Hi im a incel but female. I'm 20. Would going after guys 10 years older make my social ineptness be excused? I feel like guys my age are jerks
Hi im a incel but female. I'm 20. Would going after guys 10 years older make my social ineptness be excused...
Go after people who you like user, if you're a virgin now don't blow it on some 30 year old Chad.
time stamp or no useful advice.(you don't even have to be in the picture)
>I feel like guys my age are jerks
Says the girls who only look at chads, you're not an incel for a cent.
it wouldn’t excuse anything. Just find someone that you like, have similar hobbies, get along with etc. Age shouldn’t matter as long as they’re legal.
Please be in Dallas
While I don't agree with the notion, incel is a feminist idea and by their definition, girls can't be incels as the oppressor can't be oppressed. (Just fuck a male incel, two problems solved).
As for 20 year olds, yes, most of them suck as human beings it isn't a gendered problem, all suck.
With young people, you can mold them into something better.
You need to (like everyone else) improve yourself so you think you are worth dating.
If your only quality is your age, then good luck keeping a 30 year old interested.
Just be yourself.
>guys my age are jerks
No your ability to meet non jerks is shit.
Sex is not necessary, why do you want to lose your virginity?
t. 20 yr virgin male
>I'm 20. Would going after guys 10 years older make my social ineptness be excused? I feel like guys my age are jerks
... you're being completely normal.
There's no rule you've gotta date guys your age.
No girl is Incel and as many other have pointed out pretending otherwise will make this place rage at you.
Anyway it is common for women to date older men, however take into consideration that anyone 30 or older is gonna see you as a toy, if they are charming and do right everything guys your age do wrong is because they have experience and there is always a chance that he's gonna dump you at any time.
As always the question you should ask yourself is "what do I bring to this relationship?" If it's just your looks/young age then you're just gonna get used.
yas, I'm 21 and my bf is 32, ain't no problem. Both of our families are fine with it too, we met last year. Only problem is your friends are probs going to think it's a bit weird to hang out with someone that much older, but once they meet your future bf it's not going to be a problem.
>I feel like guys my age are jerks
Holy shit some women are stupid. The only reason a guy would date a girl 10 years his junior is because he himself is incredibly immature or is just after sex. Double laughs if he tells you you're "mature for your age".
>Would going after guys 10 years older make my social ineptness be excused? I feel like guys my age are jerks
Said every single mother I went to school with.
You like older guys, they're your type. Don't make laughably bullshit excuses for it.
(And certainly don't complain when men your own age don't want you 10-20 years from now, because most women their own age rejected them for older men in the past, so they know they have more of a shot with younger women - it's a goddamn cycle you are contributing to, so don't complain).
Other than that, by all means, go for it.
You just proved her point. You are 20 and a jerk. That's why she wants older guys.
t. Teenager virgin giving advice on what dating is like in your 30s
go for it femanon!
I'm not 20 doll, nor am I being a jerk. I'm just pointing out what is obvious to everyone else, and what everyone else will be thinking when she winds up getting pumped and dumped. Or she winds up with a manchild, pick your poison.
Right. You are 17. Because an adult would not sperg out like you did with your Jow Forums manchild rant.
Half your age plus 7 is the lowest age you should go for, add 7 years and that's the highest you should go for.
>Pointing out a 30 year old is only going to date a 20 year old for easy sex makes you a man child
Log off of the internet. Give your father a call. Ask him about the kind of guy that pursues women 10 years his junior.
T.People who've had positive experience with young, just out of teens women based on their incredible nice and non judgemental personalities, who've never once heard from these women the echo's of their mothers and women studies professors that "all men are pigs and just want one thing" but "sexism is wrong". Not an ounce of critical judgement based on some minor personality flaws such as the clothes they choose to wear or what they do for fun. Nope, thoses young women were the nicest people you've ever met.
I'm not saying the only good thing about these women is their looks. But based on how I saw young women acting when I was that age, I'd say I should avoid sin because my personal hell would be filled with deamons with the personalities of young women.
He's right though. Those are the likely two reasons a 30 year old man would date a 20 year old girl.
He moved goalposts. He was called out for his initial Jow Forums tier sperging. And then tried to pretend it about age gap all along.
>And then tried to pretend it about age gap all along.
Lol what? To quote myself
>The only reason a guy would date a girl 10 years his junior is because he himself is incredibly immature or is just after sex.
Like I can't tell if you think I had a post earlier in this thread or if you're just that stupid.
I don't only look at Chad.
so be awkward and creepy?
im mature for my age though. hardship ages you.
Where are you OP? I'm an older guy and could take you on a date.
>im mature for my age though.
