A few days ago it dawned on me...dogs have replaced children for millennial whites

A few days ago it dawned on me...dogs have replaced children for millennial whites.

Every single white person I know owns a dog, and most of them anthropomorphize it. You wouldn't believe how many faggots I know that dress their dog up and flood social media with pics, make instagram accounts for their dog, make a twitter account where they pretend to be their dog and make thousands of tweets, and throw birthday parties for their dogs.

And not too long after, I realized how these neurotic parasites are fucking everywhere. You can't spend 1 minute on any social media platform without seeing some meme or pic with a dog. People are bringing in dogs into stores that wouldn't have allowed them just a few years ago. Nearly every commercial these days has a fucking dog in it, even though the product has nothing to do with dogs/pets. And every other day theres some news story about some dog that got rescued in some disaster or accident, or a lost dog that got found.

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this is why eating dogs is redpilled

except dogs are possibly the most redpilled pet to own, considering how they helped out Europeens hunt and stuff, plus you can teach them to bark at niggers so thats good.

Dogs for the men, migrants for the women.
Did you think women treat them as 16-year olds because those guys ask the women to?

This doesn’t fucking make sense. The flags on these posts should be switched around. What fucking timeline have we just entered?

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>the world is being overrun by shitskins
>let's bring white children into the mix!

I'd rather have something that could defend me in the upcoming chaos over something I'll have the need to defend.


>Dogs for the men, migrants for the women
this is the most cucked thing I have ever read on this board

Women buy dogs, men buy fleshlights. Everyone is happy.


*cue wave of dog sentimentalism*

Cats unlike dogs actually serve a purpose other than shitting in your house and chewing on everything.

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So what's your point Shlomo?

They're called "furbabies" now.

nothing new, look at charities for animals vs starving kids.

But what about the super important purpose of dogs? They work as a really efficient warning system in case a burglar, cat, squirrel or falling twig ends up within 500ft of your property.

My dog weighs 130 lbs. I cook all his meals and he has his own room.

Literally worse than dogs at vermin control and cats are fucking monsters in terms of environmental damage.

my cats only bring me mice and rats never birds

dogs and social media narcissism, I'd say. some of these youngsters don't even have time for their own pets (or niglets), they're so busy whoring around and self-aggrandizing.

oh fuck, not again

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giving a shit about a dog even a little bit is pathetic, womanly behavior.

>You can't spend 1 minute on any social media platform without seeing

I wouldn't waste 1 minute of my life with that kike bullshit and you shouldn't either.

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>My face when millenials don't think dogs need to be trained
>"Oh that's just how he is"

No, its not. It's an animal. You NEED to train it to not jump on people, bark at every little noise, eat kids, etc.

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Whites deserve to be replaced. We are weak. Our citizens are weak consumerist sheep with no honour or national pride.

That dogs face
>Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Read again faggot.
I want them all to be buried under the sea.
Women treat migrants like children, because they don't have any children of their own and look for a substitute.
Migrants are simply a more powerful substitute than a cat, if only because a cat doesn't rape and kill you.

I'm a dog sitter so my income comes from loving dogs.
Keep it up, dog-lovers

They are literally an african animal and cause horrific environmental damage in europe, australia, and the americas. Dogs are far superior, jack russells are better at hunting rats than cats are.

That's like saying your dad is better at sucking dick than you are. Yeah, he probably is, but either of you will enthusiastically get the job done.

Go on youtube and look for otters in Japan. Gooks have started using those little things to replace having kids. No joke.

All women are dog fucking whores.

>No, its not. It's an animal. You NEED to train it to not jump on people, bark at every little noise, eat kids, etc.

And the crazy thing is I know several people who have spent thousands of dollars on dog trainers and their dogs STILL bark constantly and a couple have bitten people.

Im okay with this. Rather single moms screw up and ignore the dog than the 7 different children she has.

Dogs are based, cats are cool too. Pets in general are fine, so long as people take care of them.

I know what you mean though and I will agree that people that say their pets are their kids are usually insufferable. Nothing against the animals themselves though. Oh, except pit bulls (nigger of dogs) and those hairless cats that are super bitchy and look like ball sack (jews of cats).

I love my dog like a damn child but I still want at least 3 children.

>plus you can teach them to bark at niggers
My doggo hated niggers all on his own

I didn’t even need to teach my dog she has always done it.

If you don't acclimate them to noggers they pretty much instinctually act that way. It makes perfect sense if you're a doggo and suddenly see a human with coal colored skin for the first time. It's like wtf is that?

chink post fpbp


Kill yourself. I don't care how ironic you are using that word, kill yourself.

