I have to start from the beginning. I met this girl about 8 months ago and dated her for the past 6 months...

I have to start from the beginning. I met this girl about 8 months ago and dated her for the past 6 months. Here's the backstory.

>she has a kid
>her baby daddy was a violent drug addict
>before we met she was stabbed by him and lost custody of her kid due to domestic violence and drugs
>her parents gained custody of her child who was less than a year old at the time
>she moved to a protective shelter and got clean
>we meet at a Starbucks and start a relationship
>after a couple months, she moves into an apartment closer to me
>I spend most my time their (despite having my own apartment)
>the only time we spend apart is when I'm at work
>she's working with her parents on getting custody of her kid back
>her ex is in jail at that time
>we're happy and life is good

Here's how things get messy.

>her ex is released from jail in April
>around the same time, she decides she wants to start smoking weed
>it's a soft drug and something I enjoy so I agree
>over the next 2 months several hints make me suspicious that she is in contact with her ex
>I confront her about it
>she claims she's only discussing matters about their son with them
>I decide to call a number she's been messaging under several different contact names (pic related)
>voice mail is her ex's

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>leave work early to confront her
>she's not home
>claims she's on a walk
>I say we need to talk
>she immediately refuses to come back and talk
>demands I leave her apartment
>decide to snoop first
>find a phone she stop using at the end of March right a few weeks after she moved to her apartment
>discover old messages with multiple different guys
>asking them to come over because her bf is at work
>flip the fuck out
>use her phone to get into her facebook and instagram
>expose her cheating to all of social media
>delete all her photos and change her password to lock her out
>inform her parents about her drug use, continued relationship with her violent ex, and the excessive cheating
>her mom swears to disown her and never return custody of her child
>gf is unaware until the next day
>parties the night away with drug dealers
>returns the next morning to the news and is destroyed
>finally, I give her address and phone to a rapist who had been stalking her for 3 years
>she is terrified
>calls me uncontrollably sobbing saying her life is over
>she will never see her son again and her pictures and memories of him were deleted and lost on her facebook and instagram

I originally denied being the culprit of all of it and offered to help damage control. She bought it for a few hours until she saw the screenshots I had posted on her own Facebook of the messages she was sending other guys. I still haven't come fully clean but at this point in time she despises me. I think I went too far. A day later I feel pretty guilty. I'm feeling the sting of not seeing someone I have spent every of the most 8 months with. I don't want her back but I want to resolve the hate between us. Should I come clean? Or stay sympathetic and try to comfort while still denying I did it all? Or just leave entirely because the situation is too far fucked up?

Is it even possible to apologize about what I've done at this point?

Cut contact and move on.

>asking them to come over because her bf is at work

What a turbo slut.

Good for you for getting revenge. I bet it felt good.

I don't know why you'd want to apologize to this rat of a person. You're far too soft.

I'm not saying you did the right thing, op, because every revenge is shit. But you made learn a lesson and pay for her mistakes. She is a shitty person and she needed to learn it the hard way, you made her a favor while satisfying your desire for revenge. You being hurt by her and getting revenge for it doesn't change anything, then.
Cut contacts and move on. Never apologize for anything unless she makes amend for everything she's done. But I doubt she'll ever will.

You might have gone a bit far but don't apologize, cut contact and move on. You saved the kid from a shitty life with shitty parents at least so take solace in that

It did feel good at first. I think I just miss her company now and I do feel pretty bad about the overkill revenge. It's hard to drop someone who I put so much time into

At this point she won't make amends. As a matter of fact, she is still refusing to admit some of it. But she has definitely said that she learned her lesson. I don't know if it was right but it felt good to hear it. I just am having second thoughts about being so harsh

Dude. She cheated on you multiple times. This is not a person to have any sympathy for. Get mad.

Thanks that does actually make me feel better. I was optimistic originally about her potential as a mother, but I think her actions proves she could never treat her child with the right morals

Her saying she learned the lesson means nothing. Her words are meaningless after everything she's done. Facts are all that matter

>reads first two lines of greentext
You're a turbo cuck.

I think as men we're too willing to overlook serious redflags in the women we date.

>has a kid
>with a violent drug addict jailbird nonetheless
>she'd make a great wife!

Don't get me wrong, I've been there, but looking back it's like "What the hell did you expect to happen?"

>Is it even possible to apologize about what I've done at this point?

You don't have anything to apologize for. The party lifestyle, drugs, the old life with the old ex, is the only life she knows and has gone so far down that path of psychological conditioning that she won't ever be a functional human being again.

Cut all ties to her and move on.

I did get mad that's why I did this. I mean I think I made it pretty even if not way over did it.

Good. Stay mad. You didn't put time into her. She completely wasted yours and as other anons have pointed out.- you should have known better.

I absolutely agree. I don't know why but a challenging past always intrigues me. But I knew the signs said this would happen. That's probably why I was so prepared to get back at her

Thats exactly what her mom said when I was telling her mom about her drug use and cheating. She was adopted and her biological family lived the same fucked up life. Her adopted mom believes it's just part of her no matter how hard she and everyone else has worked to change it

Holy shit so here's an update

I've managed to convince that the person who hacked her facebook and instagram is her rapist that has been stalking her. I used her instagram to post a selfie of himself and she wholeheartedly believes he's the one doing everything

You're an idiot. Why the fuck ask here for advice if you're not gonna take it anyways

I think it's because a girl with a challenging past comes off as being more...relatable? I can't stand valley types that grew up with perfect lives and seem sheltered. A girl with a little bit of self loathing just gets "it" more in my experience

what you did was overkill, I'd say spend 6-8 mo feeling like shit about it then think back on it once a year to hope her child is ok for 4 years. Then do whatever you want since you'll be in a serious relationship by then

also if the police get involved in this they'll just piece together that it was you that posted all that. this is either a shitty troll or you're a fucking retard just like her

i can get you revealing the cheating and shit on social media but
>finally, I give her address and phone to a rapist who had been stalking her for 3 years
is pretty fucked up

Retard just cut her out of your life.

The only unjustifiable thing you did was getting the rapist involved. That's fucked up and you should feel ashamed. This board really has gone to shit, if no-one else called you out on it.

You're a massive piece of shit. Yeah, she's a pretty terrible person but you're on a completely different level of asshole. Take a nap on some train tracks.

Good on you for doing what you did, the baby doesn't need to go back to that life. You're a fucking retard for getting involved with her at all, her having a history of drugs and a violent ex and a kid, that should have told you she was all kinds of fucked up. Don't apologize to her. Cut contact and vanish, otherwise you deserve whatever happens to you.

He said "get mad", and you said "I did". Past tense. Stay mad, idiot.

"Intrigues" you? Stfu, nobody is "intrigued" by a fucked up slut of a woman. Men who go after those bitches are not "intrigued", they're simply going after the most vulnerable women.

Stalking and catching the sick gazelle works great for lions. But in dating, it's not a good strategy, and it's not deserving of the word "intriguing".