American Homeless

Here's a good question no one in the media seems to be asking...

>Should we not be taking care of our own homeless problem before we even think about the problems people are having outside our own borders?

I would rather help an American crack head than ignore them in favor of outsiders who have their own issues...

>How is this not the most common sentiment out there?


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nobody gives a shit about men suffering, welcome to biology

Do you really think they care? They're only there to push an agenda.

To be honest, most homeless are homeless by choice

yep. anyone who harps on about refugees...ask them if they actively help the homeless.

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The reason is a cold, money-oriented one:
Cheap labor from foreigners flooding low-skill labor markets makes more money than rehabilitating addicts

How about literally children being taken from their homes, pimped and whored out to fat fucks. I care about helping them significantly more than grown ass men and women with addictions that keep them on the streets

Helping potential Democrat voters with a minority status is the chic, elitist thing to do, replace homeless Whites with brown skins. Remember that if you ever hit the skids White people, the Democrats will kick you down the well.

sure. point being you should be will to help your own nation first as a priority above any others...

your country isn't for its citizens but for the citizens of less fortunate countries, haven't you been paying attention?

Ask anyone who complains about not helping the homeless if they themselves help the homeless.

I gate refugees, but hate the homeless too. Lets not pretend we actually care.

The secret is there's no after the fact fix for the homeless problem. These people don't want to help themselves. They could easily take advantage of the plethora of government programs, but they stay on the street because they are mentally ill. The only fix is not producing so many mentally ill people.

I agree user.

you know ((why))

I don't know, man... I live in New York. We KIND OF have the homeless thing under control here. There are a few, but it's not like the movies from the 80's suggest... HOWEVER, if you go to Philadelphia PA, you will see people on every other block and shit on the street... and, this is 2018.

>Being a citizen of the USA and donating even $1 to anyone outside our borders before helping your own should be treason... fuck all who disagree.

Yeah, I agree, but as the user with the fancy digits has said , its really mostly them not wanting to help themselves. There is an array of different programs, aimed at removing homeless from the streets, but that's just the lifestyle they prefer. You can't fix them if the don't want to be fixed.

I'd agree. I financially support a friend of mine helping fight human trafficking in Thailand because their organization also helps kids in Los Angeles as well. The thing is people want to go to some place exotic and take a vacation every other week and post on Instagram daily about how they're "fighting human trafficking" with a picture of them standing in an exotic forest or something. Still, like I said, homeless or abused kids get my sympathy and help, not dirty people who look twice their age who'd rather use the $5 you gave them for a 40 oz and a Slurpee any day. Homeless niggers taught me that lesson when I visited DC.

Not true at All!!!!

Don’t do drugs, smoke, drink, no criminal background, no tickets, BS degree,or any debt but spent a ton of money right before this on parents and others and it happened within a month of being fired for telling the truth working for a company and co workers lied including my ex girlfriend. I didn’t Get my last paycheck because they held it for 2 months, they lied and said they mailed it. They didn’t, so I didn’t have enough money for another apt while looking for a job quick. It took me 3 weeks to start working again which already was homeless hiding my delema and couldn’t catch up for over 3 years. It is a downward spiral and you have no fucking idea how it could be anyone. I dont have any friends or family within a few states away and not going to call my friends and ask for help or tell them what’s up. Everybody has enough going on in their lives.

So it isn’t always just the mentally disabled, alcoholics, divorced, druggies, losers.

The hardest thing is not being able to help others like I always have and now put in a position that I can’t even help myself.

I work with a woman who flies to Africa every year to volunteer at an orphanage. I take every opportunity to mention that 70% of unadopted American orphans are incarcerated within 5 years of them turning 18

We didn't have this problem when we had state-run asylums

Thanks for the insight. I stand corrected.

