Redpilling Christcucks on Race

How do we redpill christcucks on race so that we can stop retards like pic related posting cuck shit and claiming they are "right wing"?

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Convert to old european pre-Christian religions. Murder all Christians pagan style. They cuckstians don’t need to argued with. They just need to be told what to do and like the good cucks they are they will do it.

Trying to redpill christcucks is pointless since they believe they'll eventually go to heaven and this earth is just a temporary testing ground.
So they'll gladly marry their daughters off to nigger scum if it means they themselves can go to heaven when they die. Turn the other cheek and whatnot.

Bump. Red pilling these faggots is easy. Use a super normie tier academic source to show there is a difference in races and that those differences, when brought together causes huge problems in both mixed race kids and diversity. I'll dump my pics but all are from Harvard with the study links in the pics.

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I don't think that's possible. Just look at a place like Texas and how they don't care about wetbacks as long as they're christian.

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I used to be a race worshipper, then I realized that it's retarded and converted to Catholicism. Quit being such a faggot and start believing in something beyond the temporal world.

>t.modern christcuckianity in a nutshell.

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Pagans worship crossdressers.

You think that will override the programming from their pastor or whoever else? It's the same as thinking you'll redpill gender studies alumni if you dump memes on them.

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Do not attempt it. Just leave them behind and hopefully they realize the future of the white race matters more than some semetic deity's opinion of them.
I've been trying for the past month, and I haven't had any progress. The semetic bug lies deep in their mind, and to remove it is akin to killing them. It would help if we had a cohesive religious alternative for them. They quite evidently need comfort beyond material race.

Hey schlomo. Go shit somewhere else

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Jow Forums is currently in shill only mode, something big going on.

all comments are being manually checked before being shown, ROPE FOR YOU MODS SOON, WE WIN :)

That's Common Filth, btw.

Redpill me, wignat.

>murder all Christian religions pagan style

>pagan style

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It's hopeless goyim, don't do anything. Just curl into a ball and die

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You LARPing atheist faggots sure love listening to yourselves talk. I hate niggers more than you retards. The way you're describing it is a multi faith problem, including agnosticism and atheism. This equality nonsense is everywhere. Oh yeah, and the Christians (catholics) put every one of your faggoty pagan religions in its place because Christ commands you convert or die the eternal death. Why do you think so many catholics are ok with an ethno state? Quit LARPing and go to church retards


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Good luck with that.

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> typical black behavior

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Calling me a cuck will get your ass kicked, heathen faggot
If you arent Christian then fuck off and die, youre no better than a democrat

Ypu need to know your place just as much as the niggers, gaylord

These idiots don't know that the Church advocated for ethnic separation as a way to stop conflict. They dont know that Aquinas said that the things most important after the Church and Family was the Nation. They dont know that the Church advocated against interracial marriages until recently when the modernists, who the Church had been fighting since their origin, won over the culture war. These people are literally retarded.

Itt: jews

>Christians cant be race aware
Enjoy being divided faggots.

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He was an pro-Christian atheist.

I didn't say the situation is hopeless, but that some people are hopeless. Eugenics.

The only Jews here are those that deny Christ desu.

that's a load of shit. He was devoutly Christian like every good American was back then.

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It works so well last time, charlemagne did nothing wrong.

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I'm not completely sold on the hopelessness. I was a full on Bernie bro before trump was elected. I stumbled upon FBIanon and went down the rabbit hole from there. Now I'm full 1488, gas the kikes race war now. We have to try, what choice do we have?

Reminder, the Jews are our nemesis. However, whites vastly outnumber them 760 million to a few million.

Dumping diversity memes

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he wasn't a devout Christian, though he is what we'd consider culturally Christian.

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It's quite simple: anyone with half a brain will be able to understand things for himself. This thread is an example of why it's largely a waste of time trying to talk with them. Unlike their semitic trash, paganism doesn't need any and everyone around, because that brings weakness with it. This is just another layer of natural selection.

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If the christcucks could put race before religion, I'd have no problem with them. The problem arises when they kill in the name of the church, which is a fundamentally corrupted institution. The bible gives no instructions for forming and ethnostate, especially the NT. With that being said, there is hope for some, especially those who don't take the religion seriously. I personally care more about race than what happens when I die. If Yahweh wants to fuck me in the ass or whatever Hell consists of, go for it. So long as the white race lives another generation, I will have done my duty. I would, with little hesitation, gas every kike, nigger, spic, and non-whites in the world if given the option, including the Christian ones. I hope I get that opportunity but I'm also realistic.

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He was agnostic. But why would he be ok with Christians if he didnt think Christians could be racially aware?

This franco was heavily supported by the church.
Anyway most pushing this divide and conquer shit are atheist shill. South africa, rodesia, and the south of united state which supported apartheid were heavily christian.

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The fuck is that supposed to prove? That means non-Jew

I like that pic. It was very eye opening and pushed me and my family toward paganism.

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Race means nothing. Ethnos and religion means something, but race is just a categorization, like hair color.

