Original Tweet:
This dude's a fag but he's totally on top of this
Original Tweet:
This dude's a fag but he's totally on top of this
>implying pewdiepie needs the gaming industry's support in any way
Cutting ties with pewdiepie would hurt the gaming companies more than it would hurt him. He is probably their best source of advertising for any games that he plays.
Bigger men than diana have tried.
I'm going to cancel my Uplay account tomorrow when I have time
maybe we should get /v/ to do the same, Uplay client is fucking spyware trash anyway, just like Origin
Friendly reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong and that the US didn't actually win WW2.
Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).
>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:
>And here he is cucking out by denouncing E;R:
If you're still falling for Jewish/Commie ecelebs in the current year you suffer from a special kind of stupid and should feel bad.
Twatter is for niggers.
Why is it always a low IQ nigger
You were a fucking retard for ever having Uplay installed at all.
>oy vey nose on a boong
That's a black kike if I ever saw one, acting as programmed.
>"a low IQ nigger"
>implying there are niggers with high IQ
Oh look, another woman to lecture us on what Comedy is and isn't.
>I know what satire is!
Literally who?
holy fucking YUCK
She looks like a kike/nigger mutt.
>lives in Malmo
FFS Sweden, I know you love niggers and mudslimes but at least try to keep the commies out.
stop shilling your dumb video
You know how sometimes people see Jesus in like toast and chips and stuff? Well i've seen this person several times after taking a shit. And not the shit itself ofc, that would be racist. No, the wipe pattern on the toilet paper when im done.
These pieces of shit have got their knives out.
Dec 13, 2018, 3:00pm EST
Vox article by Aja Romano @ajaromano
>PewDiePie’s ties to white supremacy spell serious trouble for the future of YouTube
>YouTube’s most popular celebrity keeps dallying with the alt-right. His 76 million followers don’t care.
>... And while PewDiePie only follows a few hundred people on Twitter, many of them are alt-right-identified figures — including Peterson, the prominent Gamergate writer Ian Miles Cheong, Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson, the alt-right YouTube philosopher Stefan Molyneux, the alt-right Canadian blogger Lauren Southern, the recently “redpilled” YouTube personality Laci Green, and leading figures of YouTube’s reactionary right-wing community, like Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro. PewDiePie also followed notorious alt-right YouTuber Sargon of Akkad until the latter’s suspension from Twitter last year. (Kjellberg has not responded to a request from Vox for comment.)
I highly suggest reading the whole article:
the shit I’m taking now looks better than this bitch
>Laci Green
>right wing
Can we start capturing these things yet?
Can we get pewdiepie to share The Greatest Story Never Told? It would probably be the end of his career, but he's for sure rich enough to not give a fuck about anything, and it would be a guaranteed aneurysm for verified twitter fags. Plus it would further redpill 76 million zoomers.
Clean this shit burgers
It's your turn for a genocide
mios dias
Is Dianna a tranny?
My sword belongs to Pewds. Fuck niggers.
Dios mio!
We're working on it.
I thought about doing a warp on the nose just for shits and giggles but taking a second look I realize I don't need to
she looks ridiculous as is
You know what to do
>threemilk: the nigger
Actually I agree we should be pushing JewTube to ban pewds. It would be the biggest own-goal in internet history and would spell the end of JewTube. I'm for it.
Fuck off you idiot.
I'm convinced they are screencapping goblina %56 memes from Jow Forums and cooking up these creaturas in a test tube.
More news at 11
holy fucking lol based leaf
Try to be so mean as possible, so the goblina takes revenge on innocent white men. Innocent white men become racist, and take revenge on some different mud, that then learn to hate Whitey.
That everybody target somebody innocent from the other group, when the one that wronged them is out of reach, is how the cycle of hate start. Don't take me wrong, it's already started, but adding more felt injustice will always fan the flames.
he has almost the same body language as brother Nathaniel
is there a clearer signifier of unwarranted self importance than people who stress the word "now"?
If they had just shut up E;R would have gotten maybe a fifth of the attention he's getting now, but they just can't help themselves can they.
What the fuck is this shit? This is what lack of bullying does to society.
>Aja Romano
Sounds like some swarthy guy with an inferiority complex.
Honestly, I have stayed away from him and never once watched, now I will.
A human Tumblr comic
this bitch is a fucking PRODUCER
and we wonder why games look like this now
>I'm going to need you to end this dude
I'm going to need you to make me a sandwich I'm hungry
lol, sure he is Boris
What is it with black people and twitter
>Nigger nigs out.
>No one will do anything about it because Le XD board of peace
Most likely you won't enjoy his stuff. It's for kids, really. But he is redpilled, and he passes that along, ever so subtly.
>The Gaming industry is a Black Monkey nigger
Does she even know how to use a computer???
Please do end this attention whoring faggot for the sole reason that you clowns keep posting his shit on pol. Fuck off already.
Time to teach this nigger..Jew..whatever it is a lesson.
>lives in Malmo
>wants to end swedish man
lmao the pottery
She is going to have the joy of concealing a mustache later in life.
Felix has gotta lay low in the winter, he should know this by now. His 9 year old army of followers are most effective in the summer months.
Do you really want to eat something this boon touched?
Pic related is Aja Romano
hey arnold
cannot do it herself, so she "needs others to end him"
Fuck that bitch and fuck the Division 2. Why Ubi you employ this? She clearly fucking hates white males, AKA your user base.. Look at BF5 ffs?
Big mistake, she will cost you millions.
Looks like a Niggerjew to me.
lol, Malmo, Sweden ftw
she is a diversity hire that has job security because of her ability to cry muh racism. and yet she still isn't satisfied and feels the need to go after white """"nazis"""""
Higher ones would be snowniggers.
You burgers need to contain your mutts. Apparently this creatura is from Jew York.
Literally whomst
rare high quality leaf post
all of these women are just mad they are fucking ugly and chad/tyrone won't fuck them anymore
look at what they're putting in their games
jesus fucking christ america
what the hell are you doing here
stop just stop
what is this even thing is
before its too late
Disgusting fat bitch.
And he doesn’t even play Main stream games on his channel so I don’t know how they could end it
same reason nerds love RPG's
let's them roleplay as a woke Goddess when in reality they're just a mutt that works at Burger King.
She’s suffering from Racial Inferioity Syndrome, it’s a disease.
Imagine if PewDiePie had to come over to Stream.me lol
Big suprise.
Swedish gal from the swedish town of Malmö.
Wtf happen to her nose
It looks like a shovel
This. The second he streams some shitty indie game it's sales triple. The industry needs him more than he needs them. Also, literally who is this ugly cunt anyway? Why does she think anyone will listen to anything she has to say? Does she think she is literally a queen?
holy shit
does not even being to describe it
i've seen hispanic midget mestizos
they looked better
is this a cianigger experiment
who's this guy?
of what - the obvious?
Jew indeed
I want it to die.
is this a filter
was the bitch melting
what the fuck is going on
she's swedish
We' ve entered a new era. Jew banks can give endless loans to companies who fulfill their share of racemixing and anti-white propaganda. They dont even care about selling one or two million games less as long as the new message still reaches a couple of million normies and produces thousands of mutts
Ay Dios mío
>Spreading positivity
Seems about right.
That's it. it's an elaborate troll. You got me.
She's probably like 1/8th black but like they say Once yo go black.... that shit never comes out
How do people breed this things.
Looks like minor ptosis.
Sometimes after birth if the parents were a poor genetic match / the female was unhealthy during pregnancy, the child can have one eye that droops sometimes both.
Thoughts on this? Redpilling or not?