As someone who has to deal with homeless on a daily basis I say kill em all

just had to call the cops on another one literally minutes ago because it's trying to build a camp on my neighbor's land

Your question assumes that the reason the homeless are not "taken care of" is that there is a shortage of money -- if only they had that cash going for other things, it would be "problem solved."

I don't think that's the case.

The problem is that the left has a romanticized view of The Homeless (tm) that holds that they are just regular folks like us but they had a bit of ill lick and don't have a house.

In reality they are either the "homeless by choice," who have opted out of trying to make anything of themselves and have found an acceptable (to them) level of living at the bottom of the social ladder, or people with severe mental problems and addictions. Plus a smattering of "between jobs" homeless, but they have a problem that tends to solve itself as they find their next job.

The former, homeless by choice, you literally cannot help -- they are doing what they want to do. You could give them a shopping cart to push their crap around in, or reflective vests so they don't get hit by cars; and many communities do stuff like this.

The mentally ill/addicts are a different problem. They would be very difficult to help in any case, but it is impossible to do anything for them unless you first admit what their problem is --and this the left refuses to do, because it sounds mean to say an addict is an addict and a mentally ill person is mentally ill. But unless you address the actual problem, you can't help them beyond making food available and providing some place to sleep on the coldest nights. And most communities do this, though severe addicts and mentally ill people may not take advantage of what is on offer.

The sad truth is, at the end of the day, mental illness and addiction arevery difficult to treat, even if they wanted to be treated, and the only real way to help them would be to institutionalize them. But guess who would raise hell if you did that! The "compassionate" left would rather let them die than admit what the problem is.

Donations sent to Africa
Donations sent to India
Donation sent to help old jewish people
Donations sent to south America
Donations sent to Haiti
Donations sent to Pakistan
Donations not sent to US
US giving money away to
Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, .......
Time to take back and distribute to America!

"Homeless" are mentally diseased and physically ill inbreds who take drugs, drink, rape each other and act like absolute degenerates.

There is, LEGALLY, no fucking way you can be homeless in the 21st century 2018 year in a western country.

UNLESS you're a filthy drinking lunatic, drug addict, violent, spastic, edgy, lazy piece of shit.

The state hands out social housing like candy, welfare like candy, rehabilitation programs, re-specialization programs and so on for these useless unwashed hairy farts.

drown all homeless in their snot

I can agree with you and your 9999 about the people being too dumb to help themselves, but my point is I'd rather help my own mentally ill Americans before I even turn my head to look anywhere else... plain and simple.

There is plenty oh help available, homeless shelters and programs. People living outdoors are either mentally ill or they prefer to live that way.
We should have the power to force them to take psychiatric medicine

>paid with taxes
>going straight to pharma shareholders
kys pseudo communist

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>good question no one in the media seems to be asking...
Great question and not one person should be coming through any of our borders until every man woman and child is fed and housed. This is insane, our governments are fucked.
Taxation without representation.

Grinko, Americans are homeless because you lazy niggers.
Mexican is the new improved hard working Americans.

FUCK off.

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>The state hands out social housing like candy, welfare like candy, rehabilitation programs, re-specialization programs

The US govt is fresh out all of those things.
15 years wait at least for housing, Bill Clinton ended welfare payments, there are no subsidized training programs any more (used to offer free grocery checking training).

All the illegals have swallowed up all the housing subsidies using their anchor babies.

I get so fucking mad at how much tax I fucking pay. about 30% income tax. 10% GST on food and shit. If I want to buy beer it's $50 for 24 and $35 of that is tax. tax on petrol, rates if you own a house. registration for your car

>I don't think that's the case

Except it IS the case dumbshit.

No securing the border must come first.

70-90% of homeless people are that way because of drug addiction, laziness, or a combination of the two.
t. former homeless person

>no one
Virtually every conservative says that

No volk no virtue

Msx. Cortez, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

They are Americans, just like us, and Mexicans are Mexican, NOT like us.

