What should I do to get a girlfriend if I'm 5'6? Can social status outweigh height? I'm 22 and a software engineer...

What should I do to get a girlfriend if I'm 5'6? Can social status outweigh height? I'm 22 and a software engineer, so maybe I should start a business eventually to rise up in social status. Obviously I know about going to the gym. I also have stretch marks, acne and cellulite. I'm going to start accutane and will get laser scar surgery. I'm also Indian American but not a white chick worshipper. I'll happily date in my own race.

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Just make sure you don't smell like ass. Try to find someone who is career minded and smart because chances are they won't care you're short or whatever.
Offer something about your character that is more than outward appearances.

I shower everyday so I would hope I don't smell. Ever since I moved out, I haven't eaten Indian food unless I'm going out to a restaurant.

I am usually the funny one in a group, and I can start and dominate conversations. I took Jordan Peterson's big 5 test and I was like 96th percentile extraversion although I'm not sure how accurate those tests are.

Haha I was going to say that you were Indian after the first two sentences.
I don't mean to say you're a fucking stereotype, but you're a fucking stereotype.

Anyways, yeah, for most women, white or otherwise, social status means just about everything.
Throw in being fit, and you're a real catch.
Go do some Jow Forums shit, mate. I'm a bit of a neophyte (only a lil over a year now) and it's great.

There you go. It sounds dumb but be yourself. Most people are too scared to even start a conversation. If you want advice if you meet a nice girl who is interested in similar things send her a mess\sage/text/whatever and get a coffee with her. You'd be surprised to see how well it works

I'm a girl and height is irrelevant to me. my bf is 5'7

It's really hard for me to know when a girl is interested. I've only been on one date, so I usually get read signals right.

Honestly, I don't think it's a food thing.
My nephew's father is Punjabi. He doesn't smell at all, despite eating at his parents' house and his brother's restaurant multiple times a week.

It's about hygiene and cleaning clothes.
Shower every day. New clothes every day.

I meant *don't read signals right oops.

Oh honey.
You only say that because you've never had a man rest his chin on the top of your head while you nestle into his neck.

I have the same issue but there's ways you can tell. If you ask them out for coffee and they stay and talk for a while chances are they are interested and not just being polite. And if you ask for a second date and they say yes then no doubt they are at least partially interested.

>Can social status outweigh height?

>maybe I should start a business eventually to rise up in social status
if you want to start a business purely for a gain in social status, you won't get very far

>gym, accutane

I'm tinee think below 5 ft

yeah it's a shitty stereotype. I don't know who raised most of these idiots, but apparently I must be one of the few Indian Americans who was taught how to do laundry and keep proper hygiene.

Have you ever tried talking to women? Also most women don't give a fuck about social status when it comes to first impressions.

>Also most women don't give a fuck about social status when it comes to first impressions.
They care everything about it
You get 5 minutes away from it
>So... What do you do?
>I'm a manager at Wendy's
Her interest in you dries up faster than a puddle in the Sahara.

yeah, I mentioned that I've been on a date and that was after knowing the girl for a while. the girls I like are almost always taken though. i'm not complaining much, just observing.

As for the second part, there's consistent research showing that the correlation between social status and the attractiveness of a man is .5. That's half the battle essentially.

I'm a woman and idgaf

I have been working minimum wage jobs for the past 2 years and I have had no trouble getting a gf. Your personality matters a lot more. I've dated women who make a lot more than me. It doesn't bother them.

keep falling for starving artists.

should I get higher standards?

Women over 25?

It's an age thing as well. Women ready to settle down are going to care a lot more about how much the guy she's dating can support a family. Younger women don't have that kind of pressure.

>Women ready to settle down are going to care a lot more about how much the guy she's dating can support a family. Younger women don't have that kind of pressure.
Which is a mistake, considering negotiation power.

it's basically all personality. I date men I could consider my best friend

I get hit on by older women and single moms. I only date women around my age but it's by choice.

No one cares about your height.

There are plenty of 5'5 women.

Is it? At some point looks are going to matter less as a marriage goes on. Having the ability to live in a good neighborhood with a great school for your kids is going to matter more than looks when you're 35.


Young women should care a lot about finding the most profitable husband for their children while they are their most attractive.
Waiting until they are less attractive is bad negotiation.

Like in the old days, women should marry young and men should marry old.

ahh I see. I thought you were saying it was a bad deal for older women to marry high status men. I completely agree with you.