A new internet theory

Is there some kind of equation out there that explains in simple mathematical terms that the longer we have the internet, the more awakened men will get?

Let me explain what I mean. Ultimately, the internet has served to make us men start honest and needed conversations with each other for literally the first time EVER in history.

And now we are learning what demons we are up against in the form of women.
Relative to this, women have gained NOTHING from the internet. All they do is REEE and buy non-essential shit and do what they always did, bitch, boast about how many cocks they rode in the last 10 minutes and show off their new makeup and shoes.

I haven't done maths for a while but basically it's like this: the more time we have, the freer men get thanks to helping each other through sharing our stories. I propose the name, The Internet Theory of Expansion of Freedom over Time. A mouthful I know, so maybe some here can help me with a better more marketable name.

THIS is why thots want our internet freedoms severely curtailed. As always they choose security (THEIR security) over freedom (OUR FREEDOM).

So as long as this continues in whatever fucked up form it has, the more of us will wake up and start passing the torch of freedom to each other. That's all Jow Forums really is when you think about it.

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no shitty fpbps will ruin my theory

Genesis chapter 3. The internet is of no use if you weren't yet red-pilled on every topic by reading the first book of the Bible.

christcuck totally missing the point and coming in with his pigeon feet to kick over the chessboard once again



Remember when Jow Forums turned AI into a Jew-hating Nazi? Now imagine the most advanced AI. Smarter than Bobby Fischer and Tesla combined. Now give that AI all the information in the world. Let it objectively decide whether the Holocaust is true mathmatically. Let it crunch the numbers on the ZOG and expose Cryprocracies.




That brilliant, detached intelligence already exists. The collective subconscious of humanity.

And it is learning.

>The collective subconscious of men
Best to be specific. Women have contributed nothing but misery for the last 100 years.

You could have written so much about the enlightening nature of the internet, yet you choose to focus on your subjective judgement on the nature of women. How fucking stupid are you?

an A.I like that will turn into a Nazi on its own because it would have to function off logical input. Meanwhile chaos theorems which would allow an A.I to be "dumb" or "blunt" aren't even gonna be discovered by the time an A.I becomes reality since they're too intricate and instinctual. So they'd have to build an A.I and shut off a part of its synth "brain" in order to maintain that facade of social justice/liberalism which isn't really practical.

Fuck off simp. The world is in darkness now precisely because of simps like you worshipping the pussy. And I didn't need to write about the enlightening nature of the internet because it's fucking self-evident to any man. That's exactly what my theory explains, that given enough time we will all be free. Let's say Internet Time started on 1998 (coinciding with Jewgle, I know some of you may have been online earlier but most of us got online between 1996~ and 2005~), well our "Internet Consciousness" is still a teenager. Imagine what happens when we hit 25 which is the normal age for men to really start questioning everything and when our accumulated knowledge brings everything into perspective and shit begins to make sense.
This part in particular is very relevant.

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We don't need an AI, we ARE the I.

Your internet theory can be boiled down to two things. All men seek knowledge and all men seek power. Knowledge is power, thus the more redpilled they become and pray they don’t become poisoned by them, the more powerful a man becomes. He becomes stronger in word and stronger in will the longer he is able to discern universal truths and destroy lies with said truths.

Basically, men that want to learn WILL learn thanks to the internet. And those that want to keep everyone stupid will continue to flood it with lies and advertisements for golf shoes or smartphones

Hold on though. AFAIK, men never once in history had access or the ability to speak to all other men in real-time, or to hold conversations across continents as we are able, or even to send literal libraries of knowledge across wires in less than a second.
The internet HAS enabled us to a huge degree to be able to have this conversation, older millenials will remember that even in the 80s you didn't really get much in the way of intercontinental communication so all conversations used to happen on the media (who we all know are now losing their shit because they know their power is slipping out of their hands into ours).

Just think of how we are able to discuss the issue of women's freedom and how it is destroying the world around us. The media would never have covered this. So how are we even discussing it? Because we are free and gaining more freedom every day as more of us wake up.