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Agreed. Better to bring back the insane asylums rather than have the crazy panhandling and possibly getting murdered in the streets

I said no one in the media... we're here 24/7 saying it..... duh.

>Cheap labor

Importing violent third world savages and putting them on welfare for eternity is "cheap labor". I swear it's like you retards don't even think.

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there will always be homeless
this is exactly like saying crime and poverty cause low IQ
no, exactly the opposite, low IQ results in crime and poverty

Not helping the homeless is all part of the deliberate desecration of western society to ensure the people have no sense of shared identity and remain selfish and vacuous social climbers.

I'm top 5% income bracket and volunteering at a homeless project in the UK at the moment. I don't look down on anybody we help.

1st, these are not refugees. Many go back and forth to their REAL home, at will. Especially children who only come during the school sessions to use us for a free education, food stamps for their adult care takers and subsidized housing and health care.

Maybe if we can't afford to help the homeless Americans then we can't afford to subsidize Mexican users who, btw, do not care that they are hurting Americans. They don't care. Why should I?

Who the fuck are they pledging allegiance to??? Real question.

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This is pretty much the reality.

I used to live in Berkeley, and knew someone who worked for the state, assisting the homeless. They'd go around the parks and tell them where to go, for food and shelter, and a very small number would actually go - number one reason: they can't do drugs in the shelters. The overwhelming majority of them are hardcore addicts - the kind who will take the free food from a shelter, and sell it for drugs, instead of eating.
The rest are just batshit insane, who would previous to the 60's, be incarcerated in state asylums.
Regionally, there are other issues, too. In SF, a lot of the flophouses and cheap hotels the addicts and crazies lived in were gentrified for the boomers, so they have nowhere else to hole up to get high, so they live on the street, or in the parks.
It's not a money issue, it's a drug/mental health issue.
Everything they try, no matter how much money they throw at it, those people are still there. SF has it worse, because of the sanctuary city issue. They welcome them. And the city is destroyed because of it.

That's a quality blanket or is that the cushion beneath rugs

Here's the thing user...

> tell them where to go, for food and shelter,

None of those things are a "home." A cot or a soft bed for a few days or a month is not a home.

Do you even English?

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The homeless are allowed to exist as an example to keep us in line. Prison rape is also allowed to exist for similar reasons.

>The overwhelming majority of them are hardcore addicts - the kind who will take the free food from a shelter

People who become hardcore addicts like this have usually given up on life because no matter what they do, or how hard they work, nothing for them succeeds.

Think seriously. If your efforts in life were never rewarded, wouldn't you give up and shoot heroin until you died?

All that superman Tony Robins shit is a complete fucking lie, some people just aren't good at life for whatever reason. Self improvement/self help is the biggest fucking lie ever told, and there's no empirical basis in reality for any of it.

OP didn't say shit about WHY people are homeless, ignoramus.
OP said ... Why should US take in poor and welfare them and we can not or have not taken care of US citizens that are in need homeless hungry whatever.

Cute way you have of trying to fool your common core apples.

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This. You made the best point I've seen on Jow Forums in a long time. Have a (you)

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so legalizing drug use would solve a huge portion of the problem?
huh....that almost sounds too easy
and if we legalized drug use and made treatment for addiction easier to access....that should just leave the crazies and those who just genuinely want to live without a home
make it easier to lock up the crazies, instead of medicating them and putting them on the street
did I just solve the homeless problem?
huh, it's almost like a created problem that could be easily solved....wonder how many people's livelihoods relies on there being a huge homeless problem?

I agree OP, all homeless should move to the west and the south.

>wonder how many people's livelihoods relies on there being a huge homeless problem?

Homelessness is an economic necessity. If everyone had a home, then employers wouldn't have such a strong position to bargain from, and wages would go up, and then some businesses would go out of business, because no one wants to work for 8 dollars an hour 10 hours a day soldering circuit boards.

Basically, homelessness is a reminder to all the good goyim of what will happen to them if they don't enjoy their slave wage job.

