IT'S HAPPENING! Alex Jones Gets Initiated Into The Proud Boys

The absolute madman.

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did gapin mcanus rescind his resignation or something?

nvm this was from like August or something i remember it was before AJ got shoahed


That faggy punchy imitation is so gay. If you're going to beat somebody at least do it right so you don't have shit optics

>proud boys
What dumb gay ass pedophile sounding name

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He stepped down as leader, but by his own admission he was never the leader only the founder.

If given the opportunity I would have DELETED that zionist faggot live on air. I imagine it would have been extremely satisfying watching him crumble, fuckin faggot ass.

Wow, Alex Jones officially joins (((Proud Boys)))

Bakes the ole bagel!

He only named 4. Not a proud boy

>What the fuck did you just say?

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Skip to 10:30:

Holy fucking shit. His new nickname is "Honey Smacks"

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proud boys = Freemasons

He's either a fag or a crypto FtM tranny .

It's a watered down Masonic initiation.

Proud boys claim "the west is the best" but really they believe the East is the Beast.

Shriner references everywhere , with the Aladdin/Disney theme of the group name

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Every altright E-celeb to come out of Canada, specifically Rebel Media and (((Ezra Levant))) is run out of Mason lodges.

he's a fag he was watching tranny porn on his iphone during a livestream and got caught. well not caught watching but caught with an open tab.

red pill me on "east is the beast"

Disney theme of the name Proud Boys? I hate the Proud Boys but even I didn't know about all this mason and disney shit. Doesn't surprise me though.

Shriners Subset of Mason's that are into esoteric Islam. They run children's hospitals and fuck kids. Theyre into the whole facing east thing in their rituals like the Islamic prayer.

There's also Order of the Eastern Star which is similar but allows both men and women in.

oh shit yea, I was red-pilled on the Shriners when I found out "Snoop Dogg" is a Shriner and a Jester and he put some Saudi Arabia symbols in one of his videos.
I thought Eastern Star was *only* women, I thought it was basically a witchcraft+masonry thing.

they should just put alex jones on fox with a disclaimer at the beginning of the show, that alex is over the top like wrestling. and enjoy bill hicks.

is he really bill hicks? I want to believe...

Gavin should work for Infowars. Can we meme this?

so close


Haven't seen much of alex since he got de-platformed. He's fatter now, must be comfort eating because of the decrease in water filter sales.

Check out this bitch

Margaret MacLennon. Friend of Lauren Southern , camwhore and has a colostomy bag supposedly because of "Autoimmune disorder" but it's far more likely it's from years of anal trauma being a whore for the lodge.

She even does Arabian belly dancing and posed with the Shriner Scimitar on her head.

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He's a mossad asset. Watch proud boys disappear like that alt-right leader, who's name I forgot already.

Andrew Anglin?

I don't want to believe that about Margaret... but yea I know what you are talking about with the belly dancing and the Scimitar. Disturbing stuff, maybe you're right and I'm just naive or whatever. I don't know her well anyway.

Richard Spencer?

I thought Anglin was never a leader and his website is still up. He's a comedian but yea I guess he could also be a fed.

Probably both, but I was thinking Spencer.

Spencer has a new leftist girlfriend who claimed she was church of satan and shit. He's also afraid to go on Luke Ford's livestream and when his girlfriend (they've been together over a year now) went and got interviewed by Richard for like 45 minutes until it mysteriously got interrupted. When asked about it on another livestream (heel turn I think) Spencer said 'We can't trust Luke Ford" or something like that.

>Spencer has a new leftist girlfriend
LOL, what a joke he is.

>those tits

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Alex Jones is gay?

He got initiated a long time ago

The west WAS the best
Now we're barely better if at all
They fucked it all up
Can it be fixed?

Hopefully they're not fake but you never know with occultists , could be a dude with fake ones

Someone dox these Canadian idiots please.

Q predicted this

abbopost, the post

Autoimmune disorders are mainly caused by all the crazy psychological physical and pharmacological warfare we're exposed to

this is how the age of the e-celeb shill comes crashing down and its about time

Death to all ecelebs

alex looks so hot in that shirt

Gavin was not only a faggot but he also lacked organization and a real purpose to the group other than drinking, faggotry, fist fights with antifa and cocaine fueled parties. The group was also heavily infiltrated by LE and CIAnigger types who were advocating violence. Source: I personally infiltrated them. The nowanks thing was their only good contribution but desu a lot of ppl are so mentally fucked by now from porn and amphetamines that they won't be able to function without futher pharmacological intervention (I.e. naltrexone). Honestly you have to go after baby genital mutilation to get at the root of the proble

>gapin mcanus
damn son, my sides

i wonder if i could keep an erection with the pervasive smell of colon sludge emanating through the room

or you know... genetics

Epic fail

I love the proud gays

People of mixed race are more likely to get them... different immune system "coding" look up HLA/MHC, its like an immune system fingerprint everyone has one and a baby has inherited a combination of both. autoimmunity risk might increase from mixed-race people even within white races. Like Nord and Slav, Anglo and Slav, Med and Nord... they all have further apart immune systems (human leukocyte antigen aka HLA) and I am pretty sure this is part of the reason for autoimmunity.

Another part is food allergies.