PSA for all anons in a relationship

this is a public service announcement for all anons in a monogamous relationship, especially those of the jealous type:


I'm sorry to say this anons, because I truly love you, but if you let your girl go out at night without you then you are fucked, because she is going to run into a guy like me

and guys like me are fucking snakes. we are fucking poison. we are the devil

we are going to make your girl go crazy, we are going to sell her a syrupy dream, we are going to sell them a fantasy, and ultimately we are going to sell them poison

guys like me are like a drug for your girl. we are everything you stopped being and everything that she desires in that moment. whilst you are waiting all day for her to reply to your texts, she is waiting all day for me to reply to hers

and don't think that she's safe when she's out with "her girls". that shit doesn't work against guys like me. her girls are going to protect her from the clueless guys that try to hit on her, but they can't protect her from me

by the time I'm done with them her girls are going to be encouraging her to have something with me. "he's fun", "it's just one night", "user doesn't deserve you anyway". fuck them

so keep your girls tight anons

and I know what you are thinking. "this guy is just an asshole" and "my girl is not like that", but trust me, your girl is exactly like that. I've been delicious poison for all kinds of girls, from the sluttiest of girlfriends to the most innocent ones. I know guys like me that laugh at pictures of you on her intagram the next morning, sorry

I really wish there was some way for me to help you user, I truly do. but literally the only way to avoid guys like me is to be around when your girl is out, and even then we might still strike

I love you user, best of luck

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In a way I want her to be stolen by you.

Then I will save a lifetime of being stuck with a whore.


relationships should have goals. if the relationship is something aimless which either partner can get bored with and walk away, so be it.

But why do you really do it tho, do you feel any attraction to women that are not committed in any way to a man?

I do it with all women, single women, married women, those in relationships, lesbians, whatever

being this level of flirty and seductive is a lifestyle that I was born with, and I don't think there is any way to learn it or even to truly understand it

I'm the kind of guy that will flirt with the cashier at the supermarket, that will get the bartender's number, that gets hired because of his charms

honestly this lifestyle can be like an awful curse, because I have a hard time getting into a relationship or trusting someone

it's not the girl's fault, she really loves you, but I give her something that she never felt before, so that's where you are fucked

Eh, there are girls that cheat and ones that dont. At some point a cheater will cheat and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Yeah i'm pretty much in this situation. Just let "my girl" go out she's fun right now but i'll get bored and eventually break up with her anyway. so if I have a reason it makes it a lot easier for me... I feel bad I feel this way but that's how it is and I'm not a clueless naive retard that's desperate enough to try to keep a specific girl with me. She just needed to call me said she was out with girls and then i'm pretty sure i heard her driver was a guy, so that's enough for me to be done with some one.

it's definitely something that can be learned. I grew up with nothing but girls around and that's how I learned to handle them. I simply do not have the energy to go out and try to snag them, I'm only with this girl now because she practically forced a relationship, and it's some what rare I find some one I enjoy talking with.

>it's not the girl's fault, she really loves you, but I give her something that she never felt before, so that's where you are fucked
Also this isn't true, it's simply about the fact that humans have the biological urge to reproduce and sex is a part of that. Humans also have the urge of disgust and repulsion. These two systems are in constant realignment. Some one that is genuinely in love with some one will be disgusted by the idea of doing it with some one else. Otherwise they just have a lot of habits and pair bonding chemicals that make them reliant on eachother.

>Also this isn't true

I'm sorry but I have to disagree here, one of the most common things I hear from girls is "I've never felt like this before"

truly it makes me wonder wtf other anons are doing in their relationships. do you take your girls for granted? are you simply just boring guys? I don't fucking get it

one time I was talking to my ex-gf who told me that being me was like constantly being at a fun party, no matter if we were just sitting in the park or going to the cinema or cooking dinner or going out with friends

I am not saying that you anons have to become clowns, but if you aren't fun and interesting to be around, then don't expect your girls to want to stick around either

also don't fucking forget that sexuality is like 90% teasing and only 10% of actually doing shit, so keep building up her emotions