This just in.
Hillary Clinton was a spy for the Chinese.
Bill Priestap was on the FIN team that ran this criminal scam on Trump/Russia fraud.
Bill Priestap makes statement today:
>Russia not our problem, China is.
Also don't forget about Hongkong Shanghai Bank (of China) Feinstein with her Chinese Shauffer

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We have a shit ton of empty houses everywhere that clearly aren't being sold so we may as well just let em squat.

refugees come from warzones and places where there's no work to be found. homeless could find work (and by extension a place to live) if they weren't druggies and winos

>It is a downward spiral
This like you wouldn't believe.

Back when I was living in Ausfalia I was homeless for the best part of nine months.

Australia has incredible social security, but as soon as you no longer have a fixed address, you're fucked. You find yourself in this weird limbo where you simply cannot get any sort of government assistance without a fixed address, but until you hit absolute rock bottom, there's nothing anyone can do you for you. Try applying for a job? You can't do it without a fixed address as so much of the paperwork is legally reliant on that address. Try applying for a new rental property, you can't do it without a fixed address. What's that, your drivers license and insurance is suddenly invalid because you're no longer at that address and haven't given a forwarding address, sure hope you don't get a speeding fine or have an accident. What's that, your car registration has expired and you don't have an address to register your car to? You didn't need your car anyway, right? Everything snowballs incredibly quickly.

If you don't have family or friends to fall back on you suddenly find yourself stuck between not being able to get back into the workforce or having somewhere to sleep because you can't even get basic living assistance and having to go to homeless shelters that do literally nothing other than feed you and clothe you and then shuffle you out the door.

After six months of trying to do the right thing I pretty much got to the point where I was ready to top myself as my health had gone to complete shit, my mental faculties had gone to complete shit, I no longer had clothes I could even attend interviews with, didn't have the money to catch a bus anywhere, had no means of washing the clothes I did have, everything I was eating I was stealing. Fortunately i'm a massive pussy so instead of topping myself I just ended up committing every conceivable type of fraud imaginable just to get back on my feet.


"there will always be homeless"

>Even Bill Hicks (Alex Jones, har har) once said... we could feed and clothe all the homeless with the money we spend on war... and explore space together... I mean..... if you believe in space.

>I just ended up committing every conceivable type of fraud imaginable just to get back on my feet.
Someone should start a charity with the sole intention of lying for people who want back into society. Like fake job references, fake resumes, fake degrees, fake work history, etc, etc. I would feel not one shred of guilt running such an operation.

But more money for israel tho.

A bed in a heated place in the winter is better than nothing. But that's not even the point, nor is your ADORABLE little snarky English comment.

There are VAST resources in place to help people get off the street, for issues like getting clean, getting fed, getting healthcare, and then further on, getting assistance getting apartments, jobs, job interviews, training - there's a lot offered. But few actually reach out for it, because: drugs. You can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you have a $100 daily smack habit.

If you give these people a "home" - their first action will be to sell it, to buy drugs.

But you keep thinking you have a point, with your idiotic reddit level mic drop comments.


>so legalizing drug use would solve a huge portion of the problem?

I didn't say that. But that didn't stop you from running your mouth, did it?

Basically this. Short of putting them in camps and making them wards of the state for life 99% of "homeless" people are beyond help.

Simple: work conscription. Just have officers driving around doing homeless sweeps, haulling in homeless off the street and have the state/city/government conscript them into mandatory menial labor. Those who are able bodied and mentally sound are capable of working and thus should have no qualms about being fed and sheltered in exchange for mandatory labor. Those who are too drug addled get incarcerated and forced on rehab, and the mentally ill ones get helped until they improve to where they can join the conscripted workers or they get institutionalized indefinitely if they can't.