>im mature for my age though. hardship ages you
no, you are just a bitter loser
Young guys are JERKS and that is being nice.
Watch out OP for the 30 yo manboy that are king of JERKS though because they have never been in a relationship. Either they never left home or they use and dump the young and venerable.
Here's what I did and it has proved very satisfying. A thirty to 40 yo MAN that has been married and their wife cheated on them. Once you get past their distrust of women they will treat you like a princess and the sex is mind blowing. They want to please you instead of young JERKS that trick you into sex and rough you up both physically and emotionally.
I found my first by hanging out with older women at work and they introduced me to available, yet lonely wonderful MEN.
Depends on your personality really although looks *can* play a factor depending on thirst, you best be prepared to find someone similar to you or be very much flawed, hit a pretty big nail especially with the 30yr manboy part
I should know, that actually describes me sadly, I don't intend to be a jerk but I'm socially inept despite working in a job that requires BEING social, which leads to jerkish actions, I regret them but I know many won't and may justify their reasons.
If you're trying keep trying, but don't limit yourself to a certain age group, men can be dicks at any age
>so be awkward and creepy?
How awkward could you possibly be that you can't get fucked?
What are your hobbies?
Yes, but look how terrible your punctuation is. Also,
You should be ashamed for being such an inbred moron.
No shame in being incel. Don't worry about it
All women should go for guys at least 10 years older than them. Guys of the same age will leave you when your 30. Guys who are already 30 will not have much of a choice.
Short answer: yes.
Bullshit. If they have a life plan, they're looking for wives. Don't get someone who's just drifting through life though.
>Guys who are already 30 will not have much of a choice.
This is so retarded and wrong I don't even know where to start. At 30 guys start the peak of their life and literally have more choice than ever.
>im mature for my age though. hardship ages you.
>20 year old female in the US
Look, everyone's gone through some shit. That doesn't make you any more special than anyone else.
I KNOW you're immature because you think you're "mature". Go for men close to your age just for the sake of having a partner that thinks somewhat like you.
It's not about similar interests. it's about thinking and understanding shit on a mutual level. Same thing goes with y'alls perspective on sex, you gotta have a mutual value of sex in y'alls mind in order for it to work.
If you REALLY want to go for someone older. Try a couple years like 22 or 23. Not 10. Someone that much older than you is probably kinda fucked in the head if he's going for women 10 years his junior.
A 10 year age gap is absolutely nothing today. Plenty of such couples.
The younger you are the smaller the age gap actually works. 50 and 60 year old. Sure fine. 20 and 30 it gets dicey. Hell even 30 and 40 year old its a bit dicey.
But that's like, my opinion man. Do what's ever you want i don't really care any more.
You have to take into account life stages. Once you get to late twenties/thirty you're pretty much going to be in the same boat until they retire. They're going to have a consistent set of responsibilities and preoccupations, so they'll easily relate to each other.
A kid fresh off school is a different matter.
I don't want a manboy, but I do want a guy with a carefree and fun disposition. He should appreciate gaming and comics and stuff, but also be mature. I just want someone relatable and well rounded.
I don't mind someone who has mental issues but they have to be working on them and not completely insane.
I am a mentalcel, just afraid of getting close to people and being around people.
I have been though child abuse with multiple CPS visits, police, etc. hopefully everyone hasn't gone through that
It used to be the norm for the girl to be younger than the man. From a both cognitive and instinctive perspective, you would want someone "mature" and someone who you feel can protect you and care for you. It's perfectly normal OP. There's nothing more to it.
Excellent bait user
there are more than enough fine men in your age who are mature and appreciate games and all of that shit... have you ever talked to lads? or did you just assume their interests and character by their looks?
I can tell you there are enough guys in your age who would love to be in a relationship with a person like you
For every female uncle there's 10 male incels, don't sweat it
>afraid of being around people
How can they be relatable if they're carefree?
You realise incel is involuntary celibate right? A mental celibate doesn't make sense (unless you take mental to mean crazy).
I have no sympathy for you whatsoever. There's no conspiracy to deny you sex, you're just ugly and/or have a repulsive personality
I have a friend who is 19 dating a 29 year old guy. It works because both of them are immature. You should try to fix your social ineptness before attempting a serious relationship though. Autism is only cute at first.
Hardships dont give maturity, is your reflection and critical thinking on them that do
You can have fully grown adults passing through the hardest shit while still acting like kids(which in turn will put them in even worse situatuions), because they lack that reflection and critical thinking about those hardships
>he tells you you're "mature for your age"
I love this shit, it's such an obvious tactic to get into women's pants but so many fall for it anyway.
