Should I do that, at all?
I talk to a lot of women in my workplace and my college yet I still have this feeling at the back of my head. Watching them skate by life and not be punished for their errors in both workplace and educational scenarios because they're women (and them admitting to that) makes me see red. Not to mention the few girls I know online brag about getting 500-1000 USD just for sending pictures of their feet to some desperate rich guy. Am I justified in my hatred? Pic unrelated.
>inb4 hurr incel ecksdee
How do I lessen my hatred of women?
Even if that were true, it'd only be true because men had allowed it
Good job shifting the blame and making women look like children, but it doesn't exactly help his problem
You won't be able to build up a meaningful relationship with a girl if you hate women. You're not really justified in your hatred as men are just as bad.
You should probably stay off Jow Forums / the internet / neckbeard websites for awhile, as these just give a dreadful perspective of women and would just make you feel worse.
Friendly reminder to report all potential incels to the authorities.
They are potential terrorists and a threat to millions of women and our society as a whole.
Women have the cognitive abilities of an infant.
After knowing about the Dubai Porta Potty and seing pics of women on Jow Forums freely showing off the sexual desires, I too am fully disgusted by women.
I actually want a relationship but knowing how disloyal they are and their disgusting past I will never marry one of those whores. Only a fool would.
Would you want the mother of your child to be a whore?
Bump. Would actually be cool if some femanons came and helped out.
There are some exceptions, just got to find them. You probably already know all the red flags so just keep trying until you meet someone who doesn't have them.
I'd have married judge judy in her prime.
You sound like a real catch. I'm sure girls are crying themselves to sleep knowing they will never have someone like you, and that you will die a kissless virgin.
Sup whore?
No, you're not justified in this "hatred" and yes this is the definition of incel. It's hating women not the lack of gf.
And blaming everyone but yourself for your own problems. That you yourself created.
incel = involuntarily celibate
The rest is optional
Adding extra meanings to it is reddit af
Involuntarily celibate is an oxymoron. It cannot exist. Incels are volcels in denial.
That makes no sense. If someone tries to get a relationship going and is rejected continuously, that's by definition an incel. Why can't it exist? You probably see it as a lifelong title, in which case it indeed makes fewer sense as there is a point in which women want to settle with a provider (aka wallet), so the flaws of the man can be overlooked
You are not making sense. Incels never, once, try. Incels have so many options yet the only thing they do is rage on the internet and never once do anything that would land them a gf. Incels expect a perfect fantasy gf to magically appear in front of them.
The definition of incel is a guy who cannot get a gf. I'm not trying to get a gf, at all.And what problems have I created for myself?
You jackass, that's too many potentials. Once I find out who you are, Ima fuck your mom, faggot. If you shoot at me, ima shoot back. Nigger.
And that definition cannot exist. It is not possible to be a guy who "cannot get a gf".
Not him but I'm the perfect example. I had a gf 4 years ago and since then I went out and of course asked girls out and I only been rejected. I'm really trying and I can't figure out what's wrong. Can't even get a date anymore.
t. Bitter basement-dwelling manchild who has not spoken to a female in years
Obviously you are doing something wrong.
Hence the term, 'cannot get a gf' despite his best efforts.
funny how you jump to that conclusion as soon as someone suggests that you may not know what you're talking about.
Obvious or not, I can't figure it.
So I think the claim that >there's no guy that can't get a gf is wrong here
I will probably get one in like 10 years tho, mature women 'appreciate' different qualities
Have you tried tinder?
Second world country, no one uses online dating besides 35+ yos
Do you know this for a fact or are you just making excuses? Young people everywhere are huge users of online dating.
Sure, I'll bite. I think OP needs counseling. Not in a derogatory sense, but if you truly believe something and that something is hindering your quality of life and ability to function, cognitive behavioral therapy is a good first step to reversing unhealthy thought patterns. It won't be like some kind of magic, but they can help you figure out the hows and whys and get you on the right track. That's all I've got.
First off, be honest with yourself about why you really hate women. Is there an underlying reason? eg. can’t get a gf, mother issues etc.
Second, are these girls average, or above average? (will address this later depending on the answer)
>implying you can't just be irritated by womens privilege in society and how no one will acknowledge it without having some mommy issues
Yes, I tested it. Anyway, I think I would stand better chances irl because there's a good amount of guys that are scared to approach, and that's not the case online so competition would be more fierce.
I honestly can't understand it. I'm not bad looking so what's up?
Did you test it with a shitty selfie and a boring writeup?
The pic was ok, give me an example of what you consider as a non boring writeup, as I'm not a good bullshitter.
>Implying op is not already beyond help
Do you know the guys who will pay for feet pics because my rent is due.
There's something wrong with the purchaser and the seller in this situation.
And for the record, men don't usually get in trouble at work for errors. Their errors usually get blamed on the secretary who is usually smarter than the dude.
Short, to the point, witty.
>If I say something enough times it'll make it true
I'd say become a insta model. You'd get a lot of offers.
>And for the record, men don't usually get in trouble at work for errors. Their errors usually get blamed on the secretary who is usually smarter than the dude.
My job doesn't even have secretaries.
How should I do it, pray tell? He already decided that women are retards who get everything handed on a silver platter. I could tell him my life story or life stories of countless other women I know, but I doubt he'd believe me. I could tell him the whole "it's bad to generalize people," but I doubt I'd be telling him something new. The thing is, he believes the stuff he believes because he wants to believe it. If he wasn't blinded by ideology, he could see the evidence contrary to his beliefs in his everyday life. He won't see it if he actively chooses not to see and it's up to him to learn to be open-minded if he so desires.
Not OP but would like to chime in.
I'm a shut in. kissless virgin. Had probs with my mom but now we are on good terms. I get hit on and stared at from hot girls who actually go out of their way to walk in front of stare me down/ glance/ fix their hair and posture, rub on me and smile, sit next to me and smile... typical signs of women wanting me to make the first move.
I might look like a chad but have the personality of a virgin. Never really wanted to fuck around like an animal like other men do. Just wanted one girl who is loyal (attractive, but more and more it seems I don't really care. Atleast an atrractive face) and a family.
But with this generation of women it literally disgusts me knowing that they have been used. And even the thought of being with a girl who has had a past makes me lose all interest and makes me want to vomit.
It seems for todays women sex is just a pasttime event no real emotion behind it. A stress reliever.
But hey I don't kneo all I can do is fantasize about a relationship, am still a virgin.
You have to hate women before you can truly appreciate them. Its like a predator killing something. At first you are disgusted but eventually you appreciate the precision and power it displays