4chang was ((offline)) for like an hour here

4chang was ((offline)) for like an hour here

i wondered what triggered the blackout again

Attached: negg.jpg (825x464, 298K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Likely a new happening in Strasbourg.

Wow Jow Forums got triggered because of a blackout. What a snowflake

/out/ here
4channel was down at the same time so it's probably just gook moot fucking with the servers

Maintenance you fucking newfag schizo fuck. Stop looking for happenings that aren't there.

Prob this.

same here. I just kept getting error. What did you get?

Israelis are losing it. You IDF faggots are all gonna die.

Failed to post , error connecting to servers
one can hope it's something juicy , that's what this board is all about after all,juicy scoops

why shut down 4channel over France?
those poor papercrafters didn't do anything

get ready to die

The Walking Dead sucks ass

Tekken is trash

both Jow Forums and 4channel on the same fucking servers

Why does there have to be a conspiracy for every time any website's servers go down?

It WAS a Jewish conspiracy. I was using the site before it locked up and it was laggy as shit with advertising. The Jew is Hiroshimoot and we've all been kiked

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>what triggered the blackout again

Attached: cloudfail.png (250x150, 10K)

I posted gookmoots jellybean again. Jannies cant catch me!

Attached: 1544567943312m.jpg (648x1024, 124K)

the leaf government shutitdown after someone posted 20 pics from in-store. looks like canada is collapse

I thought because I posted MBS in her new hijab I got banned again.

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Im still waiting for the james alefantis twitter slip to be posted again. Dude threatened a guy and his family. Wonder why I havent see a repost.

2 days in a row? No

on /tv/? lmfao that pic was real?

janny finna dabbed on

there was another later with like 50 replies

Attached: DuFyuxWUcAEVYRk.jpg (575x1024, 54K)

here you go fren

This Kushner shill posts on here 24/7. Unbelievable

Humm, anyone consider this is a Psyops operation. You have to had notice the mod ran post. SJW, blackpill, Communist, anti America, anti-trump, anti-white, anti-family bullshit posted over and over again. The heavy handed Mods on true user post. (Many user left).

Now the freezing, an annoyance to chase more anons away. Jow Forums has been spoken about several times on MSM, the raids, the memes, the political activism. Redpilling the masses, punching CNN in the nose. (they) understand the power of community chan's now, and (they) want it.

Normies have heard of Jow Forums as well and are being directed to it now, after the Jow Forums(nel) change. A week ago, some normies were having a discussion and me (being the ass I am) bombed them with memes. The memes were relevant to conversation, they didn't know what memes were, referred to them as "pictures".

This is more than shills, the posts have a psychological and sociological theme, real time and money is being spent. This is an act of war, an attempt mind fuck chan boards the way MSM, has become. They want to mainstream the chan boards and keep the "magic" but for devious reasons.

sounds about right

>You IDF faggots are all gonna die.
That's true, but this site does have a long history of fuckups. I'd only be concerned if a fuckup happened during a happening.

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Thanks frens. Will post myself later. Right now im phonepisting and ending my nursery degree thesis.
But im spamming this shit. This fucker needs to go down. Will bake a proper thread.

Someone posted this.

Attached: 1544709680543.png (805x1174, 487K)

Directing normies here is a mistake. I keep getting a connection error when I try to attach a picture, but exposure to high dosage redpills will twist any normies who stick around long enough into bunch of shitposting, holohoax denying, race realists.

>Right now im phonepisting and ending my nursery degree thesis
Cringe. You should just hide your flag, you're making us look bad.