> at liberal university
> attend an orientation for internships
> sign in, my name taken down now I just have to sit still
> half hour into the seminar the host gets up and says "now we will introduce our diversity leadership co-host for the Center of Women in Computing"
> get up and leave
> look behind me, several male students are following me
> I go grab lunch with some of those who left and we laugh about the host's dumb jew face
at least there is some hope in my colleges
at liberal university
>going to college
>in currentyear+=3
May God have mercy on your soul
Did you give your name as Shlomo Shekelberg? Or something like?
no but I'm a wop and my name translates to "pepper" and is also the name of a very popular frog
Don't dox yourself you dummy. delet this.
>dummy tries to dox me
>gets a meme
I don't get it, why did you leave? Do you have a problem with women studying computing?
>diversity leadership co-host
aka kill all cis white males
I'm not having diversity shoved down my throat for the nth time. and its not like I'm the only tard that walked out.
delete fren
So many incels in the computing world. Sad!
Sounds like they just want a diverse background of people studying at your college. Is that an issue to you?
what would you learn at a place like that? I'm serious
Sexless nerds are the ones who invented the internet and make it go 'round to this very day. Bless their sacred autism.
(((Incels))) any other buzzwords?
where do people like you come from, i dont get it
Most women programmers are useless diversity hires that make messes for white men to clean up. I don't know how it is in other STEM fields but tech is utterly swamped with strong wamans that can barely tie their shoes.
t. code monkey
Holy shit lmao dude
Oh thats perfectly fine, but leave me out of it. I know that department and what its about. Im not going to be lectured about how to mentor women and how to not rape. Miss me with that.
Nice, if true.
are you seriously gay?
if that was true, then why are diversity whores trying to infiltrate them?
then how is lecturing a room full of already enrolled students about white male priviledge going to acheive that you dumbass?
Pepe is short for Guiseppe (Joseph) you dago wop
They just realized the money in it and want a slice of our autistic cake. Also incel is a blanket term for autism
D-dont dox pls
they're getting them into engineering too.
Same story. the only competent ones are the ones that live behind desks and are hairy, sweaty, disgusting messes
>> half hour into the seminar the host gets up and says "now we will introduce our diversity leadership co-host for the Center of Women in Computing"
yep. sounds like college.
aww, your just so cuuuute!!! :) :) :)
said no one ever you weab faggot
gerra gad dam jab you cant
You really showed them OP
Actually my damn English teacher straight up said that if you are a white male you are "automatically ahead in life." I left that class that day in an instant and when I came back, the rest of the quarter was awkward as hell.
sounds like he did.
the thing is, when they say this shit, theres a kernel of truth.
but its not white priviledge, its inept, low iq minorities
Sad that our industries are rapidly falling to shitskin levels because of this nonsense. RIP western civilization. We had a good run I guess.
Also translate last line?
At my university all of the EE students including myself are conservative. It's the only place where I've seen other students openly talk about voting for trump.
Civil engineering is still a white man's world. Its great.
All leftists should be bullied and trolled incessantly. No quarter.
I think most engineering students are, although at my university we are grouped together with CS fags and they're shit.
But that's not true, we are exactly the same and privileged at the same time. It's called mental gymnastics.
>translates to, get a fucking job, cunt
im mostly just kidding around , but its still gay
i never got how these "intellectuals" never cottoned on to that shit
As if its our fault our parents brought us up on books instead of just letting us get into fights at the local park
even if they didnt though, its just our damned fucking white birdshitskin dna, we just cant help but not be literal chimps
Whats funny is these same people trying to shoe their way into the industry now blame their failures on mertocracy. Meritocracy is what makes tech tick now they want to delete it because they cant even write assembly code.
Shake my white head
I was gonna apply for cs but at the college level cyber security has a much higher pay ceiling and about 10k a year more starting salary.
Much respect tho if you are doing university, i just refuse to give any universities the money or time. Fuck those kikes.
>Do you have a problem with women studying computing?
Le Bongcuck as always.