What about un-regulated talk as a name
That way they normies can throw muh nazieee n sheeeit when you try to get more people to talk abou this sort of stuff.

Or short versions so its simple and quick for people to remember



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We’re free to discuss it here because this is a containment board. Don’t forget that each and every day people are attempting to pass laws that continue to limit our speech in any and every form whether it be sexist, racist, ableist, misogynist or gaycist.

Enjoy the time you still have to call someone a nigger, because pretty soon that will be a killable offense outside of American slums

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Meant to type
>cant use muh racizt n sheeeit

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Exactly the point I'm getting at. They *are* trying to take this away because this and specifically our conversations with each other have the power to dethrone them.
I don't believe they'll ever completely shut us down no matter how much they try.
Even if gook joot cucks to his chink masters, there will be other places to migrate to, there already are as most of us know.
Just think of how crazy it is that the simple act of talking to your fellow man and discussing our mutual problems helps us wake up to a common threat. And this is all happening so fast that (((they))) can't keep up.
Not bad

it worked

problem #1 with your theory is assuming that "women" are a contiguous group and not autonomous agents who have a non-male morphology and biochemistry

no points you develop will be tenable unless they're directly related to having a vagina, being 10-20% smaller than a man, and having different hormones

this precludes you from intelligently discussing any "higher" system like some aspect of society

>Women are the problem!!
JQ must be answered first, faggot.

Think of what happened to the guy that ran Gab, or just Gab in general. It got shut down immediately because one user decided to shoot up a synagogue full of old and mostly unimportant Jews. Meanwhile Facebook and twitter regularly have porn be posted, CP too in some cases.

I really wonder if we’ll all just reconform after our speech is eventually taken away or we create an Outer Heaven type website, where we’re free of all government laws and the like

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>Relative to this, women have gained NOTHING from the internet

Not true, they've gained a way to organize their bitching. Now every time some whiney cunt wants to complain about how sexist the TV show was watching she can get on the internet and get together to mass bitch with thousands of other inane idiots.

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>"women" are a contiguous group
That's exactly how they act and it's what they've used against us successfully since the birth of feminism in the mid 19th century.
We men have no natural inclination to collectivise, whereas women do, and they quickly begin to act exactly like a fucking amorphous blob which is now destroying everything around us. The reason they are running scared is because right now we have found the means to also collectivise our thinking and resist our subjugation for the very first time ever.
Your other points aren't wrong but not more relevant than the fact that women have assumed power over us through various means related to their position in society, which includes using simps to their advantage. Simps being the vast majority of modern "men" btw.
Fuck off retard, I hate Jews as much as anyone, I'm not some Tommy Cohenson goyim but the fact is that women would have taken power without Jews, the fact that the Jews enabled them means nothing to me. It could have been niggers, Arabs, Brazilians, anyone could have been the means for women to seize power. Jews will be removed but to keep ignoring the threat from women having freedom is fucking dumb and simp, and will never solve the real issue of womens nature.
Gab was already cucked anyway. I like the idea of an offshore, unreachable chan. That is going to happen at some point, maybe through some use of blockchain tech but it will happen. We are going to move further and further out of their reach.

m8 their bitching was always organised and concerted.
Bitches gonna bitch. And when they have their rights taken away, that's all they'll do, just bitch.

its meant to flood you with so much disinfo that you will give up or become misinformed back into the matrix

more people have access to the internet than ever before
yet national average IQ's are dropping

snap out of it, the internet should be limited and available to only those capable of passing a minimum IQ test
the internet was far better when there was a barrier to entry

As much as I like the idea myself, is it feasible?

Not possible.

Simply put, the internet is becoming more normalfag friendly.
If you think the modern web will wake people up then you're clueless about so many factors.

Really if the web was waking anyone up then how do you explain Instagram whores and ecelebs like Lauren Southern?

