What legal action can i take against this asshole?

what legal action can i take against this asshole?

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Give him money to help him out. I personally hope he fulfills his dream of creating pitbull camps and cute little pitbull gas chambers.

I would also give this individual money. Fuck OP.

Who here /pitbulldropoff/

Pitbulls are measurably more dangerous than other breeds of dogs and have killed many more people since this pitbull apologist movement started.

Look up craigslists ads regarding pitbull adoption, warn them.

You can't, animals are classified as property. So long as the animal is euthanized humanly it is totally legal.

Guillotines are human right?

Think you meant humane.
Not any more. A head separated from its body has been shown to continue to function and as such feel pain. However, for a humane guillotine approach one, might consider using pain numbing agents, blind fold and ear plugs so that they wouldn't be aware of the moment their head separated from their body before their brain was rapidly starved of oxygen. But that's quite a bit more complicated than just overdose of sleep meds.

I'd think if the blade simply severed the spine upon impact it would be humanE

This, pitbulls should be recycled into dog-food to feed dogs more deserving of life.

nah, too much psychological terror. You'd get animal rights activists all up on you about it about the 10-30 seconds it takes for the head to die.

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It's probably falseflagging. Most of these people who start shit on social media are barely capable of leaving the house on a regular basis, never mind actually approaching people or situations that involve conflict.
>casually waiting for "think what you want" handed out over the internet by people who get off on killing retard animals

it's just a troll. he's trolling pitbull SJW's and good thing.

sorry if he upset you, though. my best guess is that he isn't actually doing that.

1. You would be well-advised to actually support him instead, if you're so deluded that you think this is wrong, then at least realize that there is nothing you can do.

2. This is not real. I don't think it would work in the first place, plus it's a troll made up by Jow Forums or some shit.

>You can't, animals are classified as property. So long as the animal is euthanized humanly it is totally legal.

Well that's how it should be, but are you sure that's really how it works? Don't you have to justify putting euthanizing the thing at the vet with health reasons? If you wanted to euthanize it because you're sick of it then they'd probably call the ASPCA on you or some shit.

That's why anyone who's actually an adult and not a sensationalist teenager can recognize the obvious truth: this is falseflagging, someone trying to rile up a controversy without anything actually having happened whatsoever

It's literally just a twitter post, there's no action behind it
If you guys get mad at, and react to everything like that, then your passion loses meaning and you become a boy who cries wolf. Please, whatever you do to your kids-- since god knows the dumb ones always have 'em-- just make sure they read some fucking Aesop.

Pitbulls are monsterous beasts and all deserve to die

Sensationalism aside, let's focus on how great a think this would be if it were actually true.


This cooldown on post deletions is bullshit. Would be nice if you could get rid of your shitty typos but no, "you must wait longer".

What legal action?
Maybe instead of trying to stop someone who is doing something right for once you should work for laws about big breeds to be done so people not ready to take care of big breeds get to have them as fucking pets?

There should at least be a lisence for vig breeds. They can snap at any time and kill like we all know they CAN do.

It doesn't matter if it's a good dog or not. The fact that dogs can snap out of it and are hunters by nature should be enough.
Same with cats and wildlife

I kill every cat that steps on my property because they kill native wildlife. I don't regret it you know?.

If I were an alien interested on earth's wildlife and well being as an ecosystem I'd kill srupid humans too so there's that

OP you are an insane faggot

Not only pitbulls can endanger people.
>killing is wrong

Kek. Loser.

It would be great. I could finally say, "this is a genocide I can really get behind."

I mean if you're looking to legally prosecute people for lying on the entire there's a few boards you should take a look at

Hes doing gods work

Don't be an idiot.

He's an internet poser. He doesn't really do those things.

sounds fake
I'd personally be against it tho. I don't give a shit about pitbulls but if you're gonna kill something at least use it's corpse