Be authoritarian

>Be authoritarian
>Kill millions
>But muh jews
>But muh bourgeois

Fuck you guys ya'll are a bunch of authoritarians that believe in death and destruction for a utopia that cannot exist and never did. Even under Hitler and Stalin, literally stealing to keep your economy afloat.
I'm the red dot btw.

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imagine still being a lolbert

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+ Mohandas Gandhi, Pyotr Kropotkin, Emma Goldman, Noam Chomsky, Thomas Paine, Bernie Sanders, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Angela Merkel, Thomas Hobbes, Hillary Clinton, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Fidel Castro

what game is that, also nice trips

What a shame

>imagine still advocating for white communism
neck yourself, nigger

>but gubmint baaaad!!!

Attached: baf871e1ec1fc904520ac59a5c6f3678.jpg (741x737, 306K)

>Only the state gives you rights
>Not man of reason
>Not God

No. Sorry. I don't buy that.

yes goy, remember that national socialism is communism because it has socialist in its name, now go shill for a anarchist dystopia.

it's okay to kill people that deserve it

>sucks the governments dick everytime he gets mollywopped by the government

>will protect big daddy government whatever it takes even if it fuck him in the ass in the end
That's a nice masochistic view of how you think you should live your life there, o'tool.

>Little girl who happens to be a Jew

>Friend of friend who happened to talk with a political offender on a corner for an hour.
Also kill.

Your sense of morality and understanding is fucked.

Imagine being this small minded.

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>Wanting an authoritarian welfare state to send you to war only to die for nothing.
>Hates meritocracy
>Wants free gibs because he's white

Sounds more jewish than working hard and earning as much money as you want without the government saying anything about it.

>Corbyn further left than Chomsky

In fact I just realised

>Corbyn further left than Fidel Castro, a legit fucking communist

The brainlets who make these images.

If i'm not mistaken Gandhi was deeply traditionalist and even racist to some extent. He shouldn't be on the far left

All this chart proves to me is that the green square does not exist because exactly zero of the people residing within it believe in voluntary participation.

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Jews infiltrate societies to make wealth. National Socialism put an end to it. Soon your turn shlomberg.

>Hillary Clinton far right
>Literally further right then Trump
How has nobody else pointed this out?

>Yes goy, give up your anonymity so when I inevitably start losing the debate I can ad hom the fuck out of you and even dox you!
Jog on

>Lolberts talking about utopias that cannot exist and never did

Blue quadrant is the only kind of government that can both actually exist and do so without getting everyone killed. This is not an item of debate, this is an observable fact of human history.

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Imagine getting your ass kicked every time you think your little utopia can go up against a state.

Notice how everyone on the upper half held power and everyone on the lower half never held power?

Everyone on the lower half would've been placed on the upper half if they ever had the chance.


>Jews infiltrate societies to make wealth. National Socialism put an end to it. Soon your turn shlomberg.

What's wrong with making wealth? The only thing that i hate about jews is that they control positions of power in government subsidized entities. In a libertarian society, there are no government subsidized positions of power and they'd only be able to control their own lives and the businesses that they own. They can own any kind of business that they want, but they won't be able to control people's lives and subvert them through governmental authority like (((you))) would. Ultimately, if they can't have any banks to manipulate, then they'll fuck off to isreal or some other place. They can't manipulate crypto, they can't manipulate trades, they can't manipulate shit without government.

Whoever you wanted to state, if you weren't religious you would use reason as the dictator of morals and values.

This is only political chart that matters

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No one is saying that a libertarian society will be a utopia. You're all merely implying that it would be a utopia because you know nothing about libertarianism. Also don't you faggots always LARP about some retarded hypothetical ethnostate? You think libertarianism is a utopia but National (((Socialism))) isn't regarded as a utopia? Talk about double standards.

Deus Ex

>about some retarded hypothetical ethnostate
Bro, ethnostates existed not even 70 years ago.

Gary Johnson should be a little more to the left.
>GJ but no Ron Paul
Who the fuck made this?

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>trump is more authoritarian than Mao

>Nelson Mandela the terrorist
>Libertarian Left
Stop doing meth, OP.

