i unironically beleive i am top 0.01% inteligence but i waste my time on Jow Forums all day. help
I unironically beleive i am top 0.01% inteligence but i waste my time on Jow Forums all day. help
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If you're too good for this world, then why not just kill yourself?
I think you just helped yourself by proving that you post here in Jow Forums. If you really were top 0.01% intelligence you wouldn't be here.
Im gonna hijacke this cause that bait is dry dogshit tier.
Soooo... Any advice for job Interviews via phone?
lmao it's quite a paradox you are stating here
Doing an interview via phone? OOF
Practice speaking outloud alone, it'll sound REALLY weird and stupid, but you don't want to sound completely autistic and this will help. Also for god sake do NOT clear your throat after every sentence, it's something we do when we're nervous but it'll come across as ear rape on the other end. Just try you best to focus on not doing any verbal tics like that.
pretty stupid thing to say
Intelligence is worth nothing unless you are using it for something.
No Gambino fan is even in the top 10% of intelligence
This is actually true for me. My excuse is this site gives me new perspectives.
You're a lot dumber than you think if you genuinely believe that schoolhouse standardized testing is a legitimate method of measuring a person's general intelligence.
What’s the most legitimate method? For someone like me, who can’t afford classes, private tutors, etc. a test that gauges your comprehension and reasoning skills rather than plain knowledge seems a legitimate method for someone in high school.
Go back to watching Minecraft letsplays and jerking off to Richard Dawkins, kid.
You take the test in high school, is what I meant. I’ve graduated, now will you answer my question or ignore it?
I hate phone interviews. Basically pointless. On the flip side, hard to screw up because most
If you arent using your intelligence for something productive, you are as stupid as everyone else
There is no better method, iq tests are also flawed. You are more intelligent when in comes to what? Even a genuis is dumb in other areas. Become a polymath if you are actually smart rather than brag about your intelligence with nothing to back it up.
>he got an 8 on writing
Brainlet alert, you think you're hot shit but you're not.
>I am one of the most smart people in the world
>I spend all my time on Jow Forums
No you’re average intelligence at best. A real genius would be putting their IQ to work not self destructing. I use Jow Forums when I’m shutting because that’s the most productive product I can do during that.
Start bettering yourself and get rid of this supierority complex you have.
Is it possible for the smartest physicist/mathematician to have a drug addiction?
Intelligence doesn't work like that. You can have very high intelligence and still be socially retarded or be stuck in a situation mentally or physically where you can't change much about your life. Some things just come down to things such as motivation and desire, rather than anything else.
The most intelligent person in the world is probably some chink that plays lots of video games and is probably poor.
>Become a polymath if you are actually smart rather than brag about your intelligence with nothing to back it up.
But that's not how intelligence works. It's a measure of being able to figure out solutions to problems and not about having knowledge. Otherwise a bot spouting knowledge from wikipedia would be the most intelligent thing.
Of course. Ignore most of what the people in this thread say. They have this idealistic picture of intelligence, where an intelligent person is supposed to gave prefect motivation and perfect desire and perfect knowledge. That's not how it works.
If you want an example of a mathematician with a drug habit then look no further than Paul Erdos. He has put out the largest amount of math papers in history and is considered a very important mathematician.
>After 1971 he also took amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 that he could not stop taking the drug for a month. Erdős won the bet, but complained that during his abstinence, mathematics had been set back by a month: "Before, when I looked at a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper." After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his amphetamine use.
>But that's not how intelligence works. It's a measure of being able to figure out solutions to problems and not about having knowledge.
Wew lad. Okay, intelligence is much much more complicated than that. Not even considering the fact that so many environmental factors contribute towards what a person receives on their test scores, the reason standardized testing is such a weak indicator of general intelligence is because there are many different kinds of intelligence. Standardized testing was invented by rather mediocre minds. It doesn't value creativity, adaptivity or any of the really intuitive qualities that actual geniuses have. I'm sure your pattern recognition and visual memory is top notch (because those are the main types of skills required to ace standardized tests) but if you think those qualities are equivalent to being in the top 0.01% of intelligence then you are sorely mistaken.
I'm not OP.
>It doesn't value creativity, adaptivity or any of the really intuitive qualities that actual geniuses have.
You can't really measure creativity and adaptivity. Having an intuitive feel about something is about practice. It's about training your pattern matching to recognize situations to quickly give you a feel for it based on heuristics.
>I'm sure your pattern recognition and visual memory is top notch
Pattern recognition is probably the single biggest factor in intelligence, but I'm not just talking about the patterns we can test for, but all the others as well. Adaptability and creativity are usually related to pattern matching too. In the case of adaptability recognizing patterns can give you an easier way to settle into a situation and to understand the flow of events even if it's a new situation. In the case of creativity patterns can be the building blocks you put something together from.
Visual memory, on the other hand, doesn't seem very important to me. Spatial memory is far better and far more useful.
>but if you think those qualities are equivalent to being in the top 0.01% of intelligence then you are sorely mistaken.
It depends on what people mean by intelligence. If it's the result of IQ testing then apparently I am in the top 0.4%. However, IQ test results don't really mean much on their own. If you have no knowledge or desire then you could have an IQ of 200 on SD15 and you'd still be a failure in life.
you know the truth, it's just easier to pretend you have a delusion so you don't have to take up the hard work yourself
which is, in and of itself, a whole separate delusion
It doesn't have to be a delusion. You can be really smart but no desire to actually do what you need to do. This is a standard thing for people with ADHD.
Of course, chances are pretty good that he is not being truthful.
Man I couldn't stop laughing holy shit. Thanks OP for the laugh, especially with the grammar and spelling errors
Intelligence is essentially the ability to complex problem solve systems with out any prior knowledge of the system structure.
IQ is extremely important. But it doesn't mean nearly as much as people make it out to be.
For example just because some one is extremely intelligent doesn't mean they'll position themselves in a situation where that intelligence will be useful.