Why do men care so much about women being virgins?

Why do men care so much about women being virgins?

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Because they're either religious (a very small minority) or they're insecure and don't want their partner to be able to compare them to any other man. That's literally it.

Insecurity, religious indoctrination, hangs up centering around sex or entitlement. Or some mix of all the factors mentioned.

Are you referring to them being interested in being the first to bang a virgin?

so they can feel special.

Literally a meme, no self respecting dude gives a shit

When you are born your mother's grip imprints her heartbeat or a sense of it into your being as one of the first sensations that occur to you(big injuries remove a sense of this and is thus why you'll find that a lot of men taken in by older women happen to have injuries in this manner). Similarly, by taking a virgin during sex you are imprinted on to her during that sexual act and from it it turns out that you can kind of aggress a lot of understanding.
This is why Trunp fucks his daughters or something. Naturally that is just a joke from an angry person but the other parts are true.
Back to topic, though, it makes it easy to manage the whole women are good at emotions thing by making it easy to address theirs. That moment of pain, relief or bonding, whatever it may be, allows you to enable yourself to them whether they can understand it or not and makes it plausible that whether youre a feminine male or not, you can assert a sort of referendum on them the way guilt rearing in hive collective mindsets can do for males out of matrimony.

They should care about being the only one and not the first necessarily. It makes you the man in their life amd similarly allows you to father children birthed by them for your interests. Also includes the faculty of being able to influence children they may have with other men so thats always something to consider in a woman that has no real or proper interests in mind.

No, most of us don't. Only those who are insecure virgin manchildren do.

Because I'm also a virgin. If I dated a non-virgin girl, or even worse one with a high number of exes, then I wouldn't be able to help but compare my past to hers and feel some sort of disgust and resentment. I mean it's pretty much irrelevant because I'll never find a girl virgin or not, so take my feelings with a grain of salt like everyone else does.

It's romantic and spiritual desu

It's not romamtic in any way, shape or form. Their whole religion is based on the opposite in fact. Spiritual, though, yes.

Alright is "desu" like a word filter from something?

Yup. desu senpai t.b.h. f.a.m

Holy fuck I've been yelling at people because I thought they were fucking weebs and couldn't help but post weeb shit in their posts, hahaha I feel like an asshole now, I'm used to the word filters being highlighted like roody-poo back in the day.

I do care about it. I only ask for what I bring to the table as well.

You can go "LUL VIRGIN XDDD" all you want, but I'm positive that 99% of people don't match my criteria and I literally couldn't give less of a fuck or be ashamed of myself for having some ""controversial"" criteria.

>22 y.o. recent comp-sci graduate with gpa ~9.7/10 in Ex-Yu
>Already have full-time job which pays x3-4 times the average salary
>About to rent my own apartment and move out from parents house (it's extremely normal for people near their 30s to live with them here btw)
>Not socially autistic, can blend in with people with ease
>But introverted
>Dislike going out to parties and clubs, more of the "hang out outside" guy
>Don't enjoy dancing with bunch of strangers
>Don't drink
>Don't smoke
>Don't use drugs
>Stopped playing video games
>Stopped watching anime (except Gintama perhaps)
>Don't binge watch series
>Practically stopped watching pornography
>Started working out and just talking long walks
>Am not afraid of my thoughts and emotions
>High morality, dutifulness and sense of moral obligation
>Am not afraid of showing my "true" face
>Not religious
>Not nationalistic
>Love animals, especially cats
>Am altruistic, I donate to some fundraiser once in a while
>Am the jokes guy, can lighten up the mood easily

I'm basically the Internet guy since I was online from my early childhood but I keep an absolute policy of keeping my Internet life separate from real one.

Now, I have no idea how the fuck do I find a girl like me who more than likely just does well at her college/job, has few if no friends BUT at the same time knows how to behave in public completely natural but still dislikes exposing herself.

There is also just something so fucking powerful about a woman who knows she can get sex at any moment she desires yet she still doesn't, it's like she wants to elevate herself from these primal urges.

Jesus Christ, you sound so fucking boring.


You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I severely doubt your portrayal of me is accurate since I know how people behave around me IRL.

