Julian von Abele

Is Julian really white?

Attached: julian.jpg (1536x2048, 653K)

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i doubt it

is a hapa??

dont know, don't care
only people putting it on blast are malicious racists. not even good racists.. malicious racists.
the evil 1's

I reckon he looks like someone from Switzerland or Italy


Attached: 1544714678952.jpg (1536x2048, 608K)

looks Swiss or French

"Abele" is most common in Germany, if the "von" part didn't give that away.

>Jow Forums circlejerking over his race
>hes done more to help the white race than anyone itt


Attached: 1222343454657.jpg (500x500, 44K)

Yes. Unless your also willing to jump up and down yelling "white power" with no back-up in the middle of a group of blacks in Harlem you don't get to pick at his ethnicity.

Last name: Abele
derives from the Hebrew given name
'Hevel' meaning 'breath or vigour'.


von denotes nobility has nothing to
do with his last name.



Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Abele (a pet form
of the Yiddish personal name Abe (from Hebrew
ab ‘father’) or of Abraham) + Yiddish
possessive -s. Dutch: variant of Abele.

Source: Dictionary of American Family
Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

he's a fake jew kike amalekite
and he's just showing you all
how easy it is to bring you down
from within. DEBUNK THIS NOW

Attached: (((Abele))).jpg (848x564, 216K)


Even if he is not, he is honorary at the very least. It took a mix of balls and autism to say that shit, for that, he has my respect.

>It was apparently introduced by returning Crusaders and pilgrims from the Holy Land in the 12th century,

So they brought Jews with them from the Holy Land? Yeah right



He looks like he could be Martin Sellner's brother.

Attached: fe01a0a7ed1c084c44a56ab20b611a03.png (458x541, 471K)

another nazbol jew

Kinda looks anglo desu



>i respond to shills cuz Im a faggot

Fuck you cunt
Sage and hide

>Yea, he's definitely a Jew. Nobody should support him in his effort to spread the word about anti-white discrimination. Just join in with (((MSM))) in bashing him and help them ruin his life.

He looks a bit off white in this pic. But in the video he looks white. I think it's just the lighting.

All that effort into your post basically proves your jidf

so he looks non-white?

Yeesh poster child of FAS.

no, people exchanged their names like black Kangz adopting ersatz African names. the Crusader kingdoms were full of weird hybridization and I’m glad they fell. if European states had remained in power in the Levant, they would have worked as giant pumps injecting Christian Arabs and nativized euro-semitic mestizos into the heart of Europe for centuries. the effect would have been far worse than the present-day migrant crisis

This post is what a Jew poster who is scrambling to do damage control look like.

Whether the young man has Eastern European ancestry or not is irrelevant. Why? Simple. If merely celebrating white people being successful in the modern era gets you on the black list, you as a nordic white are going to be in way deeper shit when you are the target.

Anons, don't let (((them))) railroad this kid for free. (((They))) realize they just jumped the gun and are rushing to cover up knowledge of their over reach. Any of you who are white or close to white are in the cross hairs of the Jews if you so much as take one step out of line. Alarm Bell is ringing, anons. Wake up and fight back!

That was what was implied.

debunked how? you don't even know who
the real jews are you fucking moron.

jidf? you must be a fucking kike.

You fucking dunce.

Abele is not an inherently Jewish name.

Do you get it?