>gets the homeless off the streets
>gets them work
>takes away the druggies and drunks vices and force-rehabs them
>locks up the irredeemable mentally ill/schizos where they can stop being public nuisances/legitimate threats (euthanasia should honestly be considered for these ones as a cost reducing measure since they will likely never improve)

your digits are 1 off and therefore your message is slightly incorrect

The main issue is that the homeless, no matter how many or for what reasons, are a problem in the united states and impact the quality of life of others.

Also having had problems firsthand with it nobody wants to hire someone who's homeless even if they're dressed up properly for an interview. Jobs have to be Allocated for them so that they can get one shoved at them, and start developing references and an employment history.
> if you dont take this job and keep it, we're throwing you in jail for vagrancy, and we're going to keep an eye on you and we're going to keep throwing you in jail until you take the job and work it
> doesnt anyone remember Vagrancy laws?

This is also what the FEMA camps should be used for. Not for "disposal" or some other tinfoil shit. But for isolating them from external influences like the drugs or whatever. Mandating rehabilitation in an enclosed environment and setting them up with potential opportunities.
Six Months
> re-education center
> and its not a bad idea for this case
For the ultra hardcore addicts its isolation from those influences could help them get clean, or kill themselves, or do something to get their ass thrown in an actual asylum thats still operating.

this is mainly the issue here and as soon as they were defunded you ended up seeing more of the crazies on the street who shart down their own pants rather than find some bushes.
In the old days the hobos and homeless were the literal town fool or town drunk, or they preferred the hitchhiking lifestyle and jumping trains. They liked the thrill of living on the edge like it was the freedom of the wild west.

refugees are foreign nationals
we have a sovereign country with natural born citizens
technically, refugees are our enemy no matter where they come from

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huh, you seem to think that drugs are the main problem here
legalize drug use instead of forcing people to get "clean" to participate in society
sounds like you're one of those people whose livelihood relies on a maintaining a huge homeless population that can't be fixed

>idiotic reddit level
>reddit spacing

Oh, look, you're running your mouth even more, when I didn't take a stance on drugs at all.

Bitch, i use "reddit spacing" on purpose, to trigger little girls like you, because it's fucking hilarious.

Now go cry to mommy.


Corporations don't pay taxes so they don't care. Welfare is an "externality," someone else pays for it.

ah's a femanon
well fuck me
that explains everything

Theres another problem with the Jobs issue too where these days its all systematic, you type your stuff into an online application and nobody sees your face and you cant shake someone's hand. The choice is picked by HR from whatever they feel is the best ones in the pile and yours is thrown out. Rinse and repeat all the way down the street.
All the way up until the 1990s it was very easy to get a job. And the further back in time you go, except for the great depression, it was marginally easier to get jobs too.

No official job application forms. You just come in and say yes-masta-ill-do-whatever-you-want or come to them as an equal who wants to do their business good and would like to work for them 10+ years.
And of course the idea of Face To Face job hunting and not having to answer the stupidest question in the world ("why should I hire you" or "why do you want to work here") which we categorically still reference today was bourne out of the late 1980s and through the 1990s.

Sounds to me like this kind of impersonal hiring processes should be made absolutely illegal, with forefieture of a percentage of the company profits for every violation of it too.

Drugs are illegal because of what the opium crisis did to china. Most of their working age men laid out smoking opium.

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How has your keyboard not shorted out from your tears yet?

Cry more, faggot. I love it. I'm a femdom? Really? You're that pathetic? Get the fuck back to /b, little girl.

millions of people are on legal opiates that they take daily...they are allowed to participate in society
it's not the drug that is the problem, it's the society that leaves people hopeless and making their drug use illegal to push them even further into the void doesn't solve the societal problem

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shit, I forgot to tell you
tits or gtfo

Literally all I needed was someone to say "yeah, you can use my address to have bills and other documents sent to" and that would have given me everything I needed. You can't get a single valid form of ID in Australia without proof of address and without ID you cease to exist within the system.

