My name is aLEXANDRIA and I hate CAPITALISM

My name is aLEXANDRIA and I hate CAPITALISM

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>hello i'm a spic and i want your gibs

Spic girl bad

yeah well who doesn't

you look like a xenomorph and you seriously get uglier by the day, what the fuck is happening to your skin?

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Dumb boomer thread is dumb, enjoy your ban.

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Shes turning into a xenomorph

>how are you doing fellow working class

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You can't literally deny she is right.

i think shes like the sugar water guy from men in black and her skin suit is drying out

Socialism is for fags

was she right about the 2 jobs though? or anything else for that matter?

someone should rip out that commie whore's teeth and sell them on ebay and give her the proceeds

I'd still smash desu

Clearly its the enormous pressure she is under

you only agree with her because youre a fellow tribalistic spic and cant help yourself

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Look at those crazy "You owe me the world, I've never worked a day in my life" eyes.

Fuck her ugly ass and every illegal family member in her cult

you make it sound like shes not an idiot and its just pressure.

does it occur to you that if she actually was a competent representative and not just a token spic girl then she wouldnt be feeling so stressed out about her constant failings?

Xenomorph are far sexier than the shitskin invaders you're comparing them to.

The entire basis was the Xenomorph race was sexualized.

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haha, ill agree with you on that, but only just

I get it m8, I've got a fetish for weird stuff too.

But all that aside, Xenomorphs were literally created to be sexualized. All their canon imagary is dicks and shit.

I'd post examples but I don't feel up to a week ban.

So this is the state of right-wing memes. Fucking pathetic.

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When you're spamming the board with cancer it helps if there aren't 5 other threads about it up while you do it.

aw really? i was just kidding, i thought you were actually just kidding because sigourney weaver got fucked by one (the fucking slut)

this stinks of a leftist counter meme
for a start, its not even funny, secondly, where is it even from? did you make it yourself?

Naw m8, I was 100% serious becuase it's true. Xenomorphs were created on the basis of repressed sexuality. Riley is a horror genius, and his most base horror is Xenomorphs, created from sexuality.

No, I'm obsessed with her. I'm very attracted to radical leftist and stupid women.

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She’s awful, and so is your cringe meme.

Shes a hero dammit

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holy shit, i never realised that. it makes sense kind of, i was never really that into alien to be honest, so i never really picked up on that

fair enough, hopefully your not dumb enough to support her though

I'd love to post some example for you, but they'd get me banned.

Try typing "Xenomorph" into

You'll see what I mean, their entire imagry is based on sexuality.

I hate capitalism too! It brings the worst out of everyone, it only appeals to our primal needs and instincts of lust, envy and gluttony. Fascism all the way lads, third way is the only way! Down with capitalism and down with socialism! Destroy the socialist and capitalist jew!

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i will in a bit when my gf goes to bed, dont wanna get seen caught and painfully judged

It's not a meme fool. This is an actually tweet from her

>my mom scrubbed toilets and drove buses. I bartended.

Only to a millennial communist would “my mom had a fucking job and so did I” mean your family was poor and disadvantaged because white people.

I mean seriously. Anything short of being able to go to college for free and get a useless liberal arts degree which results in a do-nothing diversity position which involves writing inclusion policies to force on actual productive employees is somehow being forced into a living hell for these retards.

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idiot, i meant the passing it around in meme format

I dont know if this is "an actually tweet from her"

Oh hey Spicandria I hate capitalism too. Why don't you go help liberate your people from capitalism in Mexico?

capitalism is bad enough, but instead of dealing with immigrants and illegal ones who squeeze out welfare dry, let's become communists and give them more money

Anyone have the Animorphs meme of her turning into a donkey?

Got her my man!!! XD!!!

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i checked that shit out man, i dunno, seems like bullshit to me

a bunch of people drawing them all sexual doesnt make me think that they are originally supposed to be sexual

Isn't AMLO doing that?


Wow she really is just like me!

My name is Moshe Goldbergstein and I love Capitalism!

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