I probably sound boring because I said everything about me with no "filters". I would just rather skip the bullshit and not do things I dislike so I could blend in, as I said before I'm not ashamed of myself and do not seek to comfort to others (nor should the others comfort to me).

And besides, that's not the point of the post.

And a douchebag.

Mind clarifying why exactly am I a douchebag? For having a criteria you dislike me having or?

I mean, do you consider girls who don't like short guys douchebags? If not, why the double standards? I think everyone is entitled to their own criteria...

digits of truth and the one thing women hate the most. That's why they'll fuck chads are stir up drama with their exes rather than settling down with someone like He might provide a good life but what's a good life if you can't drop ecstasy and fuck a new guy every weekend?

You monster

First time is nearly always a disappointment to be fair

You got a nice life but you really sound like self obsessed annoying prick. Drop that attitude or you won't find a nice girl

That's pretty much me, more or less, except that I'm a woman. I was even a virgin before I met my one and only. Still, it would probably deter me if someone demanded virginity as a requirement for dating. It hints at certain attitudes concerning sex that I'm not comfortable with. Of course, it is your life.

"I am literally perfect but I can't get pissy"

You're either half of what you're saying you are or you're incredibly fucking boring
Seeing how you describe yourself the way a thousand other virgins do I'm gonna lean on that. You seem boring and incredibly insecure since you need to list your life in terms of achievements.

>Let women fuck chads
Back to r9k you go

Me? I care because I find the idea of premarital sex detestable.
Why would people commit it willingly boggles my mind.

That you write such a long post about how great you are. You're clearly very narcissistic.

Why would people do something intimate ans enjoyable in a relationship? I can't imagine why.

? People can do what they want. I'm no arguing against that.

Meant le*
It's just a stupid saying that isn't reflected in reality, women fuck who they find attractive, and just small % cares only about looks, of you call Chad just a decent human being then yeah, women like chads, but if you call Chad a big muscular guy that plays basketball then not every girl would like that

>You got a nice life but you really sound like self obsessed annoying prick. Drop that attitude or you won't find a nice girl

Oh come on dude, do you think I actually go around telling people this? :^)

> You seem boring and incredibly insecure since you need to list your life in terms of achievements.

Why do I seem insecure? True, I might lack modesty, but I'm really fucking tired of this general trend of people wallowing in self-pity and self-loathing because it's what all ~cool Internet people~ do. It's literally crab in the bucket mentality where people think that pulling down people who worked hard instead of pushing up the people who don't work hard will make the world a better place.

I worked really REALLY fucking hard to get where I am now. To be dismissal of that would be an insult to younger me who went through so much so I could be in the situation I am now.

I mean, I'm seriously writing the objective facts about me. I get nothing from lying here. How else am I supposed to describe myself to you then (and give you some context), when you know literally nothing about me?

I might be narcissistic, true. I'm looking for a person on my "level", a partner in a true sense, someone who I can look up to and will inspire and motivate me to be a better man by each day (and likewise she will find the same motivation in me).

I guess. I seriously try to stay above the "hairless chimp" mentality where people swing from one partner to another unable to control their instincts like some wild animals.

The main thing I find attractive about sex is that you get a validation from other human being, like they actually like you and want to get intimate with you and give you pleasure.

Otherwise, I see a really minor difference between jerking off with your hand and jerking off using someone's pussy.

I find it extremely repulsive if I find out that girl actually accepted sex from some people I'd consider trash tier.

>fickle, emotional and non-binding
>most likely won't ever amount to anything
>essentially child-minded people doing things they don't understand
That's not a relationship. That's an illusion of one.

And the fact that they ended up single afterwards is a perfect testimony to all of the above.

>inb4 but the love was real
I don't ostracize widows.

I just use chad in an amorphous "popular charismatic guy" sense, not specifically 7ft chiselled jaw asshole who scores daily. He's just a guy that naturally attracts women. They definitely exist and they score a lot.

Christ, are you 15? I hope you are, otherwise you're one damaged adult.

>all these thots trying to justify their skanky behaviour

Attached: promiscuity vs happiness.png (1200x4168, 244K)

>le "I'm not like this in real life" meme
Just from your posts it's clear you are very self-centered. And boring. People sense this and quickly see that you're no fun. Girls don't like guys who are no fun.

