirted, napped, made out, cuddled the entire morning in my bed which I really enjoyed (and missed since my last breakup) too.

In the end though I needed to go out and do stuff, she seemed kind of cold towards me ever since we got out of bed. Kind of mixed about all this. Should I call/text her sometime to hang out or is this one a lost cause?

Well she practically agreed to go home with me at 3 in the morning, but she hade plans in the morning she said we should meet up tonight

>will leave you for the first upgrade that comes along

Well shes a pretty loyal person as far as i can tell, but i still think you may be right, is it bad that I dont care?

Any tips on how to approach girl A to make something out of it, I mean shes already rejected me, should I call her out on all the mixed messages ask her what shes really about

>Express explicit interest in kissing him and then if he doesn't run away, kiss him. He will thank you for the rest of his life.
He didn't reciprocate the last time I tried to. He actually seemed to be very nervous about the whole thing which made me feel kind of bad that I did it. And it was a quick kiss on a cheek, not lips, so hardly anything hardcore.

>Possible he means he doesn't believe men and women can be just friends without one catching feels? (As in his feels for you?)
I don't know user... as I'm seeing it right now, the situation is that I have feelings for him AND consider him a friend, while he seems to neither think of me as a friend out of some weird sexist principle (but keeps texting/hanging around because... reasons?) nor reciprocate my feelings. Usually when I see people say that men and women can't be friends it's either one or another (eg. girl considers guy a friend, but has no feelings for him and the other way around).

I admit I'm a bit salty about the whole thing. Right now I have a strong urge to download Tinder and revengefuck the first 3 half decent looking guys just for the heck of it, but deep down I know I'm going to regret this. I think I need to calm down...

What did you do last time? I'm going to go out on a limb that you dove in for a kiss on the cheek without warning.

Hey lads, im catching oneitis disease for this girl that takes math and physics with me. And I think she might be into me,please tell me what you think.
I posted a few days ago on the last AOGA thread that I she had texted me for help with her physics homework and I offered to drop by her place to help her.
It all went all right, I didnt go by her place but she kept texting me.
Most of her texts where voicenotes and in spanish so I cant post them here but my friends unanimously said they were really flirty and that she sounded interested. They seemed a little too friendly.
I keep getting mixed feelings on wether or not this girl is out of my league (shes very, very pretty) but there are some good reasons for her to be into me.
Firstly, im first in the class in all the courses were taking together, this might help.
Secondly, im a good-looking dude. Im not model tier or anything, but im well built from 1 1/2 years of lifting, 180cm tall and blonde with a good jaw, good eyebrows, eyes, and very good facial simetry, although my nose is shit.
And lastly, Im introverted but charming when interacting with people around me, Im a big autist but I try to be nice and helpful to those around me. Im also naturally confident.
I can post pics for rate if need be.
Would you be into a guy like me? Keep in mind oneitis is a huge stacey.
If so, how would I ask her out? I want to ask her out this week, whats a good way to do so?.
Weve know we exist for about 2 months but just started talking to her and such about a week before I broke off with my ex, so shes been my "friend" for about 3 weeks at most.
I dont wanna be too sudden and scare her away or too slow and see her get scooped up by some other dude.
Please tell if anything is unclear.

you're overthinking this way too much. Just what are you afraid of? You like her, she seems to like you, just ask her out. Talk to her, say some funny stuff, offer to get coffee/a drink this week. Not that hard man