Thoughts Jow Forums?
thoughts Jow Forums?

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Gas the kikes, destroy the (((banks)))

>Just sayin'.
journalism was a mistake

i love how they will this shit into existence.

A 7,000 foot-tall Elmo could attack NYC too. Just sayin'

It doesnt take a fucking rocket surgeon to understand 10 years of 0% interezt rate coupled with awful return rates on typically safe investments forcing Americans into riskier equity investments would lead to a grear depression.

You cant reinflate a bubble and not expect it to pop eventually. Combine that with state governments going bankrupt due to unfunded liabilities and we are fucked.

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Self fulfilling prophecy. Wall Street bros see enough of these articles and it will happen

Fuck off you d and c kike.
But yeah, eventually journalists will be murdered by ordinary citizens. Even cops won't try to protect them because their crimes are less defensible than murder itself

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Its not though. The signs have been here for the last 10 years with the garbage policy the fed has enacted. We never recovered from the last recession. We just reinflated the bubble and kicked the can down the road.

We should have let the banks and big companies fail and suffered through it 10 years ago. We never should have bailed anyone out. Trust me its going to be so much worse this time that we will probably see the end of the US government as it is now.

>taking a New York Times prediction about the economy seriously


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In their effort to destroy Trump's presidency, the Jews are going to destabilize the global economy, which will then naturally produce mass-unrest in Europe the likes of which the world hasn't seen in a few centuries. The 2008 crash was mostly real-estate and debt entanglement which Europe never really pulled out of. Now Europe has like 4-5 MILLION new orc welfare leeching dependents. What do you think is going to happen if the economy crashes in Europe?

>are you ready for the NWO?

trump needs to audit the fed and return us to the gold standard as soon as possible.

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If I tell you you're a ham sandwich enough times will you become one?

>an anti-billionaire uprising will lead to the NWO
are you suffering from head trauma?

journalism is dead
jewyork times is a white-hating rag that hired that openly racist asian woman

fed is going bye bye

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>no de nuevo

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One word niggers: Buy Stellar Lumens
You've been warned.

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the fed will be destroyed.

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Is it another decentralized smart contracts platform or what?

>stock market plunges 25%
>only the Uber rich are affected
>we go into recession for three quarters
>house prices don’t even dip outside of lesoned demand
>feds drop interest rates a point
>instantly recession ends

That’s what’s going to happen it will be quite mild especially compared to 2008

top#4 crypto

It's centralized

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well that didn't really pan out for them did it ?

>oy vey, if you strike the mega rich it will hurt you more!

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>It could happen. Just sayin'.
>"Professional" journalism

They've been playing sorcerer apprentices with those crazy QEs, allowing the debts to grow and markets to strive on thin-air.

The wound from 2008 wasn't closed, and instead they've let it fester.

>economy being destroyed every decade is normal.
>No such events aside from wars and natural causes when no central banks &/or gold backed currency.
Yeah what a coincidence right?

Lord have mercy. Please let this happen

Krugman is pure lolcow, especially his pre-election ̶d̶i̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶e̶n̶t̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ articles.


I cannot wait for another 2008. I work in Pharma and my wife is a nurse. We'll keep our jobs and salaries while everything around us will get cheaper.

>we will probably see the end of the US government as it is now

That’s the point and the people will beg for it. Nothing is at risk for the people in power they just want to change perception so people will agree to more strict rule in our technocratic future.

>an anti-billionaire uprising
OY VEY this is anti-semitic, Jews are disproportionately billionaires compared to the population. We have to shut it down

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Interest rates are 4x what they were 2 years ago. Democrats get the purse strings. Seems likely.

This is supposed to be a famous american Newspaper? I have read Shitposts with more elaborate language. This Looks like some chicks blog on her favorite hairspray, not like a newspaper talking about finanical Doomsday Prophecys. Wtf?

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Desperate journalist hopes again.

Humm, anyone consider this is a Psyops operation. You have to had notice the mod ran post. SJW, blackpill, Communist, anti America, anti-trump, anti-white, anti-family bullshit posted over and over again. The heavy handed Mods on true user post. (Many user left).

Now the freezing, an annoyance to chase more anons away. Jow Forums has been spoken about several times on MSM, the raids, the memes, the political activism. Redpilling the masses, punching CNN in the nose. (they) understand the power of community chan's now, and (they) want it.

Normies have heard of Jow Forums as well and are being directed to it now, after the Jow Forums(nel) change. A week ago, some normies were having a discussion and me (being the ass I am) bombed them with memes. The memes were relevant to conversation, they didn't know what memes were, referred to them as "pictures".

This is more than shills, the posts have a psychological and sociological theme, real time and money is being spent. This is an act of war, an attempt mind fuck chan boards the way MSM, has become. They want to mainstream the chan boards and keep the "magic" but for devious reasons.

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Newspapers and journalism have been collapsing in the face of online media and trump drove them over he edge

They at least used to pretend to be respectable

These articles come up all the time and they’re all shit. The only thing that is really true is pic related.

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>nazis defeated
>nobody who is taken seriously supports them

>communism defeated
>leftists openly promise any minute GODMAO will return and put us in the gulag

Seriously why is this kind of shit openly tolerated.
People who support communism should be treated exactly the same as we treat people who support nazis. Public beatings hatred and spit on in all forms of media visible to the eye or ear.
Yet these kikes brazenly and openly push for it over and over again.
They all deserve to hang.

Not going to happen
Jews pushing it hard
Fed want to raise rates
Trump won’t let them
Stop posting Jew propaganda

yeah, we sucked at subversion because you can spot a german the moment he invites you to the swastika club, not employing Jews was one of our greatest weaknesses in convincing everbody of letting us do our Thing.

checked with my favorite Gundam, so...there's hope there I guess

The ultimate win (freedom from the debt death slavery paradigm) is to have a jubilee on all central bank (statist satanic bankers (((evil)))) debt allowing entire countries to start anew.

By starting ane you can go on a sound money system and follow Austrian economics and this would bring finite resource type commodities (silver, gold, Bitcoin) extremely more valuable thus providing greater financial (thus socio political) liberty for the global individual.

In addition go this, I want a cherry on my sundae, and that's getting all the NPC's to finally allow us to murder or imprison and make an example out of ALL hierarchies of leadership so that this will never happen beneath our noses again.

Anything else is not really a win and just the perpetuation of the system. Thus allowing global satanist statist bankers to fester in due time.

>here are our top 5 tips for the next recession
What a joke. Pure clickbait tactics.