Why aren't women more rapey?

Serious question. Obviously gender roles contributed to it, but how come we live in a world where women are usually raped by men, and not the other way around?
You'd think with women's liberation and the rise of feminism and equality women would take advantage and commit acts such as rape more, but no.
You've got 50 year old creepy uncles who wouldn't mind pounding some teenage cooch, where's all the 50 year old aggressive milfs preying on little boys? They could get away with it, and it's been shown that rape from a female is basically never considered rape.

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>inb4 user just wishes his femdom fantasies would come true
yes, that's exactly why I made this thread

Because rape is NOT a sexual act, but an act of hatred and violence. Male rapists do not attack women because they are overpowered by horniness, but because they are filled with resentment of women (usually for ignoring them) and use their physical strength to attack the woman where she most frustrates them, through her sexuality.

Women usually don't rape, largely because they do not have the physical strength to overpower a man, but also because they have other ways of taking out their resentment of men - most effectively by withholding themselves from them

What kind of world do you live in where you actually believe this kind of stuff?

One in which everything in that post has been repeatedly established and proven by sociological and scientific studies. Do a little research

Very violent crime.... where you cum at the end

Women rape you, not by physicial strength, but they can rape you emotionally.

Female on male rapes happen all the time, but it's an under-reported crime because of the social stigma. Male rape usually involves bottles and other horrible insertions which adds to the humiliation.
>where's all the 50 year old aggressive milfs preying on little boys?
Silicon valley, mostly. Extremely rich women often exchange food and shelter for sex.

Dude just think for a moment. Do you think "Oh man, I'm horny - I'm so horny I'm afraid I might commit a violent crime!" Or, do you just look up some porn and fap once you get home?

On the flip side, I'll bet that there have been situations where you get so angry and frustrated by someone/something that you have momentary thoughts of beating the living shit out of someone/people or doing something quite bad to them.

I think you make a good point but hear me out too. When I get super fucking angry and I feel like throwing a chair or ripping up a pillow, I've never torn off my pants and started dry humping it. I've never even felt the compulsion. The psychoanalysis that rapists aren't horny just doesn't add up to me. Not to mention that most rapes aren't the violent rapes that get in the news as crimes of passion. They're quiet.
>Uncles raping nieces when they're supposed to be watching them for the day
>Thirsty guys taking advantage of girls who are black out drunk
etc etc

I'm sure some rape is a heat-of-the-moment angry act like a slap but I'm also sure no rape happens when the guy doesn't have a boner. It's kinda necessary.


>women don't rape
Okay lol

Woman on man rape happens a LOT.
It just goes unreported because society & evolution says that men should like it.

Because women have more morals than men (see also: statistics of murder by sex)

so first off... women ARE rapey. But women on average use less force, tend to be more agreeable, don't have the organs to inflict injury on others. Because of these reasons women are less rapey and society also views women as essentially impossible to rape. But this is simply untrue.

I've dealt with very sexually aggressive women in my life, I've been sexually molested as a child from 3-5 years old by a woman. attempts of sexual molestation happened by a woman in her 40's when i was 12 and sleeping. There are plenty of stories like this and there is even well documented articles about women who have a tendency to molest/rape.

I've done a lot of research trying to deal with this and came across a vast amount of feminist documentaries and literature which clearly state it's entirely impossible for women to be sexual aggressors in any form. I can assure you these people are mentally ill or completely ignorant.

I've been raped twice and it was because the dudes were horny, not because of "hatred an dviolence".

Women understand that rules exist and so do people who enforce them
It's just that men are like "I GOTTA FUKK U" rape and women are more "oh, that's where the last four hours went, she has rohypnol on her nightstand"


It's angry, horny, hate fucking.
Often as opportunistic vengeance against women kind for rejection or being made submissive to them in aspects of life.
It builds, and then they use it to justify their actions.

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This, a man can destroy your body but leave you as a person whole, a woman will fucking make you question if you even want to live if she fucks you that hard emotionally and the scars never heal.

my nigga

Women are pretty fucking sexually aggressive. I'm not saying I'm a "chad" or anything, but I'm ex-military. I've been in some situations where I had too much to drink and woke up next to some chick. There's also been other times I honestly think I've been really fucking roofied.

HA yes I'll bump this, I'd also like to read more replys. Good one Op

Women rape Men financially. ie child support.

Women are seen as the weak sex. Rape is a power thing where you get excited about having power, overpowering defenless women and taking something that has value away from them, which is their personal control over their bodies.

Women don't rape in 99% of cases because the overall world culture trains women not to be physically aggressive or aggressive at all. They are seen as objects of desire. And stupid men and women fall for that story.

Now, women are also blamed in society for other people wanting to fuck them, therefore victim blaming is pretty common, If a man gets raped. There won't be a "you searched for it dude" or a "well, why did you get dressed like that, you were asking for it" because men are trained to mistreat women,in general. Since they are "less" than men.

Men are also taught sex is an action of empowerment and success. So if they can have it by force they can prove their manlihood.

Sex, money, beauty
Those are all related to power, success and women, because society has made these the seeds of envy most can't have

Women can't rape according to the legal definition of it because feminists got the law changed to make sure only penetration counts as rape.