For the most part, it's a fear of her having a better experience with somebody else, due to lack of confidence in their own ability.

For some, it might just be that they value virginity and therefore want to meet other women who feel the same.

However, the majority of men on here who talk about wanting a virgin are probably from first group.

I obviously don't, but honestly, if you unironically say these stuff without anyone specifically asking you to it says a lot about your ego, and the way you say them and reply shows what kind of person you are. Like no matter your achievements I instantly felt like I wouldn't want to date you.

Men are biologically programmed to find attractive whatever has the highest chances of passing down their genes. This applies both to physical features (correlates with fertility) and to psychological features (correlates with fidelity).

The highest the number of partners is, the likely it is that the child the man will be raising is not his.

The fact that a man consciously desires or not to have children is irrelevant. The biological imperative stands.

> I'm looking for a person on my "level", a partner in a true sense, someone who I can look up to and will inspire and motivate me to be a better man by each day

What you're looking for a sycophant to feed your ego. Sorry pal but women can make a living themselves now so those are harder to get by nowadays.

Stop being psychopath levels of self centered and maybe people will like you. And God stop listing every single one of your achievements to anyone who lends an ear.

What a bunch of horseshit. Since there is no way to know the amount of sexual partners of a woman or even if she is a virgin or not, there is obviously nothing biological about it. And most men do not even care.

Just because I believe that a "relationship" which prioritizes sex above love (and solidifying the interpersonal bond) is wrong?
I'll proudly accept being called a "damaged adult" label if that's what it implies.

So you're saying sex is a bad thing and makes a relationship weaker? You're mental. Sex only increases the love and happiness in a relationship.

Idk some girls just don't like that, although well, if a person is popular it would mean that the way they act is liked by people hence most girls would like them, it's like a loop, they make him popular because they like him and he is popular so he has girls to fuck

Put myself in these, not even one matches. I lost firstly did sexual stuff (bj) when I was 15. I looked then at my friends and it doesn't work for them as well. Statistics are cool but you forget that they are statistics based on women in certain place, no all over the world and it won't work for everyone, just for your average woman in statistical way

Like you?

1. Provided they know, it will affect how they consider the person. Studies in behavioral biology suggest this, considering men are more likely to marry a woman with less sexual partners than with many (again, provided they know). This might be interpreted as unwillingness to invest resources in a progeny that might not be his own.
Biological consideration here are parsimonius, denying them would imply looking for more complex and unlikely explanations on sexual selection.

2. Most men do care. Statistics show that men prefer women with less sexual partners. This is not necessarily a virgin, but in general, the more sexual partners a woman had, more unlikely it is that a man will desire from her more than a one night stand, otherwise it would mean investing resources that have a higher chances of being wasted.

>I'm a statistical outlier, so you should ignore statistics

The audacity of this bitch

Not him
>n-no u

First put words in my mouth and then call me things for "saying" them? That's not nice.

It's a question of priorities. A relationship that prioritizes sex above love is not a relationship.
Even you know that. Why are you defending something you yourself don't believe in?

>Sex only increases the love and happiness in a relationship.
And yet the world is flooded with single post-sexual-"relationship" people. Why is that so? Their love and happiness must have been *so* strong!

Lmao, can you even read? I tried to be polite but holy shit. I literally said that statistics not always work because it talks about your average person hence everyone who would act a little different than average won't fit in.

>The audacity of their bitch
The audacity of this incel


Insecure as fuck. A lot of beta cucks think that women should be pure; I mean, yes, I can understand the fear of STDs but everyone bitches about not having a Girlfriend/can't find a Girlfriend then come to find out they demand virgins only... Well, that's why fucko.

Also Meme.

>Numerous studies
>Statistics show
And all you can do is post the old meme graphs. Which in this case don't even support what you said. You are completely pulling this out of your ass and you know it.

You literally said that a relationship can only have love or sex, not both. You're mentally ill.


The funny part is those beta cucks think a girl would have turned down everyone else far better than them, waiting specifically for them.

Also most of guys would assume that of she isn't a virgin it means she had lots of sex with many men. They forget that it could be just one time thing

It's been proven that sex is important for relationship

Are you even surprised by that?

