Neighbor hacked my dog to death with a machete

Hey guys today at 5am my dad came home drunk and told me he knows what happened to our beloved pregnant old dog that's been missing since 4 days ago. I should start with the fact that I live in Bolivia in a rural town so laws and culture is different. My family is fairly well off and we live on a farm where all of our neighbors are live in employees for ownwers who dont live there. A few hours ago my dad banged on my door and was yelling that Pablo (a neighbor) hacked to death our dog. He said tomorrow we get revenge. When you have money and are from an old respected family in this town you van get away with murder especially to a camba (racist word for poor people) who did something like that. I fucking loved that dog and to think she was hacked to death makes me rage. My dad is sleeping off his drunkNess. What should we do? I'm trying to change my life and be a stoic person but wtf

Attached: 2018-06-11 09.08.01.png (1065x1583, 107K)

start by suing that guy for breaking into your property (your garden or whereever the dog was) and damaging your property (the dog)

user, whenever a machete is the weapon its a third world country and they isn't a way to sue for shit.

still doesn't change the fact that the guy broke into OPs fucking property. so if it's a third world country the guy probably gets at least his hand chopped off.

That's not possible here dude cops won't do shit.

Burying alive is a good way to get rid of someone.

Gives them time to think about what they did, and how they got there.

Gives you time to understand what you're doing... slow death, plenty of time for a change of heart and a chance to right wrongs. Can be aborted if you feel guilt - and just getting to that point can sen a message, they don't actually need to die, just fear it.

he didnt break into my property my dogs where on the road. One got away and has machete wounds on his neck and a bullet hole but he's alright now

Wow that's really good actually

ok, now i feel just sorry for the dogs for having such irresponsible shitty owners letting their dogs roam around the town, not putting them on a leash or fencing their fucking property.
you deserve it, but your dogs didn't

It's not a town. No dogs are tied up and there's no fences fuck off you bitch

you westerners are so fucking ignorant to the way the rest of the world works

so it's entirely your fault. your dogs roam around, and the guy just defended his property and probably family and life.

That is true however the image of my old doggy being macheted' by some drunk crazy bastard makes me angry. We might not do anything to him but I'll tell you this even if we lived in a country were it was posible the last thing I'd do is sue him. If someone hacks your family to death would you sue the guy? Wtf am I gonna get you dumb motherfucker im talking about a drunk poor bastard no one here gives a shit about a dog but I do

You’re like those white parents that let their kids act out in public then verbally assault someone for telling the little assholes to behave. Now replace kids acting out with attack dogs. Should have kept Lassie on a leash.

really, what will happen if they die? nothing, instead cause them fear and that will surely fuck them up.

You're a fucking shill. You're a FUCKING garbage human being. Hell, I'd fucking hack YOU with a machete for even just being this God damned retarded.

Honestly, you are extremely lucky to be cozy in your little 1st world homes while OP has to live in a most barbaric world in what you blind ignorants call the third world.

Go fuck a queer you lunatics. Or go eat Tide pods or some shit. Just die already, no one needs you.

Also OP, just torch the mother fucker. No one will give a shit. Especially if you lol their whole family. Just burn everything and make sure it smolders

Sounds like your dad did it in a drunken rage and then blamed it on the neighbor. Better hack your dad to pieces.

I live in NY and have lived in rural South America.

You can't fucking sue. The law down there is of the people.

I'd fuck and kill your mom

Hack him to death. Fuck him. You own a farm, it should be easy enough to dispose of the body.

Go after him. dogs are like family and fuck this guy saying it’s your fault

OPs dog attacks the neighbor because OP lets his dogs roam free
OPs neighbor defends himself and now OP wants to finish what his dog started

When did he ever say his dog attacked him???