They can penetrate your ass though.
Besides men do 90% of rape.
Men also do 90% of murders.

Get a clue

Yup. Men are bad. We should analyze men who do this and see if there is some kind of common factor to try and combat that statistic.

It's called toxic masculinity and menninism

Men do produce more testosterone however I believe their aggressiveness comes from a collective ideal of what men think they want to be and what men believe its their true identity.

I think men are played by society into believing they should be these perfect smart succesfull providers and women to be these competitive beautiful emotional beings.

It really isn't ok to believe you must be some way to be accepted into society as a productive member of it.

We don't know how an equal world would be. For that to happen. And for women to have equal participation in every establishment and institute we first should make parity laws in every country in the world.

I wish I could see a world where women aren't persecuted for being women and where men can express their emotions and feelings like a normal women can.

All these repressed feelings toward women are because men aren't allowed to express their emotional side.

Call me a cuck or whatever but this is my opinion.

Btw OP. Women aren't taught to rape or hit men or that men are hysterical. They are taught men can be jealous control freaks and that they should be careful not to get savagly raped so no. Women aren't rapey because society makes them the contrary.

Men on the other hand, are basically taught to be "manly" and be aggressive so in a way. Society teaches men to rape

Of course this is statistical and in general.
It's society's subconscious way of shaping the world around us

I was stoned. A girl I know from work put down my pants. I said I don't want it but she did it anyway. I was kinda to stoned to do anything about it and she gave me a blowjob. It felt kinda disgusting but I let it happen. I did not come and it wasn't a pleasure. If I were a girl I guess I would call it rape. But I'm obviously a man and it didn't feel like rape. We still work together and it really is no problem. I just told her that I don't want that.

Men are designed to want younger women biologically. Women can't have kids past a certain age. Men can make viable spem even when they're 100 years old.

I'm guessing you're a woman who fucked everything she could and is now getting up in years and realizing they should have gotten married in their 20's and is now calling men with normal attraction to non used up women as "creepy", right?

Allimony needs to be abolished entirety. Women work now, feminism has made it irrelevant. But of course they'll never let it go. BUT ITS ABOUT EQUALITY, RIGHT!!????!!!!

Rape is a crime of power, not of sexual interest. As the other user said, rape isn't being overcome by horniness because it isn't generally sexy to force someone into something they want no part of.
It's about taking out your violence and anger on someone. Sometimes a stranger, sometimes someone you know. I'm not a shrink or a criminologist but I know that much.

Women can't typically physically overpower a man, even a dude who is out of shape or manlet.
Maybe if we all knew krav maga, but face it we don't.

How is paying for the child you willingly created a rape? Use a condom. Take a DNA test. That money is for the child.

Womens' sexuality is a bit more complex then men. They get off on being desired and satisfying their partner rather through simple physical pleasure itself. Actually raping a guy is fundamentally a turn-off to a woman, because having to force herself on a guy rubs in the fact that he doesn't actually want her.

That and female teachers fuck underage school children all the time. Its doesn't get reported often though because he way the female does it is much different than the way male predators do it.

You have to understand that the length of men and women's sexual cycles is considerably different. A man is done as soon as he ejaculates. A woman can get pregnant. That makes sex a much more important decision for women than for men.

>This, a man can destroy your body but leave you as a person whole
Yeah, it's not like rape is traumatizing. That would be silly.

Thats nice, can you post your gender studies degree just to back up what you are saying.

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>I'm not a shrink or a criminologist but I know that much.

Apparently not considering the shrinks and criminologists disagree wit that statement.





Now that laws have been changed to allow for the activities of female rapists to be considered rape, and now that more attention is being put on the subject, a lot of researchers are wondering if the stats are actually similar or equal in number to male offenses. In both victimization and perpetration. They are going back and reevaluating reports, data and asking others to come forward in order to get a better understanding of the numbers. Most of the stats we have for rape are from time periods where the laws involving female aggression and male victimization simply didn't exists, or were very limited. Also males are much more likely to not come forward than females, which needs to be taken into consideration when doing estimates on crime statistics.


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What's a criminologist?

Isn't it obvious? Women are weaker than men, so most of them couldn't overpower and rape a man even if they wanted.

Then we need more words to describe it then.
Rape used to be a description of the action where a man overpowers a woman and have sex with her against her will.

Fooling around with a boyfriend and not being into it is unpleasant and disturbing, but it is not the same thing.
The reason it is called sexual assault is because it is a physical attack on a person.
It is inherently an aggressive thing and everyone agrees it is the worst kind of people who do it.

Ignoring peoples boundaries is also a shitty thing to do and people should seriously never do that, but it is not the same thing.

byproduct of sexual dimorphism
men are stronger than women because strong men killed weak men so they would have more pussy to themselves back in ancient times

Kind of hard to rape someone without your own dick if he's not hard. What're you gonna hold him down and finger his ass?

The first one I was threatened verbally from a sexually frustrated man who I was visiting because I thought we were friends, it was oral rape. The second time I told the guy to wait because I was a virgin but he forced himself on me and ignored my request. It was a physical attack.