How is kindergarden?

This is probably the worst chart I've seen in my miserable life.
Sage and hide.

>Trump in the Hitler position

>Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Winston Churchill and Donald Trump more authoritarian than fucking Thomas Hobbes
What a fucking stupid image.

Fine, but your society, either continues to turn into statist ones or get stomped by ones with a strong state. Doesnt make it any more pragmatic.

>No one is saying that a libertarian society will be a utopia.

The rhetoric is literally "Just stop trying to fix things and people will make all the problems go away on their own, it'll be so much better than anything we've tried before and mankind will at last be free of statist bondage," trying to characterize this as anything other than utopian idealism is intellectually dishonest.

But it's pretty irrelevant either way, because a libertarian state has not ever existed and will not ever exist. Contrast with blue quadrant, which even in the OP graphic contains current and recent heads of state in livable nations.

I don;t know if you've been on Jow Forums long enough to understand how retarded some other people are, but think about this. Every other nation is homogenous in their own ways, they have their own cultures, languages, traditions and even different phenotypes (germanics, celts, romans, slavs, anglos). Now, the creation of the "ethnostate" only serves as a means to mix these groups up together. That destroys their identities. They would realize this and would only move to america to form large communities of their own cultures. The celts, gernmanics, romans, slavs and anglos will only be segregating themselves and an ethnostate will not be formed, but it would break up into nations. The amerimutts will be disposed of via deportation because they won't be able to fit in with any of those european groups due to the fact that they are mixed europeans (hence the term "mutt"). In the end, you only have Europe 2.0.

The ethnostate only serves europeans, not you. You won't be included. Europeans are not interchangeable, don't be fucking retarded.

Jesus, thomas Paine is in the wrong g spot as well. This is the most cancerous chart I've ever seen.

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>the creation of an ethnostate is done by destroying ethnicities altogether
You started by calling other people retarded and then went full retard.

The same kind of pinko retard who puts Thomas "The Leviathan" Hobbes right on the border between right-wing moderates and Ludwig von Mises.

>be human
>kill millions
>but muh highest animal

>Pinochet being left of Mussolini
>Hillary being right of Trump
>Merkel being that low
>Ayn Rand being that low

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>the individual is the chief component and most basic block of society
You enjoy not having kids?
not having a career?
It's always Lolberts that don't have kids or careers that rail against NatSoc and Fascism.

>Mussolini to the economic right of pinochet, clinton and even friedman and hayek

imagine the fraud shitter that made this chart lmao

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>DJT is more authoritarian than Mugabe and Mao

>Donald Trump is more authoritarian than Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro

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>Fine, but your society, either continues to turn into statist ones or get stomped by ones with a strong state. Doesnt make it any more pragmatic.

Ancapistan will form via cryptoanarchy. The state won't be able to tax anyone and it will collapse due to the fact that they cannot tax cryptos. This defeats the notion that there would automatically be another state.

>The rhetoric is literally "Just stop trying to fix things and people will make all the problems go away on their own, it'll be so much better than anything we've tried before and mankind will at last be free of statist bondage," trying to characterize this as anything other than utopian idealism is intellectually dishonest.

Your own statement proves the fact that you do not know ANYTHING about libertarianism. We already have alternatives to government entities and government subsidies. I don't know if you've been aware long enough to see whats been going on with government, cryptos and ICOs, but the IRS has tried on numerous time s to tax me and others of our cryptos and they tried to regulate ICOs, dCommerce and private charities. So really, we already have fixed most common problems with the free market, it's just that the government is trying to regulate the free market.

Libertarianism is all about fixing problems with the free market. We let people come up with various solutions at a low cost. We don't "Stop fixing things" and hope for the best.

Libertarian goals:
>Replace publicly funded welfare programs with donation funded private charities
>Replace state funded healthcare programs with market based healthcare programs that compete with other providers for lower healthcare prices
>Replace publicly funded security programs with private security programs funded through voluntary donations or payment plans via smart contracts

>You enjoy not having kids?
>not having a career?
>It's always Lolberts that don't have kids or careers that rail against NatSoc and Fascism.

