Black people are stup-

black people are stup-

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We wuz scientists n shiet

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Good for him. Looking forward to his contributions to be published and brought to market

Cool story how many Jews were behind him?

Bell curve. Regression to the mean.
Niggers are still undesirable.

Good, if true.
Still won't make me like the average negro.

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Who names their child Keven?

Quite an anomaly, considering his parents didn't know how to spell Kevin.

This has the opposite effect by being so outrageously exaggerated as to invalidate the modest impressiveness of it
No he's a lab tech working in a team who made some minor advance, good for them, when you go full WE it just sounds like typical black people boasting

why isn't he looking for a cure for AIDS instead

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>Nigger creating a cure for cancer
Yeah I won't hold my breath for that one.
>Implying a cure for cancer will ever be released
Not gonna happen chief, too many shekels to be made from treatment rather than cure.

An uncle Tom clinging to ancestry out of shame of how he got to where he is

Looking forward to this story not bearing any fruit in the future, as its most likely bullshit.

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He was the Seventh illegitimate child of his mom, K?

If this nigga finds the cure to cancer, Big "W" to the blacks.

Let me guess he is doing the grunt work, labeling test tubes, making agar that kind of shit. But he is involved in the process so they can also put his name on the results. That way they can claim to be diverse and give aclaim to the nig.

this 100%, you never hear of those "9 year old smarter than Einstein"s and "nigger discovers theory for cold fusion"s ever again.

Basically this. As long as you are participating in the research group you're gonna get credit if something comes out of it.

Cool cancer cure, Keven. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.

Asian people are sho-......
Anyone can play this game user stop using an outlier to describe the trend.

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>black people are stup-
niggers are not even humans
ftfy senpai

Guess who's NOT finding a cure for cancer.
That's right....THIS guy....

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>on the verge of
my sides

Don't hold your breath.
This particular fairy-tale is several years old.
Pretty sure it was a lie.

The cure for cancer is high doses (20-50kmg) vitamin C, ask any red pilled doctor. Look up animals that don't make their own vitamin C and cross reference with animals with high prevalence for cancer.

The fact that he’s black makes it newsworthy. If he were white, it would just be some guy’s job.

How can there be a cure for JUST colon cancer?
Cancer is cancer no matter where it's located.

>this 100%, you never hear of those "9 year old smarter than Einstein"s and "nigger discovers theory for cold fusion"s ever again.
The main intent of these stories concocted by Jews is to humiliate and demoralize any sense of pride a White man has in mid-life at knowing and advancing his work.

>not nigerian name
Stopped reading

>implying cancer will ever be cured
imagine being this naive

>one black person doing a job means all blacks are suddenly geniuses

Fuck off. Sage

How are twitter screenshots relevant? Just link to an article

I believe this.
Seriously though, there’s bound to be one smart one ... right?


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BASED black men outdoing the white man in the field of science, amirite MIGApede?

Self promoting undergrad TEDx hypester and (((motivational speaker))).

They invented watermelonium op

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Did he discover liquid watermelon yet?

let them all die

Where’s the data? Are his findings available for peer review?

>Hood above the point where contaminants can enter
How much you wanna bet he just happened to be in the room when an asian or jewish student figured this out.

Good lord, my erection

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There's a speech on TedX, but it's goofy as hell

just stop

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Look at their eyes. Not a single one of them is expressing joy. It is all screams of terror. There is a grown man trapped inside those manchildren, crying out for help every time they do something like this. The sub-conscious adult sees it's chance to call for help, and always changes the eyes from joy or terror. Look at every one of these pictures. These men need help.

So sad... If you change the camera angle, every shot would be pic related. These "men" are not happy.

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There's very few articles by websites not named "diversity" or "blavity", but medicaldaily has an article on him, in high school: "In his experiment, Stonewall studied the effects of cancer-treating drugs on older and younger mice. He injected the drug mixxantrone into the mice, followed by an injection of aggressive colon cancer cells. Three days later, Stonewall had some great results. He noticed that the tumors in the younger mice were gone and showed immunity to colon cancer. The older mice still showed signs of cancer. Stonewall was happy with his results, but still wanted to find a new drug that cured the older mice from the colon cancer."

You need a soul to express joy.

>What is a distribution?
>Muh glass ceiling
>Muh niggers on top whitey btfo
>1 post by this ID
>3 hours and 37 minutes ago
You know what to do

He found a cure for coal burners though.

I bet his lab is in Wakanda.

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>doesn't even cover his hair

LMAO is anyone taking this Fake trash seriously?

I dunno, his application of the Charger Technique was quite effective in the removal of a particularly large tumorous growth.

The GhanaSat-1 is actually pretty cool

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>on the verge

Mfw nothing comes of this bullshit article

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no that would be raycis

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Doesn't hold a candle to India's SCAT-Sat.

My sides have illegally immigrated to kekoslovakia

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This could be fun.

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This is racism. Hey do they not realize this?

Cancer cure nr.1043482, always on the verge.


A negger

Hopefully they find a cure for colon pain... CAUSE DAT NIGGA GUNNA GIT FUKKKKKKKKKKED IN DE ASSSSSA.

>If only you knew how bad things really are

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a. thats a piss weak costume
b. this is from like 4 years ago
c. how many whites have been on the verge for a cure for cancer? what makes this nig any different?

Didn't the japs already cure cancer?

So, grams.

I got rid of my mouth cancer in 2 weeks.

All I did was eat habaneros and ghost chiles. The capsaicin fixes fucking everything in you.

When you eat a hot pepper your nose runs... that mucousy shit is called "fibrin" which is the same shut that surrounds cancer cells preventing your immune system from curing the cancer.

It also melts the shit around cancer tells and tumors in your body.

I don't know where the link is anymore and it pissed me off but..... one of the popes born in Italy in the 1880's who died somewhere around the 1960's was dying of cancer when he was 10 years old. And one night he gorged himself on hot peppers. The next day he was 100% fine. He instinctively knew like a dog that eats grass for the nitrilisides that the peppers would help.

If you also YouTube habaneros cancer the top video will be a video of the guy who engineers the Carolina reaper. The guy you will be able to see has bad genetics and he says how he has bad 8 tumors removed from his body in the past.... and since he started eating 1 Carolina reaper per day he has had no reoccurrences of tumors.

this looks so fake.

It's funny that these few black "scientists" are paraded around like they've accomplished something great. It is similar to how humans praise the small minority of animals that show some intelligence. The fact remains that for every black "scientist" there are thousands more White and Asian scientists who have actually accomplished something.