No, it is the girls fault. Cheating is a conscious choice, and you claim to have mastered making them feel special so that the choice is easier to make.
In the end you're robbing them of the chance to develop a potentially meaningful relationship with someone by making them believe that love isn't dedication and trust with a long term partner, but rather love is momentary fun and being pampered by someone who will shower them with attention just like in the movies they're raised watching. The latter is far easier for them to choose and more enjoyable for them in the short term because they have to exert no effort themselves, but you try keeping her feeling special in a long term relationship if she expects you to do all the work. Because if all she wants is momentary fun, nothing is stopping her from replacing her partner with someone new once the "fun" runs out.
I suppose you are a living shit test for horrible women.

I'm sorry user. But I'm a woman and I'd never cheat on my bf. He doesn't need to be a control freak. Because control freaks DO get cheated on. If you tried to come at me trying up something Id immediately tell you it can't be because I'm in a relationship.

If you however keep trying after that. Oh boy, you'd suffer my fury

>especially those of the jealous type
Almost exclusively those of the jealous type. Sure, if you're a beta who puts your woman on a leash, she's going to go behind your back. If you place enough trust and confidence in your relationship that you can handle her going out without you, it will make most women not want to cheat in the first place; and if you have any self-respect at all, you would simply leave and not look back if she were to cheat on you.

Well articulated OP however I wouldn't say you/we are the devil. You and I know any woman responds to flattery and the fantasy of mind blowing fucking without strings. What they don't consider is how making their fantasy a reality (an added bonus is being the envy of their friends) but they absolutely become like an addict and lose their minds when their genitals start driving every waking moment.

Nothing is more hot and pathetic at the same time than that married woman knocking on your door unannounced for seconds. The look in their eyes, priceless.

Fantasy post of a kissless virgin: the thread.

Who didn’t already know this? My gf wanted to go to Miami this summer with her annoying bimbo friend and I ghosted her for it

Not OP but I've fucked plenty of women just like you. All it takes is one disappointment in your man and I'll be between your legs, and it doesn't have to be a major issue. You shouldn't assume every approach is frontal and suave.

A few minor things like
A husband wrecked her car, she was angry it was in the shop for a week and asked me to give her a lift. We fucked for months

A husband accepted a job in another state and both agreed he would go ahead and she would stay and wrap things up for 3 months. She propositioned me for drinks and went to her house and fucked because she was lonely.

On a beer run with friends and three women wanted to party and asked me and my friends to their bungalow at a resort. Two were single and one was in a long time relationship and she let us know before we accepted the invitation. I stayed away from the one with a bf and focused on an available one but within an hour, what bf, and she was in my lap. In this case she didn't want her friends to know anything so we slipped away and fucked in the pool.

just let my gril go out for a night two days ago, now lo and behold, I'm single. you're absolutly not wrong, OP. how do you get to be so awesome? what makes you so irresistible to women? I want to be like that. maybe I can do something

bump for protips

OP here, let me answer a few of you

I think everyone is "at fault" here. guys are at fault for not making their girls happy. girls are at fault for not ending their relationship and cheat instead. the fairest thing a girl can do when she meets me is not get physical and then break up

in all honesty I feel like what I do is a curse, and guys only find it admirable because we live in a society where male promiscuity is seen as an "alpha male" thing. I don't have a very positive outlook on what I do, I've broken so many girl's hearts and driven so many guys into depression, there is no way I can be proud of that

like I said in an earlier post, being this seductive is something that I was born with and I don't think you can learn it. you can try to imitate it, but it's never going to be the same

I was talking to a girl last night who has been trying to get with me forever, and when I asked her what it was that she liked about me she explained it like this:

>I don't give a fuck about what anybody thinks
>I do whatever the fuck I want
>I am always enjoying life independently of others
>this makes her feel like she can truly be herself

honestly I think it's much more complex than that, and women aren't even aware of exactly what it is that drives them crazy about me. the things that she mentioned are very abstract concepts of how I live my life, but they don't touch on the seductive side of me

at its core flirting is basically like you and the girl having a secret that you both know about and that you are hiding from everyone else, and that is extremely fun and attractive

it's all in the eyes, the way you look at her and when, the things that you do and when, that you lead the interactions, that you make her laugh, that you give and take attention as you please, that you have clear boundaries that she can't cross, etc.