Ah the rare femcel. First let me congratulate you on wanting to deal with your issues and move forward with your life.
You say that you believe older guys will excuse your lack of social skills, I'm not sure if that's necessarily the case, I think the type of 30 year olds you will find attractive are going to take your social awkwardness as immaturity or lack of experience, a lot of guys who aren't still fuckboys at that age are looking for a long term relationship and not a start up practice relationship where you go on vidya dates and discuss comics, though I suppose nothing is impossible.
My suggestion would be to start dating around without expectations, download tinder because that's probably going to be easier for you than going out and meeting guys the conventional way. Take it at your own pace and you may find a guy, who may not fit all your requirements but is good enough and has enough redeeming qualities for you to want to pursue something with. This is all assuming you're decent looking of course; no acne, nor overweight, good hygiene. Take care of those things first. It's not a one way street so you have to accept the fact that you're not going to like everyone you meet and that you may feel some awkwardness or embarrassment at first but you have to push through because it will be to your benefit when you do meet someone you like.
Go on christianmingle and find one of those rare 30 year old men that is actually pretty awesome but alone and has morals. He will probably be super down to meet a girl 10 years younger. Just don't be a slut.
Guys your age are jerks, guys 10 years older than you are jerks. 30-40 might be your best bet. Everyone will look at you a little weird, but w/e as long as you both enjoy the blowjobs that's all that really matters.
>im a woman
>I don't only look at Chad.
Suuuuuuuuuure you don't. Sure.
I'll have sex with you
There, you are no longer an incel
It's simpler than that
No women can be an incel because I personally offer myself to any female incel for free sex and if they reject then it's not involuntary anymore
this post right here is why there is no such thing as a female incel.
There is ALWAYS someone willing to fuck a female but what about males? The amount of effort that goes into men getting with women is fucking ridiculous when all the woman has to do and sit back and weigh her choices between all the men constantly giving her attention
The idea of a female incel is ridiculous because there can't be male and female incels at the same time, there can only be one because female incels and male incels would have sex and cancel each other out
It's fucking math
Why are you asking this disgusting normalfag board for advice?
These rules aren't consistent. Beyond age 27, the older partner can safely take a partner for whom he/she is out of the upper bound. By this logic, unless you want to condemn your partner to a relationship that is disadvantageous for them, you should only do current age +-7.
women's rights were a mistake
The only person I know who does this has lived at home his whole life, is jobless outside of some meager income from music but isn't physically or mentally handicapped in any way.
He doesn't even own his own vehicle and the girl thinks he's the best thing ever, even herself having a job despite him only making side hustle money.
that and pedophiles use it to groom children
>implying only religious people can have morals
And similarly no man can be an incel either.
As a 30+ man I do not see any problems dating a 19-20 year old. I would consider it myself if I found one that I got along with. Alot of 30 year old guys are single or un married for good reason though and that needs to be strongly considered.
There are a few guys that are fine though and just had shitty things happen. Myself for example, I'm single, I was married but my ex wife cheated on me quite alot. I own my own home, I have a decent job making 100+k per year, and very little debt. But at the same time I got burned a bit by my ex wife, and my last girlfriend to some extent. So right now I'm not really looking too hard for anything.
I guess what I mean is theres quite a few good 30 year old guys but we all have reasons for being single, sometime because of being a shit person, sometimes it was just a series of unfortunate happenings. But that does create some baggage in some people depending on the reasons.
And that goes for women my age as well, if not more so depending on the local demographics.
>Female incel
Are you literally insane, have some major disability, or are staggeringly ugly? I cannot comprehend how a woman could end up not having a partner otherwise.
Sounds like you're confusing being an incel with having standards.
Yes, you will have a better time finding a 30yo who's got his shit together than a 20yo man.
30yos will also appreciate you more, and be more tolerant of 'personality quirks'
>female have standards
you go girl!
>male have standards
gtfo fucking incel shit, kill yourself reee!!!!!!
So good to be boy
Making shit up because he's a bitter virgin incel: the post.
good to be judged by 1 post on mongolian cartoon image board, you would be fine psychologist i belive.
This. When you 20 you can change completely over a few months... being mature is basically just being a stable person and having a stable personality.
I dont think its bait, based on their answers at least
Everyone thinks that they're mature for their age. But you don't get to decide that. Other people do. Send us a pic and we'll tell you why you're an incel.
Go for guys a year younger, like me. Its hawt
>Hi im a incel but female.
When was the last time a woman payed a man 230 dollars for sex?
Incel means invoulentary celibate. It's not a trendy hashtag you daft cunt.
Stop eating like a hungry horse and spread your legs. That's all you have to do to get laid.