Can't be arsed to watch, you may tell what's there


I just re-read all my posts and can't find it. Maybe you're confusing me with someone else?
Why hate the messenger when you don't like the message? We can agree to disagree if you like.

If not – I'm happy to continue this discussion, but I implore you to be more civil.

I haven't post any images in this thread.

I don't think dismissing behavioral biology is reasonable think to do when it's explanations are well supported both by statistics and biological efficacy.

>Idk some girls just don't like that
But most do, just like most men will sleep with an attractive woman.

Aye, but remember that whenever you are attracted to someone is extremely subjective, for example I think that she is the cutest but some people would say otherwise

Attached: ocxaxAg.jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

>remember that whenever you are attracted to someone is extremely subjective
this is not true.

That is true. Some girl are attracted to fat guys with a lot of hair on stomachs

That’s very bad reading comprehension.

You need to go back.

ITT wymyn neets or baristas at best criticize good men they will never have the ability to be with.

Normal people don’t put virginity or sexual prowess as a pro or con. We’re all people.

Someone’s work ethic and how they handle themselves is more important then how many guys a women has slept with.

It's mostly men that criticised him though, also you don't know what they are studying or working as. So criticising them for telling him what they find wrong about his attitude is quite a hypocrisy

thread full of sjw


Explain why do you think so, user

Attached: tumblr_m24mhdMxwH1qe5f2co1_1280.jpg (814x670, 106K)

Virgin performance anxiety, they're afraid they'll be compared to better men. A virgin girl won't know any better.

You guys literally couldn't be more wrong. Seriously, I get nothing from lying here.

Of course I don't say this stuff, I still have consideration for others (and myself).

You are completely free to not like me. I'm looking for a person who will accept me the way I am and I will accept her the way she is, no matter how shallow she might seem at some aspects. Kinda like where we show ourselves our true faces and our demons. :^)

Nonsense. I would be more than happy if I found woman "above" me, who would motivate me to be a better person and surpass myself every single day.

>Stop being psychopath levels of self centered and maybe people will like you.
Seriously, I have no idea why are you projecting like this. I am introverted but I still get liked by people with ease. I just don't want to go further than friends with girls who have been in relationships before, that's all.

>Stop being psychopath levels of self centered and maybe people will like you
As I said before, I don't rub this in people's faces and don't talk without being asked (but they often ask me sooo), but I definitely am not ashamed of myself and am very proud that I'm in this position I am today with just an age of 22 in Balkans (while most of my peers struggle to even get unpaid internships, not to mention that I have bigger salary than 80-90% of the population here will ever have.).

And again, I am not repulsive to people and get along with them just fine. I don't get this generalization you're making.


Well obviously we are not going to be together so it doesn't matter if we like each other. But I just give you advice to become more humble, and calling oneself altruistic is quite... Well... Awkward

>not religious
>high morality dutifulness and sense of moral obligation

pick one faggot

Post those statistics then. You haven't posted a single shred of evidence.

>minor difference between hand and pussy
Spoken like a true wizard

>hurr durr virgin

could you be more basic?

You have reading comprehension problems. Nobody called you a liar. You completely failed to see the point that everyone made: you are an extremely self-centered douchebag. That's why girls don't like you.

Imagine being so stupid you can't understand your own hypocrisy and not being able to see that calling you an incel was a sarcastic remark about you jumping on "bitch" train

Uma Thurman

Yes, I am aware that when someone claims to be modest or altruistic that that usually loses it's charm. I am the guy who keeps his ego in the dark (no matter how it might seem here).

And I'm not sure if you interpreted that as me actually trying to flirt with you or something, but I honestly didn't mean it like that. :D

I just want to see that hidden side of the girl and that she sees mine. I'm not a fan of "past will be in past hehe ;)", just complete transparent relationship where we accept each other. :)

And I'm telling you again, I have no problems with socializing with girls, I just don't pursue any further since they've had relationships in the past.

You guys are pushing your generalizations on me for some reason. I guess part of it is because discussing over the Internet is bit "dehumanizing" and we can't see each other's body language and whatnot, just raw information.