I actually volunteer with local agencies that work to eliminate homelessness.

if you are capable and motivated, you wont be homeless very long.

the homeless in this country are hard drug users (meth and heroin) and the mentally ill.

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You have a point - but don't discount what the people working for shelters do. They allow homeless to use shelters as a mailing address, and a place to clean up, to go out on interviews.
But you take a guy in his 40's, who looks 60 from years of drug abuse and malnutrition, who's gonna hire him?

Millions of people fall on hard times, suffer, use social services to get back on their feet, and build their lives back. But the "reality" is ALL homeless are permanently homeless, they don't talk about the people who escape, they just push in our faces "THE HOMELESS ARE DYING YOU SELFISH BASTARDS" when the reality is, the ones they prop up for news segments and in liberal media are incapable of doing more than they are.

If there's a solution that exists that isn't re-opening the asylums and poor houses, I don't know what it is. Homeless have always existed, throughout history, but we're gonna solve it? Yeah, don't hold your breath.

Also imagine not being able to fill out a job application form on the computer because you literally cant fill in all the data fields. One of those automated ones that holds you back from submitting the form unless you can provide an answer to each area.
> Error: You must fill out this field.

What if you dont have 3 or 4 references. Because you dont have those prior employers or lost their contact info. Or you dont have that many friends who can vouch for you. You going to pick random fuckers from the phone book to fill in that information?
What if you literally havent worked anywhere in the last 7 or 10 years. You going to make some shit up and lie like you worked at Hardees down the street when you didnt?
> gets called into HR
> WHY the fuck did you lie about your work history and references?
> Me: Well to be frank your application software wouldnt let me progress to the next page or submit it unless it had that information. I didn't have anything to fill in there at all so I just put in some filler so the program would accept the application.
> HR woman's face is red and veins are bulging out of her skull

Or I like this one too - where you have to take a "survey" about the way you feel about various things. Totally not serious. But then in the interview they go straight off the survey.
> Well actually I dont feel that way about any of that stuff, I hate surveys really after having done so many of them online to make quick cash, besides a survey is optional so I can put whatever I want on it.
> Way I figure it you need a janitor and I can do the job so I dont see anything wrong.
> HR dude... uhhhh, well get back to you, sometime, I guess...

legal opiates that you take daily are prescribed medication which isnt intended, nor being used for recreational purposes.

The main problem is Employment Procedures.

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That's an extremely difficult/impossible thing for a liberal democracy to do though. How do we justify taking away people's freedom for making choices we don't agree with, and then set them in a reeducation camp decided by bureaucrats? That's why we do all this charity shit, because we mistakenly assume/desperately hope that all they need is a chance and they'll want to be like the rest of us.

My point is, OUR people (legal citizens) shouldn't even have to be capable or motivated... we can afford it all, but most people don't give a shit about the homeless on their own block and think they will get a pat on the back supporting refugees or fags...

>For the record, I'd rather pay for a legal fag citizen than a straight fugee...... :/

If you're not gonna read my comments with a smug tl;dr, then go fuck yourself, especially after posting MORE than I did. Cunt.

>Here's a good question no one in the media seems to be asking...
Or any bleeding heart liberal school shooter.

Dead or homeless Americans are okay, it's Guatemalans who need jobs that are the priority.

All liberals must die.

so it's not the drug that's causing the problem
because if it were, those taking legal opiates would be regarded with the same rancor as "addicts" (btw, all legal opiate users are physically addicted to opiates)

The government should set up camps where the homeless can be housed and given work. Somewhere to concentrate them together where they can more easily access the social services they need.