Wow, you know my personal life soo well.

money isn't the foundation of the state.
What if they just shoot you for not being able to tax you?

>Will collapse when they cannot tax cryptos
Until the masses nitice yoy hoarding your wealth and vote policies that will into effect, or simply seize it as they always do when they have no other options.

>Wow, you know my personal life soo well.
prove me wrong.
It's true though, you look at all the propenents of Libertarianism, even the philosophers, NONE of them actually live under the loaded gun called the free market.
NONE of them have anything they care about.
These people are quasi boomers looking for a piece of the pie so they can rot in their own decadence.
These people always lose and they are always harmful to everyone around.
Lolbergs are the reason people need to be oppressed.
They can't leave well enough alone and they refuse to follow their own rules such as voting with your feet.
If you hate the government so much, why not just vote with your feet?
How does one even vote against universalist libertarianism?
Or is it a soft totalitarianism in the economic field?

Also please explain how Lolbergs remove families out of the social equation.
They throw a total wrench into Libertarian socio-economic theory.

Fuck me, never phonepost anons.

>What if they just shoot you for not being able to tax you?

Here we go again. I can already tell that you're going to put all impossible odds against me for the very fact that you know very fucking well you could be wrong.

>What if they shoot you?
I'll just shoot back
>But they're gonna invade you!
They'll have a hard time keeping a good public image of themselves while trying to justify shooting at armed civlians, plus it will be hard for them to invade because they'll be outnumbered
>Fine! They're just gonna nuke you!
What reason would they even have to fuck with us anyways?
>Fuck it! They're just gonna waste all of their tax money on a vietnam war style battle against an armed populace that they'll end up losing to!

>armed civlians
You mean unlawful combatants?

Infinitely more retarded

The original Deus Ex

Seriously download it now, zoomer.

>Have crypto
>Crypto is untaxable because that's its purpose
>population automatically becomes commie and steals cryptos anyways despite not being able to tax them in the first place

I love it when statists pull irrational and impossible scenarios out of their asses in spite of something they disagree with especially when they assume that i'll be the main target since they also think that I have some sort of a market monopoly.

>unlawful combatants
>everybody who's ancap is a warlord argument

How many straws are you pulling out of your ass, right now?

An armed """"civilian"""" that partakes in combat is an unlawful combatant, you retard

Still have to get rid of commies fren.

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Not at all, in the same way they have in the past nothing is stopping the masses of people who inevitably will get the short end of the stick (pareto distribution) from using the states monopoly on force to get you to redistribute. Its the same thing theyve done against old small-scale businessowners for years, you cant simply adopt the "free market or die" approach because you are inevitably outnumbered by the people who wont win in it, theyll outnumber you, outgun you, and most of all, out legislate you, as they have time and time again. You forget that it was the PEOPLE who voted for more government.

That man is the noblest creature may also be inferred from the fact that no other creature has yet contested this claim.

>Even under Hitler and Stalin
as if the two are even remotely equivalent...

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how could someone believe in public control of the economy while thinking this could result in social liberalism?

>Army invades ancapistan and shoots at civilians
>Civilians shoot back


You might as well call every gun owner in america an unlawful combatant. Fucking bootlicker.

Political compass, google it im too lazy to give a link

They wouldn't shoot civilians unless they shot first at which point they would cease to be civilians :^)

>Civilians lose bacause the state was able to amass capital by taxes and exploitation over other conqured territories, but they people dont care because they want you dead and you lose.
Thanks for playing!

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>Not at all, in the same way they have in the past nothing is stopping the masses of people who inevitably will get the short end of the stick (pareto distribution) from using the states monopoly on force to get you to redistribute
They cannot take away my cryptos or anyone else's cryptos. What makes you think that people are going to become commie in the first place? What is up with non-libertarians and irrational scenarios?

>Its the same thing theyve done against old small-scale businessowners for years, you cant simply adopt the "free market or die" approach because you are inevitably outnumbered by the people who wont win in it, theyll outnumber you, outgun you, and most of all, out legislate you, as they have time and time again. You forget that it was the PEOPLE who voted for more government.