>I will accept her the way she is
>unless she has had sex even once in her life

Yeah I get it, I got nothing against guys wanting virgins, just listing your achievements like that make you look full of yourself

Exactly. Sorry for wording it wrong, but I meant in a sense where I'm transparent from the very beginning and she is as well.

If we overcome and accept each other where we show our true selves (for example I couldn't accept her sexual past, or she might not like something about me), I'm positive that we will have an incredible relationship.

Of course, most of the relationships work where we show our fake selves and slowly peel of that to show our true selves, but I think that if we both manage to show our true selves from the very beginning and work out that we're in for some really great stuff in the future.

Is that the first thing you ask a girl? If she has ever had a relationship? Because that's just plain psychopathic douchebag behavior.

Of course not, but since I can casually chit chat with people for hours we eventually reach that point at some moment of discussion.

Okay so you have a bigger salary than most in your country. It's absolutely nothing to brag about. You still earn less than the minimum wage in most of western Europe.

>I'm a virgin by choice I swear

Except the cost of life here compared to Western Europe is radically different. I'm like at the very least in top 2-3% bracket by the age of 22 in a country that has extremely little growth, huge unemployment and low job opportunity in general. I'm planning to rent out apartment in one of the most luxurious parts of the country. I can practically live like a king and have no financial related stress. I'm not sure if you're aware how big of a thing that is, especially in these "developing" countries.

Why is that so hard to believe? I might have some primitive views about that, but I'm positive that I'll remember my first experiences for the rest of my life, and I do want it to be with someone who will hold those experiences as dear and special as I will.

Alright buddy you can say whatever you want. Fact of the matter is, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, and there’s nothing wrong with not being a virgin.

It seems as though the only people to whom the concept of virginity matters are virgins themselves. And seeing as you fall into that category, it’s impossible for you to have an objective opinion

I have seen a lot of the world, including whatever shithole you live in. Your life is still not as good as it would be with an average salary in a western country. Funny how materialistic you are, it's like you want to attract gold diggers. And thats exactly what you will get because you have nothing else to offer - for certain no girl would be attracted to you for your personality.

Why do men prefer virgins? Because I don’t want my wife to teach my daughter that being in a train with 6 other guys in a party is just “normal healthy sex” . I want my wife to share my morals. It’s not all about women, it’s about our women teaching our daughters that to stay out of your fathers safety is ok. I would care more about my daughter than my wife. She is a virgin, she will teach her life to her offspring. She is not a virgin, she will also teach her life to her offspring.
Also it’s not about fucking men being insecure, it’s about I rather have you reminisce and enjoy me alone, than have you think and fucking catogorize every part of our sexlife to what other men did better. Then sooner or later you will end up in their bed because I couldn’t do what they did. Stop trying to make this about men, it’s about the children’s morals and a healthy marriage betweeen two virgins. Ask your partner or any couple if they would rather choose their partner to be a virgin when they met rather than being in a couple of relationships. The ONLY one that would disagree is the one that would rather have their partner to have some experience in bed for a pleasurable time for both, not knowing you can teach a virgin that same knowledge.

>Fact of the matter is, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, and there’s nothing wrong with not being a virgin.
I mean sure, but that's like saying there's nothing wrong with being short, and there's nothing wrong with not being short.
Even though that's true, average girl will still probably not be as attracted to the short guy as much as to the not short guy.

It's all personal preference by the end of the day.

You're free to believe whatever you want. I find life in this country and town super comfy, especially with salary like this. Loads of cultural events, low cost (compared to my salary) of life in general.

I don't want a gold digger. I want a girl who is not afraid of herself and has no problems with kicking ass as much as I am atm. In other words, she doesn't have the need to belittle herself or her achievements so others would feel better. She knows she worked hard to get where she is.

And again, I have no idea why you guys are pushing this idea of me being some psychopath antisocial loser and whatnot, when I'm really not like that in reality and get along with everyone just fine.

Each to his own I guess.

>it’s not about men being insecure
>sooner or later you will end up in their bed because I couldn’t do what they did
Can’t even tell if this is bait

The "if she is not a virgin she has fucked over 9000 guys and been in gangbangs with niggers" meme again. Go back to Jow Forums. This is an advice board, not a whining board for angry permavirgins.

Incels have a strong reality distortion field.