Whats Jow Forums's honest opinion about this dude?

whats Jow Forums's honest opinion about this dude?
have you taken the ickepill already?
he seems extremely woke about many subjects but loses all credibility because of all the lizard shenanigans.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's never had his feet quite firmly on the ground, it seems. But during the earlier stages of his career, he certainly was on point as fuck when it came to the elite bloodlines, and how they manipulate the masses. He's an insightful fool who was bamboozled into believing horseshit, imo. Contrary to Alex Jones, who is some kind of high level double agent or a hypnosis/mind control/project monarch victim

this exact same thread gets posted every few days.

Problem, reaction, solution.

I don’t think the world is run by lizards, if that’s what you mean. It might be better if it was.

If Socrates were alive today he’d be David Icke

>black royals practice eugenics policies to keep a pure bloodline
>why do you ask?
Shoot for the fences I guess

he missed the opportunity to learn the actual science of vibration. He is right brain dominant

The Icke pill is one of the final redpills

If the world were run by lizards there'd be no insects left.

Think about it.

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equal parts redpilled and psychotic
probably /ourguy/

It's a beginners pill tbf.

Literally knew everything happening today years ago

gibs vibration science pls
then whats a better one

We aren't going to let you run the world, Ping

its actually an introduction pill to soul science

Nassim Haramein.

Attached: Cymatics.jpg (564x393, 23K)


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>loses all credibility because of all the lizard shenanigans.
It's called poisoning the well, and coincidentally he is the spitting image of John D. Rockefeller.

Attached: icke.jpg (646x335, 30K)

He seems to be the very definition of disinformation. Lay out all the connections, then have to throw away all the truth because the conclusion is false.
>20 years illuminati research
>tfw reptiles

cheers mate

>Being this dense
If he came out and said it was Jews pretending to be Whites he would have had a fatal accident many years ago.

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like all top end "fringe lunatics" i genuinely believe "they" have told him some truths but he's classed as so batshit crazy we'd never believe the truth he tells us.

>its da joos
>being this bluepilled

He does his research, he's good at connecting the dots. I really do not buy the lizard angle, I think he shot himself in the foot with that and didn't help his cause.

Those assholes are psychopaths, that is a satisfactory explanation.