Maybe we could call these places "concentration camps;" the phrase has a nice ring to it. I bet this idea could really catch on!

northeast isn't nearly as bad as west coast. very depressing to look at



because you fold it under an economic development program that just happens to be using the Fema camp, and while its being used the Fema camp is considered for all intents and purposes an Asylum.
So technically you're in an Asylum at that point and have been institutionalized for 6 months as part of a rehabilitation program. And you lose a number of rights because of it while you're there.
> This is like Diesel Therapy where if they stick you on a prison bus and keep moving you from prison to prison in endless transfers then you've vanished because you never get a chance to get a visit, you only spend one night at any given prison if that at all before they shove you back on the bus... etc etc

There's ways to cover it in enough red tape and forest-for-the-trees to have shit tied up for a very long time doing anything about it. The appeals can be tied up in the courts, sealed, made very unclear about who you're supposed to write or send things to for making any sort of progress, etc.
There's wizards of this shit who can make it happen and engineer it so that enough cases who try to get somewhere about it fall through the cracks.

All while solving a real actual problem for society.
> As having been unemployed for 12 years myself I wouldn't be opposed to this. Because being handed a job is what I want, ive got too much ptsd about filling out forms and shit to be bothered with applying more than 1 place in a blue moon. But if some dude says I Wanna Hire You, I Want You To Work For Me... ill take it if I can manage the logistics.

Also current year autism rates...
What happens when you have No Customer Service skills, and cannot develop any either
> we live in a service industry

There's a sickening truth here, but you need to accept a redpill to notice it.
Sorry... 2000 character limit. I was already up near 1900 by the time I got to you.
Bother Jow Forums about it and see if you can get it increased to 5000 along with formatting.

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that pic is from sweden

Take it from this leaf whose 40% of their income goes to the taxman.

Solving the homeless problem is just a sinkhole. Our government burns through cash trying to solve the problem and all it does is enable more people to live on welfare than be productive members of society.

>The main problem is Employment Procedures.
I'm actually fascinated, and relieved to see, someone who is making this point. Any company that adds a HR department is making such a stupid mistake, and once those parasites are inside your organization, good luck getting them out. So this is what these ass holes want from the homeless.

1) Work history within the past 6 months
2) 3 character or job references
3) A mailing address
4) Clean clothes
5) Transportation to and from work
6) A cell phone number.
7) Your facebook and twitter passwords.
8) Your first born son.

I think with enough effort and the right technology, we could undermine HR departments and sabotage their jobs, rendering them effectively useless and unemployed, and hopefully homeless.

how many industries are funded by making drugs illegal?
every homeless industry, the prison industry, the police force, the DEA, half the judicial system, big pharma, easily half of the medical industry....and that doesn't even touch on the black market system that only exists to provide what the government made illegal....

The "programs" being there and people not using them is a convenient excuse for not giving a shit because its been known from the get go that you have to light a serious fire under someone's ass to get them to do something.
> ever been to a govt office or the dmv?
> they dont have a fire lit under their ass to do anything.
> So they take their time and make you file shit in triplicate so they can drink coffee and eat donuts.
Always has been an issue of getting a person pressed to the grindstone.

Also for "making choices we dont agree with" its very simple - theres this thing called Social Security which has a very nice ring to it. What its implied to mean is that old people are taken care of when they cant work anymore. But the broader understanding of Social Security as a phraise... the Security Of The Society... absolutely dictates that for it to be a strong healthy society then the Society should make sure everyone is Given the opportunities they need.
> ie, shoved in their face, not simply presented with it.
There's all sorts of ways to put it but the easiest that people'd understand is that sometimes you've got to look after the Whole not just the Individual because thats how a society runs and thats what a society is. We dont live in a perfect world sorta thing.
> allows a person to consider exceptions to the usual rule
> just like these fuckers think we should make an exception about gun ownership

What happens when the Immunizations are there but you dont want to get your child immunized?
> The state forces you to do it anyway for the health and wellbeing of the community.
> They do NOT let you put your kid in the same school as others if they dont have the immunizations, full stop.

Its actually not even the HR department but literally ANY business with a shingle. Because these are the standard procedures used for hiring people.
> you wouldnt give your friends or future wife an application form would you...

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Oh just shut up you fucking boomer


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