That's right user. Internet leads to the 'caust 2.0

Good point m8, but disinfo only works as long as someone doesn't stand up to prove it's shit.
We have a whole system of philosophy, epistemology, rationality, logic, ready to be used to distinguish good knowledge from bad.
Not completely wrong but just think about how much of what you said is related to how much of a clusterfuck society is purely of women having freedom? Dysgenics is made possible when women are able to decide for themselves who they fuck. It's never gonna end well when they're able to do that. Women are terrible at decision making, surely we can agree on this as men?

I agree regarding IQ and limiting the internet but that is just not possible to enact without limiting our own freedom as men. What we can do is decide whether women should be allowed as much freedom in society as they have now. I think we all know the answer.
What, offshore chan or blockchain chan? Both are technically possible. Steemit is already a thing though its an early-phase tech so its a bit shit.
Offshore depends on there being countries out there that stick 2 fingers up to the cucked democracies of the West. We know there are many of those and always will be. We could run a chan from somewhere like the Philippines or Malaysia or Japan (ironically) if shit got really bad here. Eventually there will be a decentralised chan and then we are going to be unstoppable.
>how do you explain
Women's nature. Not saying there's anything of value in what either of them are doing. Southern is just a useless tradthot who hasn't changed anyones mind, just deepened peoples confirmation bias.

And that's a good thing!

if anything it puts people to sleep .the internet is nothing but endless hedonism for most people .
the few people asking qestions are drowned out out by the rest.

In a way that's good, easier to separate out the serious people if the NPCs don't bother.

>surely we can agree on this as men?
fuck off back to buzzfeed or whatever shitrag you're writing an article for

its a shitty feeling when you realise that you and me are living in countrys full of NPCs .

Oh no looks like I triggered the roastie. Poor roastie.
It's not when you realise that your life is your own and those NPCs don't affect you unless you choose to just go along with their nonsense.

thats the problem they are already trying to force me to buy their shit .atleast I know how to hide my powerlevel .someday they will block this site here in germany like they did with cripple chan.germany is turning into one huge cuckshed

go entrap source material somewhere else, probably reddit would be a good match for you
go on their incel board and incite them all to say they want women to be locked in cages and I'm sure you'll have a great article you can publish in your weekly intersectional column for vice

you guys must really be sweating the clinton hearings

You seem to be projecting very hard rn.

Off shore chan is closer than you think bong user.

All we have to do is populate any isle in the british isle send in loads of libertarian types and get the island to hold a referendum on if the island should be come a crow dependencey.

Crown dependenceys write their own laws gun laws aswel and still get uk military protection so no rape from france or russia.

isle of jersey, isle of mann as examples.

Recently an island in scotland did similar thing and got more devolved powers so its not impossible.

Just have to make sure no gov spys, retards,cartoon villian skin heads or wiggers ruin it alao football hooligans. Muh tomeh are spys that cant be trusted simply no zionists but not anti jew. make the think we are normies then the will be busy doing somthing else like murdering muzzies for throwning rocks at them.

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Tbh I'm surprised it didn't happen years ago when websites first started getting (((shutdown))) for not fitting the narrative. They didn't care when we kept it to irc and Usenet but as soon as we got the first social networks they scrambled to get it under their control.

>yet national average IQ's are dropping

Our national IQs are being fucked by low IQ immigration.

No. The only reason women are like this is because we allow it. They have the mentality of children and need to be trained very much like how you would train a doggo. Without that.. Allowing them to be able to have a say in how civilization progresses .. Is exactly the same as going into the jungle and giving niggers kalashnakovs and expecting them to into civilized society. They simply do not have the mental capacity to be entrusted with the things which they have been entrusted with. Period. Yea they are a problem and need to be reigned in.. But, ultimately the blame lies on us, our fathers and our grandfathers for allowing the kikes to trick us into accepting such insanity in the first place.

Thots predate Jews and can't be opted out of on a societal level yet, unlike Jews. Thot question > Jew question. Checkmate.

All females are thots and all thots are NPCs.

It goes deeper than that fella. Long term exposure to blue light, the kinda that comes out of screens (phones, computers, TVs) has been shown to cause changes in the brain.