Why is it that some men not wanting used up whores upsets some people so much?
Why is it that some men not wanting used up whores upsets some people so much?
Weak bait, if you were really a person that wanted a discussion, you'd not insult people. GIven that you try to rile people up, it means talking to you is a waste of time.
Because your premise of "used up whores" is a fictional construct.
Choose one or both.
"used up whore" is an insult? Maybe you're just a bigot!
I thought it was going to be a thread about why banging a virgin is a turn on, but it quickly devolved into incels slamming "roasties". Nothing of value can be found in that topic, surprised it's at this many replies in eight hours, and that's the hours that most of America was asleep, should hit 500 soon and then 404 after that, good riddance.
>but it quickly devolved into incels slamming "roasties"
actually it was more like roasties getting butthurt that some people have standards they cant do anything about
Because you feel the need to tell us about it every day
Keep telling yourself there are girls on Jow Forums.
They aren't standards, they are preferences. To be unable to simply TRUST a promiscuous person is saying you are threatened by their lifestyle because it does not fit within your worldview. This implies a weak ego
This is akin to an atheist not being able to trust a Christian, or vice versa.
>trust christian
>christian has dream where some mystical figure tells him to kill you
No thanks.
This actually helps my posts so thank you
it doens't upset me, in fact it's quite understandable, but seeing Jow Forums plagued by shitty, negative bait makes me want to strangle you.
kill yourself
Jow Forums is insecure about the fact they have too much casual sex
There are definitely men roleplaying as girls.
you know, there is a difference between "a few partners" and "all the partners."
If you give something away so cheaply and easily then it loses it's value.
>Why is it that some men not wanting used up whores upsets some people so much?
It doesn't upset me in the slightest how you prefer your partner.
I just find it humorous the same men asking for prime, virgin QT's are often anything but and when they are virgins, there's often a pretty damn good reason why.
Lower your standards or quit crying on Jow Forums with your "HOW TO MAKE GIRL LOVE ME" threads.
it's such a small margin of men yet some women scream "LELELEL INCEL LOSERS. NO FEMALE WOULD FUCK YOU ANYWAY" when someone says shit like that
it's not like nobody wants to ever fuck these whores again. there is a enough men who don't give a shit and fuck anyone at any chance they get
its really quite simple. let me firstly remind you that recorded history(dating back to the ancient Egyptians etc.) is only a fraction of the time humans have existed on planet earth for. This in turn means that modern day humans share the same base fears, instincts and desires as their million year old counterparts. Eg humans being afraid of snakes from birth, being attracted to women with big tits and ass as its a sign of fertility... Despite being influenced technologically, culturally and socially, we are essentially still the same. Men are programmed to 'spread their seed' and to fuck every possible woman to ensure their genetics are passed down onto the next generation - this in turn ensures the survival of the human race. Womens role in this sexual arms race is different however. A womens job is to select the very best genetics in a male they can and then breed with him, after all they are looking to have a child which will need to be cared for. This is practised everywhere, good looking women will not fuck men uglier/poorer than them. They will be involved with the best males only. The purpose of this from a natural standpoint is that men need to compete for women and therefore the 'winners' will have successful healthy children, ensuring humanity is stronger. From this we can conclude that all different women have a 'range' of acceptable mates, and this will fluctuate on their looks. A 10/10 woman will only fuck 10/10 men and a 7/10 woman might only fuck a 6/10 male at best.When a woman's 'range' is very wide (in this case a whore) they will not seek the best male but instead fuck any male. This disgusts all people on a base level as it is WRONG from the perspective of evolution. cultural stigmas aside this shows men that the women does not care for her offspring and will reproduce with any male ( despite rarely wanting a child and instead wanting cheap meaningless sex).
TL;DR men are disgusted subconsciously by whores because of their lack of regard for the future of their own DNA.
You're not welcome here, incel.
>Why is it that some men not wanting used up whores upsets some people so much?
Because it's inherently misogynist.
Getting mad at them seems mature.
Why do you think there is any female input that isn't just bottom of the food chain nerdy slampigs?
Besides, virginity ain't all it's cracked up to be. A girl who cries every time you try to put it in is not hot, she's inexperienced and a turn-off.
Used-up whores are very much a thing. They're a specific kind of people, but they're out there.
Literally nothing in this post is factually correct.
These are the kind of guys who want virgins, guys who have no experience and are insecure and want to find someone naibe enough to settle for them but won't admit it so they spout pseudoscience online all day to cope.
no one cares
none of this will matter when you get older
Because women like to post on "advice/support" websites because they like the feeling of being empathetic with some random internet user and the drama that forms around this person.
Tha's why
It makes women mad because the feel used up and thrown away. Young women have always had sex with men, even back in the traditionalist 50s. They were trained to make men happy. Only difference was that men would marry them. That used to be part of the deal. Now women just get fucked and chucked indefinitely, and then their clock runs up and they have literally nothing going for them. Then men call them whores for trying make men happy enough to get married. For God's sake men, this one is on you.
Women don't like men having standards. It means THEY have to try harder.
Statistics say they can't be trusted. You chances are better risking it with a woman who is a virgin or doesn't spread it all around town so willingly.
Lying incel detected. The only ones butthurt were raging incels like you being angry at everyone else.
Everything I know about history I learned from basement-dwelling virgins of Jow Forums: the post.
That's not why virginity is put on a pedestal. In a age where paternity tests didn't exist you can't see why men would prefer virgins?
>someone tries to explain their view
>"Lol no it's cause ur insecure hahahahaha"
Have fun with the divorce, whore
>someone is being rational
>"Lol roastie whore"
>same argument 70,000 times over and over again
>being rational
You guys are basically a hivemind
> this one is on you
Why the fuck do children (women) have rights in the first place. No accountability or responsibility and yet we have to consider them equal to us.
since you are a sexual expert im waiting to hear your theory then pal. As for my 'pseudoscience' i believe i am correct in my wording. Care to dispute anything i said?
i agree that come men desire virgins as they are 'pure and delicate' etc etc.... however i believe that men view all potential mates and split them into two categories; bitches and women. 'Bitches' are good for cheap sex, and often can offer only that. they aren't mentally stimulating or intelligent. A 'woman' on the other hand is good candidate for a long term partner. They are defined by being more intelligent, respectable and for having more dignity. Men also have ego issues and worry a woman who has had previous partners has a plethora of experience to compare your sexual performance to(size, enjoyment, time taken to climax).
If a woman has 10 previous sexual partners and you're number 11 whats the chances you stack up well? do the math bud.
>false premise wording
>false premise pic
>"It's not bait, I swear"
OP, this is an Jow Forumsice board, so listen up.
Get off your chair and do something productive.
Yeah I know you're bored and would prefer to shitpost on Jow Forums but this is not the way.
It's just cheap thrills that accomplish nothing (much like your sworn enemy, the casual sex, heh-heh).
Instead, do what a better man would do, and recognize that the time you spend shit-stirring in threads like this, is time you could be using for other stuff.
I'm 100% positive you have better things to do. Why not do that instead?
Yes, yes.
I know Jow Forums is the eternal battleground on which the war between incels and whores rages on forever, but it will keep going with or without you.
Think of yourself. Think how much valuable time *YOU* are losing in threads like these. Do yourself a favour and stop.