Its pretty fucked up you just assume that my rapes didn't happen just because they didn't happen the way that suits your narrative.

For the record, ignoring people's boundaries IS RAPE.

>You've got 50 year old creepy uncles who wouldn't mind pounding some teenage cooch, where's all the 50 year old aggressive milfs preying on little boys?
They're more common than the uncles tbhfam. Don't know which rock you've been hiding under.

When it comes to being a pervert: Women are tourists, men are slaves.

When a man is horny, our brains activate the portion of the brain that predators activate when hunting prey. Women don’t do that.

For a woman sex is a “tee hee! look how naughty we’re being!” silly thing if she likes him or obligation if she doesn’t like him that much. For a man it’s like being a shark and smelling blood in the water.

There’s a reason why women are trafficked around the world for sex slavery and men aren’t. There’s a reason why female sales people make more money than their male counterparts. And there’s a reason why sex/fetish clubs don’t allow single men to join. There’s a reason why prisons are gender segregated. There’s a reason why men don’t complain about female-on-male catcalling. We all know why.

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Get the fuck out. Even the leftist psychologist who made up that tripe in the 1990’s admitted he was full of shit and that he did a disservice to rape victims by claiming it.

>Rape isn’t about sex

Fuck out of here. Rape occurs because men are constantly horny, and men without morals don’t care if she wants it or not.

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Areas where men have access to pornography have lower rates of rape.

What Youtube video is that from again?

If rape was about exerting power because you feel powerless then most rapists would be women

I HIGHLY doubt Ghengis Khan felt powerless

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This. You're kidding yourself if you think that men and women are even remotely similar in this regard.

>Women can't typically physically overpower a man
That's true for one on one but two or three chicks could hold you down and do nasty shit to you

headed to Silicon valey

Female teachers bang their students on the regular.

Also, women aren't strong enough to overpower most men, and sometimes being able to overpower someone is what it takes to commit rape.

Plenty of studies show that women are the aggressor in more domestic violence disputes than men are. So there is that.

a lot but not as much as men raping women

Women have zero morals. They just have emotion and immaturity.

oral rape ? did He insulted you ? Is that how you call it ?

Statistically men do commit crimes such as rape and murder at a much higher rate than women do, that's not to say there's not cause to believe that female on male rape or sexual assault aren't under reported. Men commit rape more for the same reason they commit murder at a higher proportion; they are more naturally aggressive but that said I don't believe for a second that sexual assault is nearly as skewed towards males as most statistics show because there are many societal, cultural and social reasons why a man who was raped or a female who witnesses a female on male rape would be hesitant to report such a crime.

If you don't want to pay child support then take care of the child you created you idiot.

My greatest fetish is to get play-raped by my wife but she's not comfortable with the level of aggression required to make it happen. She always cums when I do it to her but she just doesn't have it in her to swap the roles. A shame as I know she'd love to get herself off without giving a shit about my pleasure but she can't.

putting aside your beta cuck fantasy , women raping men is more common than you think , just look up new articles about female teachers hooking up with their middle school students

So my friend and I got shit face drunk and I blacked out and I apparently took off my pants and and wanted to do the sex with her but then just fell asleep. So they took the opportunity to examine my dick and balls without me knowing. It wasn’t the first time my friend saw my penis and testies because he sometimes sings to us while we do sex (the lion king song is my favorite) would you guys consider that rape??

Forgot to add my friend is not my girlfriend he just likes to watch us bang

In other words they disregard someone's objections and overpower them.

Rape is about power.

A lot of men think that rape and rough sex are the exact same thing

>man put pee pee in hole wahhh
if you don't get pregnate or contract an std, and you weren't devoted to somebody else, then why tf would it even bother somebody? "WAAHHHH SOMEBODY TOUCHED ME I WASNT HURT OR ANYTHING BUT NOW I MUST BE SAD :("

Don’t just toss the word “rape” around and attach it to any unwanted action. By doing so, you trivialize the terrible experiences had by people who have actually been forced into a sexual act against their will. You said no to a dude, but he took your virginity; that’s rape. Ignoring people’s boundaries encompasses too many situations to simply generalize as “rape”. If someone is standing way too close to me in line, it’s not rape

Women almost never sex without some sort of reason behind it. They simply dont have the drive for sex like men do.

Imagine a world where make and female sex drives were reversed...

Supply/Demand my man. Sure, there's the whole power aspect to it but in general why would you need to rape someone if everyone and their dad is trying to get into your pants already?

We make them believe they're not getting raped. Men are silly and simpleminded.

I like your style.

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sociology and science never go hand in hand

post some sourced facts and statistics or GTFO. you can't just say "no you" with nothing to back it up.

Because honestly, when push comes to rape, we'll fuck anything.

Because women lack testosterone.

I can already express my emotions and feelings, thanks. I don't need a feminist to tell me how and if some feelings are not freely expressed enough. I enjoy being mesmerized by the world around me, being sad is something I accept, but I still like being strong and decisive when the situation asks for it.

Have a good day.

women can't rape, they lack things to rape with.