What did she mean by this Jow Forums?
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she always was on the good side of the force.
It's bad to have her on your side
what the fuck is her problem?
Don't you mean Natalie Hershlag?
>kike spotted
Based Padme
its time
Based Hershlag, a true Edeljude
Not going to happen. They just finished their wall like a year or two ago.
Saw some moishe on Tucker talking about it. Went from 55,000 illegals in S. Tel Aviv to ZERO.
okay, this is epic
Cool I guess but she still gets the gas. No based Jews in real life.
>give up on living
>good side of the force
She denied Christ as her Lord and Savior and as such is going straight to Hell.
Most leftist diaspora jews want open borders for Israel, they want open borders for the world.
>suddenly, leftist jew hollywood stars are based
Traitorous whore
Pol is a board of peace: Ethnostates for all
Jews deserve it too
How do I get a Jewish gf. I'm goy btw.
I'd fuck her, let her have my kid and she can die in childbirth.
Her role in Leon and multiple contracts signed immediately after has kept me on look out for when she will come out.
Some day.
back to the gas chamber shlomo
She's gonna get shoah'd
hi mr.shekelberg
Twins I assume?
There's a new law called the nation state law that had changed the official languages in Israel. Until recently, we were still going by the british mandate's decision, which had both hebrew and arabic as Israel's official languages, now its only hebrew with arabic given some special status regarding education in some areas and other public requirements for the arabic language.
As of the timing of the law, its pretty divisive to have it now, but it would've been made sooner or later.
>good side of the force.
nice b8
I can't believe this cunt is actually going to make me defend Israel. It's the jewish state. It's the one place they can run to when they've jewed to hard. They are never going to peacefully give that up, and they would be stupid to give it up.
so, its treason then.
There are plenty of arabs who live and work in Israel. People from around the Globe migrate into the country. Mainly jews, yes, understandable. But other than us, they don't have a pussy government and take in who is okay with them and accept their way of life and keep the savages out. Apart from that, Israel offered to take refugees, but Arabs hate them so much they wouldn't even take their free housing. Our governments take the savages in and deny access to the reasonable.
jews deserve the rope, not much else
>ported man
>nathalie comes from "Natal Day" (birthday)
>born ported man?
The Jewish need to undermine nations is so strong that sometimes they do it to themselves too
she is based, probably due to some statistic singualrity that made all the rare human genes contained within the jewish dna pool assemble, thus creating an actual human genome.
Very great actress and a talented humanitarian too.
She should tone down with that blatant antisemitism!
Pretty sure she doesn't get paid based on what she thinks. Why should we care?
Based cunt
FYI she is an open borders for all proponent. And there’s nothing wrong with that!
probably also a tranny.
>dual-citizenship Jew is calling for the liquidation of borders, this time of the world's first proper Jewish containment zone
Shark status: imagined
Open borders for Israel. People need help.
and uhhhh where does she say "open borders for israhell"????
>a liberal jew who doesnt have a double standard for kikeland
all leftards should be gased
Show the vagina one
>sooner or later.
Israel will disappear
this. also Islam will be conquered and vanished from the face of the earth
She's a hollywood lefty. Just virtue signalling. "Walls are racist"
>worshipping a god that mutilated baby foreskin
Islam doesnt run your banks, collect your taxes and send them to Israhell or run your media.
It is why joos are the enemy of all people and until their destroyed we cant fix any other problems.
She is brainwashed by evil left wing whites
>on the good side
This isn't being on the good side.
This is just being consistent in your nation destroying ways, which she would be considering she's female.
this is the point. see e.g. bill maher about israel:
> I hate to agree with Donald Trump, but it doesn't happen often, but I do. I don't know why Israel - it has been their capital since 1949, it is where their government is. They've won all the wars thrown against them. I don't understand why they don't get to have their capital where they want
why is this machiavellian ethos (won wars > take lands) fine only when regarding israel?
I can literally see her asshole there. wtf
Who cares?
All jewish opposition to Israel is pure theater anyway.
No effective actions, laws or policies have ever been enacted as a result.
Anti-Israeli jews still move to Israel when things get though.
I laugh at the reddit niggers that fall for this basic jewish trickery.
I think I can see her bum hole.
So we're just gonna ignore this, huh? Okay then.
She's right.
Israel needs to stop being racist and accept diversity like the rest of us!
Israel will not survive without diversity.
They need our support on this one issue.
Share and share a like. Jews need to be blacked.
She means to tell us that she’s a dumb Jewlywood thot.
It's pure virtue-signalling, she's not gonna move a single muscle to actually do anything against it, as usual.
I don't think so fren
she just loves pandering to us, she doesn't realize we don't watch movies
/our/ shlag
I know your flag invokes ridicule etc etc but hear me out. I sometimes wish I was born Jewish. It would be great to live in a militaristic society under American umbrella, that’s obsessed with its identity and culture and that is willing to die to the last man to protect that. Being European and seeing the mockery that became of my people and my culture is getting close to unbearable.
Anyway, I respect your country and your society.
Remember how the Jews created Bolshevism, and then it backfired on them when Stalin killed them all for "disloyalty", and subsequent Soviet leaders criminalized support for Zionism? The same thing is happening with Globalism. They thought they could use it as a weapon against the goys, but then their globalist NPCs said, "hey, those (((fellow-whites))) could use some cultural enrichment too!"
There's literally no content to that law , everything in it is already in the declaration of Independence
The coalition only did this to smear those voting against it in the public opinion
You, ill-willed retards, should finally understand that Jewish elites in America are americanized and they have radical ambitions to create a universal state
Jews of Israel are modest, down to earth people who want to keep their nation state, the culture of Israel is different from that in America
In this light, the conflict between americanized Jews and Jews from a normal nation state is predictable, because nation state Jews don't have any universalist and imperialist ideology behind them. They think regionally, want to keep their country and families
While americanized Jews are part of the American Empire which has universalist ambitions, not to set limits on itself, to rule over the world in various areas, to punish the Western world for not wanting endless tolerance and openness, which means really erasing national cultures. American Jews will find it surprising to find out, how nation state Jews think of immigration and multiculturalism
Based Hershlag firing up the ovens.
Then we need to get all their attention focused on Israel. Your people will not survive without diversity.
There's still tons of illegals just not many coming in.
Similar wall in USA would cost ~ 6 bil with same price per km
Who were brainwashed by you, kike.
And if Israel becomes more and more radical, and if American Jews of universalist ideology will begin to notice how xenophobic nation state Jews are, then I don't think American Jews will want to settle with that kind of nation state common sense, and I think they will choose America over Israel. It's a difference between imperialism and nationalism. Cosmopolitanism is a hidden imperialism
the borders are the only thing israel does right
No, that's just her being a woman
Natalie for president in 2020. I'm with Her(shlag)!
>Israel has a Jew only immigration policy for 70 years
Says nothing
>Israel passes a law which doesn't actually do anything
Says this
I don't get it.
>I am tired of life but lack the courage. Mossad, please end it for me.
I knew Matilda wouldn't let me down
literally anti-semites
(((He))) is a tranny indeed. Shall we call him Nathan Portman?
I like her
Not like
>(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Sarah Silverman))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
This is from Mathilda.
>The Iranian women is wearing g western clothes
Doesn't really drive the "we're all on the same side/we're all the same" point home when the Iranian woman in their pic is breaking dress code laws
in the end, she'll still let die a lonely horrible death
>rich Hollywood female is liberal
imagine my surprise
>being this retarded
great to here
totally worth it
maybe then girls would like you,
You stinky India street shitting faggots
Sounds reasonable imo.
No longer /her/schlag