Faux Noise
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lol it never really ends, does it?
>Cohen betrays Trump to cooperate with Mueller
>Goes to jail anyway
>Cohen betrays Trump to cooperate with Mueller
>Goes to *prison* for 3 years instead of 4
The Art of The Deal
now he doesn't even get a pardon
he only betrayed Trump because they raided his home and offices, meaning he was already fucked beyond repair
he could have gotten life in prison like Manafort if he tried to fight it
Cohen is corrupt as fuck but he’s not braindead
cant trump just pardon him
but muh everything has to be about Trump trump Trump trum pTRuMP
holy shit, fuck Obama.
not state crimes, also that would be political suicide for Donald
Fuck off Tom, nobody wants to be your friend
I mean, it’s clear Trump directed him to do this shit. If he wasn’t president he’d be indicted.
lol honestly its fucking hilarious at this point to watch you flounder
...and her emails
Wow, why do americans need four new stations to repeat the exact same fucking thing?
4 Zionist Jew Networks vs 1 conservative Jew network
that is true, but Trumplets expected him to roll over and present his asshole to Trump instead of cooperating with the authorities
if trump tries to pardon anyone that'll be an automatic impeachment.
>the exact same thing
You mean the facts? Also, this is a capitalist country, competition is healthy.
>new stations
L0Lno fgt pls
4 NPC networks.
btfo retard.
crymoar fgt pls
They should indict him anyway
Dems shilling hard for trump impeachment like it will ever happen communist scum attacking Donny when no laws were broken
>no laws were broken
L0Lno fgt pls
>trump directed him
In your mind? Are you taking a proven liar's word user?
Even snopes knows this is fake, and people share it because theyre retarded, just like people shared pic related without fact checking it.
Proof trump violated campaign finance laws? You have none, trump will contiune to be president and trigger the liberals
>he did it on his own initiative
L0Lno fgt pls, as ifff
Even assuming the worst, how do you prove that the payments to the whores was a campaign violation, and not to protect his family from attack by tabloid-tier newsers?
>he thinks laws were broken
You dont even know what the laws are, youre bandwagoning hard.
Well what's the source from leaf frend
Okay mods hes trolling, ban
>You dont even know what campaign finance laws are
L0L yes fgt pls
Media is so clearly against trump anchors coming on daily with the “trump is a criminal” bullshit. They constantly attempt to associate him with criminality when they can’t even cite the laws he’s broken. Democrats call Republicans the idiots but they can’t even make a proper case for impeachment, but demand it happens. Literal brainlets
Current AG is a Trump stooge who will block it, best to wait for the Dem congress to be seated.
Plus Mueller is a very by-the-book prosecutor, I don’t feel he’ll go against the DOJ policy that says they don’t indict sitting presidents.
Now SDNY? They might indict him for state crimes if they’re feeling ballsy.
crymoar fgt pls
You realize that the precedent that democrats (retards) are setting is that they can comb through all of a politicians actions, attempt to find criminality, and push for penalty. What if republicans do the same thing? Are you ok with republicans investigating and charging democratic politicians? Because they likely aren’t clean either. They want prosecutorial war, and the republicans will give it to them
>What if republicans do the same thing?
...like they did with both Clintons? L0L
Wait did the clintons go to jail? We’re they charged with anything? Was anyone in the Clinton campaign charged or convicted of anything? No they weren’t at least know your history if you’re going to debate
>at least know your history
Lrn2history fgt pls
Well the FBI investigation into Clinton e-mails is what probably caused her lose so just because she didn't go to jail doesn't mean there were no consequences
>comb through all of a politicians actions
>attempt to find criminality
>push for penalty
...so what they omit, Sherlock?
>this is a calitalist country competition is healthy
get to bed, Cadet Capslock
Because he did it two weeks before people voted for him to become president.
The best Christmas I will ever have is seeing the Trump administration fold and all his locked henchmen behind bars. The most corrupt, incompetent, moronic Presidency this country has ever seen.
>how do you prove that the payments to the whores was a campaign violation
...with two words: Money Trail
It's not that difficult, Sherlock.
Ok liberal boomer just to tell you “Sherlock” is a verifiable Idiotic insult. You are convinced trump is a criminal without proof, without knowledge of the laws he violated or actions he might’ve or might not have taken. This makes you an average CNN viewer, someone who is blinded by anti trump rage. You have no knowledge of the offenses trump committed, so your opinion is flawed
trump campaign was largely self financed if he paid he with his own money it isn’t a violation.
tryharder fgt pls
Our leaders shouldn’t be committing crimes. Plus if the crimes aren’t extremely serious, the senate won’t convict them like Bill.
Trump is extremely corrupt and is witness tampering and obstructing justice constantly. Rule of law matters. Applies to both Dems and Reps.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Obstruction of justice and witness tampering are the most general offenses. Just because you tweet “I’m innocent, witchunt” doesn’t mean you’re obstructing justice
You're getting coal.
It’s “faggot” are you too scared to say the full word?
Lrn2fgt newfag pls
Oh I get it, all the shilly leftist news corporations are the real news.
>Oh I get it
No, not really.
If he wasn’t president no one would care
A lot of people in Las Vegas cared before he was President, Cletus.
>fox news reports on it and moves the fuck on
>everyone els talks about it for a month
sounds about right
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
>faux noise reports ten seconds on it and scuttles the fuck out of hearing range
>Cohen was sentenced Wednesday, today is Thursday
sounds about right
Behold, the favorite news network of /ptg/
I look at Fox they’re talking about muh Russia too. Fox is controlled opposition. Never forget that they were all in for yeb. This “election interference” would have happened if Hillary had won. It’s all about censorship in the new media. You think it’s a coincidence that anyone to the right of Marx has been silenced on most social media platforms? You think it’s a coincidence that Mueller became director of the FBI one week before 9/11 and then helped create the domestic surveillance state? Haha
The Left will not be happy until the entire goddamn media is solid leftist Jews openly advocating for white genocide. Any they would still point to Zionist kike filled Fox News.