They can join in on the free market or they can stay within their welfare state. We won't fire the first shot until they do. Also, not all ancap are business owners, you fucktard. And there are so many people who resonate towards libertarianism than in the past. Now, we have untaxable money.

Enjoy living under your government's boot, because you won't for long. Once most of the population switches to crypto, the state will be devoid of funds and they'll be on their last legs with little to spend on a war with it;s own citizens.

the bottom should be switched

>fucking Gandhi
>not authoritarian

Attached: 1544464451386.png (482x372, 191K)

>Realizes that the state is at odds because more citizens are for less government
>"Government wins anyways, bye!"

Every single time.

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>Irrational scenarios
>Forgets the French & Russian Revolutions, The New Deal, Nordic system, rise of Fascism, Nazism, Socialism and Communism.
I have no idea what fairy world you live in.
>They can join the free market
Of which they have no capital to accumualte more, or move up. Congrats, you now have an underclass thats unemployed, disenfranchised, or being undercut by the free markets race to the bottom. I wonder what ideologies have a habit of forming and overthrowing systems when that happens. Granted, Im not opting for these systems, but theres no way youre going to convince these people that they magically have something to lose by threatining you to distribute your weath in some way or another with their collective force.
>In the past
Not relevant, its the present that makes the moves, and yoy have more and more people amassing against you.
>We wont fire the first shot
Wow, does the moral high ground work as good as the actual high ground whennthe shooting starts? Last time I checked, nobody gives a shit about who shoots when when the chips are down.

Literally nobody with half a brain is an authoritatian

>Implies that there are more poor people than there are middle class
>I have no idea what fairy world you live in.
American is mainly middle class, you fucking dolt. I don't know what the fuck you think about middle class people or where they're at, but they're fucking tired of taxes. The last thing they want is more taxes, you dumbfuck. The free market allows them to grow more and having a state would decrease their chances of living a comfortable life drastically.

>More citizens are for less government
>Doesnt look at voting patterns
>Doesnt look at polling
>Doesnt look at Libertarian party status
Look at the data, as the US becomes more and more diverse, the support for less welfare dwindles, and based on current trends, youll be even more insignificant than you already are.

Really? You should look at this faggot right here: He thinks that middle class people will fight for bigger government and more taxes.

>Implying that libertarians resonate with the libertarian party
>Implying that anyone takes them seriously

We don't vote, we subvert the state via crypto anarchy.

Wow, what a retard. Clearly lacking in brain power. He won’t be convinced with arguments.

>I dont know what you think about middle class people
I know that a good protion are located in blue hubs, and that in terms of raw numbers, voted for a party which didnt emphasize smaller government. Remeber the whole "I dont care if its more taxes, build the damn wall!!"
>Ameica is mainly middle class
I never said they had to be middle or lower class, last time I checked, it upper middle class people promoting the redistribution ideologies. The point still stands that a large mass of people are more tham willing to accept more authoritarian government.

this made me involuntarily vocalize

>last time I checked, it upper middle class people promoting the redistribution ideologies

Holy shit my sides

Attached: lawl.png (160x154, 68K)

Map is retarded.

A)Mussolini is not far right economically, just socially. Hitler/Muss belong in authoritarian dead center.

B)Extreme Rights ode should be reserved for hardcore Catholics only. Preferably crusaders

C) Gandhi is not far left. He was more to the center. The idolized libtard version of him is very left but he actually wasn’t.

He also slept with his granddaughter

>More right wing than Pinochet


Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You'll find most people are fine with Authoritarianism if they are the ones benefitting from it, good luck trying to get them to admit it beforehand though.

Care to make a few?
Republicans voted in a populist, and were more than willing to keep their level of authoritarianism granted it was done by people wearing red.
Cool, then were back to my argument where people vote to take that from you, and there you go.

Are you arguing that higher education and income voters didnt vote blue? Get you head out of your ass.

Nope. Im not here to waste time on you, just reading about your gross misunderstanding of free market economics while I enjoy my dinner.

>Cool, then were back to my argument where people vote to take that from you, and there you go.

How many times do i have to tell you faggots that they won't be able to take my cryptos? Also, with the new text tax going on, I don't think they'll support more taxes, you fucking shithead.