>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 89% white, biggest economy in Europe
>USA: 52% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
I'm starting to see a pattern here, Jow Forums
>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 89% white, biggest economy in Europe
>USA: 52% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
I'm starting to see a pattern here, Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
White is a term for mutts. Poland is POLISH.
>Third world shithole
Weird way to writing Ukraine.
Also fuck off Ahmed.
Brazil would be a super power by your logic
>25th- 26th largest economy in the world
>third world
Poland is superior to Germany in every single way from the perspective of actually living there. Germany is a nightmare. Come visit, you'll never look back.
White minoritiy, strong conservative values, bible belt
Majority white, strong liberal values, atheists
Germany is a third world shithole full of anal loving whores, refugees in Berlin and other cities, total degeneracy, and a high risk of terrorist attack. Plus your women fear being raped on the way home from work by packs of migrants, and you do nothing about it because you are scared.
Poland is incredible. The women know their place as long as you have your shit together, it's mostly white, a lot of the women there are homophobic and anti-feminist, and there hasn't been one recorded terrorist attack. Also, women walk home safe each night from work no problem.
Now, lots of Germans come to Czech Republic because your country is basically becoming Afghanistan and Somalia mix. The ones who have had enough are just leaving the country to pursue a better life elsewhere.
>be usa, 1950
>99% white
>biggest and best economy
>Brazil, 17% white, a literal failed state unable to produce anything besides Gisele Bundchen and other germanothots to pimp around the world to the wealthy
I don't
Why do you retards keep shrinking the number every time lmao, 56% is a meme. Unless your only counting 100% pure European, we're 72% white, and if you don't consider us 72% then I guess that would make a nation like Argentina 35% white.
You are less than 40% pureblood European you dumb mutt
>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithol
they take religion a bit too serious but other than that they are far better off than us, you lying piece of shit.
>world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
1945 and counting, right?
America is unironically legit about low 60s white but if your include illegals and arabs as nonwhites this changes to 56-9%. 40% a is retardedly low figure.
That economy was achieved by your white ancestors,now all what you're doing is just to ruin what they had achieved through hard work and sacrificing themselves.
I love my people more than money. Dishonorable cowards(cuckservatives) would rather have money than see the 14 words. Remove non-whites.
yet we're still here after more than 1000 years and we'll be here after you turn into a caliphate
each and every day transforms you more into a middle east country, further from Europe, its values and its people
pretty sad to see an old enemy go like this
>2% Jewish overlords/puppet masters
>54% white manager and core producer class
>44% brown mutt consumer/voter class
Ideally they want a white to mutt ratio of 1:3 for maximum goyim efficiency and total political dominance.
they weren't 99% white
wait what?
were already at 89%?
holy moly just end us
Yep, the White countries with the most gibs are first to go.
yeah looks like race and economics have absolutely no correlation. thanks for clearing that up OP. guess we can close Jow Forums down now.
bitch of eu
bitch of nato
i see your pattern too
>1 divide and conquer attempt by this shareblue shill
Abandon thread & in all fields.
The pattern is that better (((economies))) have also lots of Jews
I just accept that America will become multicult. These retards on the alt right can't get it thru their heads, the corporation are pushing immigration.
Yeah dumb asses vote for there GOP. They lie to you and do what their corporate donors want. Wake the fuck up.
An economy that is ever slowly eroding due to shitskins.
poland > communist before the 90's.
Arabs and Jews, as well as a decent amount of white hispanics are part of the 62 percent
>>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>>Germany: 89% white, biggest economy in Europe
>>USA: 52% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 0% white, not even 3rd world shithole
>I'm starting to see a pattern here, Jow Forums
your pattern is shit hans
America is filled with one drop rule niggers and dago half castes. 40% is optimistic as it gets
Poland is a shithole not because their white but because they're unstable ooga booga tier niggers who are barely behind Germany in terms of fucking up Europe.