I am trying really hard to put it into words but I'm not very good at it, sorry

let me try to continue this post to help out and I think most guys are pussies that let girls take control of their lives, and they care too much about what girls think. only when you truly believe that you are worth it to the point that you are ok with being the one that rejects girls and puts them in the friendzone, then the girls will swarm you

what I usually see guys doing on a night out is going up to girls and trying to prove to them that they are awesome and desireable, which I think is a huge pussy move

when I go up to a girl in my mind I am giving her the opportunity to prove to me that she is worth my time, and if she doesn't capture my imagination within a few minutes I will literally walk away from her and up to another girl

I remember talking to this girl that I fucked who had a boyfriend overseas, and this is how she described my style:

>when she met me I put myself on a pedestal
>she felt beneath me and that she had to prove she was cool enough
>at first I made her feel special, but she soon started feeling like she was just one of many
>this made her want to be special and stick out from the crowd

so I guess you need to know your worth? something like that

Your PSA is shit.
If you don't think you can trust your significant other to go out and not cheat on you, it isn't a healthy relationship.
If someone is in a relationship and the guy of their dreams or as the OP describes himself as "the devil selling a syrupy dream", they still won't cheat unless they aren't happy in the relationship, I'm not talking about you having an argument before she left, I mean she has to be legitimately unhappy.

People still have self control when they drink, if they drink to the point of losing self control, they aren't mature enough to look after themselves or be in a relationship, you will be aware of this within an hour of talking to them. If they hang out with people who are encouraging them to cheat or lose control, then they are talking shit about you to your friends so they can orchestrate a situation with an excuse, or they have poor taste in friends.
If you're paranoid that she is going to be "stolen" then it's because you are insecure or you know that you're not trying to win one another over.

Unlike OP I've been "the other guy". Women didn't hop on my dick after a couple of drinks and a chat because I told her that we could go travelling, that I'm a great provider or that I lay pipe alright. They did so because I was "secure" compared to their partner in the sense that I got them to talk about themselves and took an interest then shared some (false) aspiration that was relevant, I don't sell a dream like OP aka Walter Mitty, I let them form their own ideas.
their friends won't tell me she has a boyfriend/husband because they don't want to be outed or compared for whatever they have done, there's no "safety in numbers" unless you're physically there, and even then I'll point out to her how overbearing you are, because insulting you doesn't make me look good, I wait for you to insult me.
The best bit is, because I'm discreet, she can swear I've never even seen her naked.

Proverbs 5:3-5

For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:

But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword.

Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

Basically you except in male form. I'm not Christian, but you seem to fit this description perfectly. "I can't help myself, this feels like a curse, she actually loves you." Yea right, full of shit you are. You probably love it if you keep doing it. Nay, the women don't love their partners. You simply reveal their inner nature. And most people today are simply disgusting when truly revealed.

What if she works the night shift?

Agreed. If you worry about your GF cheating on you every time she goes out alone, then your relationship is shit and needs to end.

I don't wrory about my GF cheating on me because that's ultimately her decision and I can't control that. If she chose to do cheat, she has to live with that.

hope she doesn't work in a customer-facing position. I've picked up girls at the drive-in as well as over the phone, nowhere is safe

My thought exactly. If she cheats she's the one losing out and I'm dodging a bullet.

jokes on you user i can't be cucked because that would mean a woman found me attractive

check and mate

eh, is she though? if she cheats it's usually because you aren't as great as you thought, so actually it's her dodging a bullet by not being together with a loser

>I read too many PUA blogs: the post

Oh yes, I'm sure you are the greatest pick up artist and casanova that ever lived, and you decide to spend your time on Jow Forums.

Amen to that. Never trust a friend, never trust a snake.