Trump is next

Jow Forums said Jews don't get arrested, what happened? Drump is out of lackeys soon and they are coming for him.
>inb4 fake news, shareblue, "anyday now", and all the other buzzwords used by /ptg/ and drumpfters.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>By all accounts, Mr Trump's larger business empire is getting similar scrutiny. His long-time accountant is co-operating with investigators.
>There's no telling where Mr Mueller's Russia investigation will end up, but one thing is clear - it's not the only shark circling the White House.
Tick tock.

We attack tomorrow

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fuck off shill

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. Also, saged.


Trumps biggest mistake was trusting a slimey jew lawyer

Trump married his daughter off to a Jew.
Trumps doctor is a jew, so is his accountant. Trump loves Jews, you dumb /ptg/ brainlet.

Thread theme:


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I didn't say those weren't mistakes either

And his treasury secretary... you know, the guy overseeing the FED

>implying trump doesn't believe it's the best possible decision he could have made

>Drump is out of lackeys soon and they are coming for him.
How upset will you be when nothing happens?

wienstien will never see another day in jail. moonves. whay are all the metoo kikes

>The best thing to do, is to hand your daughter to a jew.

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But Trump is such a smart guy!

So this makes how many of his close associates felons now?

His associates which are claiming that they were so loyal that they did/hid illegal for Trump.


Five. Not that much considering the fbi has been going hard for at least 2 years trying to pull convictions out of their asses. Obama has way more associates who are felons

How many senior Obama officials did prison time... And how many from just the first 2 years?

We know he recorded conversations with Trump.

Question is how much legit dirt does he have on hin?

He's pulling shit out of his ass.

No doubt there is enough shit on trump to get him impeached or locked up, the real question is whether the U.S. ruling elite (the ones in the government institutions and the ones with power behind the scenes) are willing to go through the total chaos of a trump impeachement or imprisonment. That would open doors for enemies to take advantage of the country.

Obama wasn't targeted by the deep state? Wow, who knew?

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Whoops old pic

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> he still has dirt on Trump
> he didn't use it to get an even more lenient sentence

You stupid retards.

>Tick Tock Trump we know you slept with a hooker and paid her and stuff!
> just wait until we convicted on something you pretty much can't convict for!

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>being a drumpfkin in 2018 + 11.5.

>ITT: International seething

>This is why we're gonna win 2020
>This is why Brexit Failed (get fucked Bongs, welcome back to your EU Masters)
>This is why everyone fails.
>Stay Mad Earth, Stay Mad.

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I'll still be supporting Trump in 2024 as he finishes his second term, too.

>and you'll still be crying about 2016
>and 2019, when the EU collapses

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Based pepe

>no wall
>no immigration reform
>no muslim ban
>tax cuts for jewish corporations
This is the fate of having a low IQ, feel sorry for you.

Wake me up when it's actually happening.

>No Wall
Mexico IS the wall stupid, you think they want the migrants there as well? NOPE. Not freely open like the land of Her Majesty the Queen.

>No immigration reform
Here's the reform, tell democrats to stop lying to these people and actually have them come in though the LEGAL process, it not impossible you know, we do have LEGAL Immigrants.

>No Muslim Ban
You of all people should know this one, Bong.

>tax cuts for Jewish Corporations
Care to name some? And please nothing from the Post or anything related to them.

That's right mate he's our own Jimmy, cept he didn't fuck kids for 40 years.

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I admire your COPE mechanism, very impressive levels of self delusion. It's a very interesting phenomena, how strongly Trump's personality cult holds the minds of low IQ and average IQ Amerimutts, making them entirely impervious to reason.

>It's a very interesting phenomena, how strongly Trump's personality cult holds the minds of low IQ and average IQ Amerimutts, making them entirely impervious to reason.

While you listen to Mods that even your own country hates. Cheers.

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Whats this guys deal? He chose to do all that shady shit then got mad when Trump washed his hands of him.

Everyone gets mad when they're caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

He did shady shit FOR trump. Trump is tied up with all of these guys.

He got his jew justice... ripped off tax payers for millions- 3 year sentence- go to country club - be out in 1 year.

If that was true, which I doubt, then SHE would be tied up with 1000 of war crimes.

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>dat pic


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Let me guess. This is the beginning of the end?

>Trumps biggest mistake was trusting a slimey jew lawyer
I don't think Trump ever trusted him or the slimy jew lawyer would have had something useful on tape.

>posts it twice
>still doesn't get it
Nigger, the democrats never investigate themselves. If you believe they are somehow less criminal you are literally retarded.

Trump loves himself more then anything and Cohen betrayed trump

If this doesn't redpilled trump on Jews nothing will

if trump were next then government would be
guilty of spending excess money, should of
done them both at the same time if they could
be done.

trumps not going anywhere. he's got a date
with the pope 2020.