Because you don't represent the right wing, Christians do. This is America.

Which pantheon do you believe in?

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>It wasn't rape it was just a blowie!
christcucks are too far gone tbqh. they should all be rounded up and executed

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Ze JIDF jüden is a weak circlejërk of kike faggots.

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There is no paganism .

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Time to hang the jüden all over again

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if you listen to burger this is jewish pupet.

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I went to school with one of those girls. She was actually really nice to me where most others where not. I liked her a lot. All she posts about on facebook nowadays is stuff insinuating White people are bad or negative in some way which pisses me off. Remember what you are girl and the country you live in, the people you should be grateful towards the white ancestors who where toiling away to carve out a society that you can generations later take advantage of whilst at the same time also shit on. What have your black ancestors done that you reap in this age?

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Yes goyim, that's the mindset.

I remember watching a YouTube video of a pastor preaching some slight nigger hate (ain’t no interracial couples getting married in muh church type shit) but the majority of mainstream Christians are cucks. Left wing Christians tend to dominate the conversation.

The possibility of these people to be christian is hight you know, most no degenerate white are.

Shut up fag
The slave is our brother, "race realism" has been disproved since the 1800s yet you still bring up the same flawed studies everytime

>The bible gives no instructions for forming and ethnostate
It gives the instructions to build all civilisation in it's scripture governing sexuality, relationships, marriage and personal morality.

>If the christcucks could put race before religion, I'd have no problem with them
Why don't you give me a religion which more explicitly white nations have been founded under than Christianity in the last thousand years ?

>b-b-ut muh mixed babies

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Neo-paganism is just a loose understanding of the old religions made up by late 19th century academics who were making guesses based on folk tales and random artifacts. Your "religion" is newer than Mormonism.

Bullshit you make up yourself is still bullshit even when you call it paganism

You haven't convinced me. I thought you guys could redpill Christians?

This. A lot of kabbalism in there too while running around kvetching about a muh christkikes

God jews are unbelievably disgusting

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The old testament had some of it's values overturned by Jesus(E.g. women wearing jeans and touching pig skin,not gay though, faggots are still hated by the Lord)do not use the word of GOD almighty to push your politics thank you.

You are right, sorry for thinking otherwise. I am a very bad goy.

These people on one hand say that race mixing is not actually happening, but in the other use it as an argument against Christianity (because apparently it's so abundant).

You christians always argue in bad faith, much like a jew, when it comes to defending your cuckery

Nope, doesn't work. Marxism is a morality of the times, effectively a religion that's why it's so hard to reverse & its the same with Christians. There's no fixing them by redpilling, they're effectively women in that they'll only change their view if it becomes socially okay among their group to be race realists. Western Christianity has been totally converged & will fight against us tooth & nail till the bitter end, based Christians are a tiny minority. There's more Mexican & Black Christians than whites now than whites, Christianity has left whites behind in the West unfortunately.

>It gives the instructions to build all civilisation in it's scripture governing sexuality, relationships, marriage and personal morality.
That's good and all but where are the instructions to keep niggers from ruining it all?
>Why don't you give me a religion which more explicitly white nations have been founded under than Christianity in the last thousand years ?
And how many have since started to turn non-White all with the Church's blessing?

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Not Jews.Only the Pharisees(Ultra-Orthodox)
It's worth remembering that they are the chosen people, even if they have gone astray.Hate the sin, love the sinner.

>I am a very bad goy.
>I am a goy.
I highly doubt that.

Like what?

Race realism has been disproven since the 1800s, repent now and you can still be saved.

kek at phonepost + computer posting single kike shilling. there are TWO memeflags in the pic you gave us. Here is one where an actual user points out the jew.

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>be me
>femcel virgin israelfag
>somehow get pregnant
>birth and raise the prophet Jesus
>he dies for your sins
>centuries later
>”CHriStcUcks simply cannot compete with my outstanding, Mountain Dew fuelled ATHEISM”
>bunch of NEETs circlejerk Richard Dawkins

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I do not see a lot of example, most christian vote against immigration.
In contrary the rate of browning and the rate of atheism growing in the population seem to be linked. The same could be say for race mixing.


Ephesians 2:14
14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,
John 13:16
16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.

Repent now for your sins and you will be saved.

Disgusting animal

>It's a fedora fags pretend to be redpilled episode

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You are like the misguided children of Israel, I weep for you and your flawed beliefs.

I'm not Catholic so fuck off with that. The church has fallen, it's been corrupted and infiltrated. But the teachings of Christianity are at the core of every western civilisations' success, in particular the laws governing marriage, sexuality and relationships. How many non white immigrants have flooded into America over the last fifty years? Over 100 million? Does that mean the country wasn't founded as explicitly white? Does that mean the ideals of their white nationalism were at fault, or does it mean their intention and institutions were subverted?

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This is how you redpill the normies guys. Esoteric Pagan Fascism when?

Funny how atheists seem to vote along with Jews.

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