Who's laטghing now???

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He was not too smart...

This only proof how corrupt the judicial system is, they first pick a target and them his/her life until they concot the crime. they are criminals-

*they disect their lives

Yep. They tried to pull this shit on Oliver North. Almost worked.


Nobody cares

>implying that tweet didn't put a target on his back
Just more proof that if you helped Trump in any way, you're going to jail

We literally have a tape, that he provided, of him and the president conspiring to hide an affair from the voters (which, who cares but it is a campaign gift)

Oh you slipped in a hebrew character there you filthy shill kike. Mask dropped right in front of us.

Look who’s shilling again lads.

>conspiring to hide an affair from the voters
hiding a (still unproven) affair is not a crime though. if trump is actually charged with that, we should charge bill with the same shit for the lewinsky scandal, remember he knowingly lied, misled, and tried to hide it from the american people ;)
also, trump was a private citizen at the time

>(which, who cares but it is a campaign gift)
It's only a campaign finance violation in the fevered imagination of Trump haters.


a private citizen can fuck and denied he fucked however he wants, that's not an impechable offense. but hey keep dreaming, I'm sure this is the beggining of the end for Trump!

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What people do as private citizens is their business. As long as they were not paid off with federal tax money the voters don't really care.

>We literally have a tape, that he provided, of him and the president conspiring to hide an affair from the voters (which, who cares but it is a campaign gift)

Shut the fuck up, if I had donated to Trump, I'd ABSOLUTELY want him to pay off some whore to prevent her from damaging his campaign right before the election.

>conspiring to hide an affair from the voters
But literally nobody cares and we've always suspected Trump sleeps around because he can.

dafuq? he got his sentence reduced to 3 years and got 1.4 million dollars of restitution for pleading guilty for a bunch of shit that he was already guilty of b4 joining the Trump campaign. looks like genius level shit to me. btw, I think that his public feud with Drumpf is all a show (just like every other one, except maybe Avenatti). But Stormy had an arrangement w orangeman from go, just like Omarrosa.

That's not a crime. Nothing says a presidential candidate has to reveal to the public details about everyone they've had sex with.


Oy vey

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