The worst thing is it's all for the humans, dogs don't enjoy their birthday. If you want to make them happy take them out for a walk and give them some treats afterwards.
Also dogs are better than women and children.

I have a friend who is like this and when I tell her shes projecting her maternal instincts onto an animal and time is ticking she needs her own child she gets mad and says she wants her own but cant find a guy. Feels kinda bad man. Shes fairly pretty and only like idk 25? Dont think shes much of a roastie either, for the 5 years ive known her shes only had 2 boyfriends and didnt hook up with anyone in between

blame the women

75% of all girls under the age of 30 absolutely insist that they do not wish to have children

I've long thought the (((media))) pushes animals for the same reason as diversity. Pets are filthy and should be kept outside. But think about it - if people are willing to treat a fucking dog like a human, they will have an easier time accepting niggers and refugees. When I was a child, I was afraid of both animals and of touching dark skinned people (I thought it would rub off on me, kek). Still don't feel comfortable with either. I'm totally reaching for hand sanitizer if I have to shake a black person's hand. (((They))) want to break down those instincts to push people to replace children with animals and browns and practice miscegenation.


>a few days ago

Little slow on the uptake OP?

check out this thread ;)

And women who buy pit bulls are always coalburners. Fact!

They didn't use them as pets they used them as tools

No. Sometimes they're just dogfuckers.

Dogs should be outside. Ok most dogs.

my uncle referred to his 'granddogs' the other day

Still better than cats at least.

Except for pitbulls.

Enjoy your brain parasite from huffing your furball's shit.

>A few days ago it dawned on me...dogs have replaced children for millennial whites.
This thread is posted like every fucking day. Did you just arrive here? Lurk moar, faggot.

>are fucking monsters in terms of environmental damage.
Oh yes the planet is going to become uninhabitable because of housecats.

Get a load of this pearl-clutching faggot

>my cat does this, so all cats are fine

Literally caused more extinctions than human just to kill shit.

Imagine being this much of an all-day internet surfing, clickbait article reading coward who's literally afraid of a pussycat.

Turn off the computer, throw out your anime pillow and get a job

Cats are assholes but that one looks cool as fuck

i'm sick to death of listening to the little barking cunts
they make asians look good because they don't own dogs

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>The only people who face a risk from Toxoplasma gondii are pregnant women who have not previously been infected, babies under 6 months old and any household member whose immune system has been weakened by cancer treatment, transplant therapy or an infection like H.I.V.
It's AIDS isn't it? Figures since you come off as a massive faggot

Does anyone even click on that shit at this point?

My dog goes everywhere with me. She barks at homeless people and shitskins - I encourage the behavior and they stay away giving me surly looks. I don’t care about your wall of text.

There is a reason why pets are put in our face 24/7. Anything that comes between humans distances people from each other (internet, tv shows, animals, etc.). They want us increasingly isolated because it makes us easier to control.

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Reminder that this is all cat men will ever be

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here you go newfag

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admittedly I've always found Cats to be interesting but now the fucking bugmen have to ruin yet another thing.

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Insects. I invent conversations with my dogo’s, they wuv me.

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My mom keeps 2 dogs in her house so it smells like fucking dog all the time. It's like keeping children, I don't know why people fucking bother and I say this as a former dog owner of 15 years.

That looks like my old catto, who died yo young last summer.

And I'd eat your heart raw if we were ever trapped in a room together and you compared me to those guys

Dogs are way better than children.

They are a higher form of life and wiser than many two leg creatures.

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Dogs are the most shameless animals on God's green earth.

jesus christ bong
dogs don't belong on the furniture and you are fucking filthy

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>Every single white person I know owns a dog
For context, how many white people do you know? How many people do you know? What is their breakdown by race? And what is the percentage of dog ownership for each race?
>and most of them anthropomorphize it.
Why does this bother you?
>You wouldn't believe how many faggots I know that dress their dog up and flood social media with pics, make instagram accounts for their dog, make a twitter account where they pretend to be their dog and make thousands of tweets
Why are you on social media? Are the images of dogs and social commentary by their owners the only things that trigger you?
>You can't spend 1 minute on any social media platform without seeing some meme or pic with a dog
If it's that consistent in social media, and this bothers you enough to post on Jow Forums, then why bother? Is it the dogs? Is it their owners? Maybe they keep showing up in your feed because you keep clicking on images of them?
>People are bringing in dogs into stores that wouldn't have allowed them just a few years ago
Why does this bother you?
>Nearly every commercial these days has a fucking dog in it
Why are you watching tv? And if you insist on watching, then why are you viewing the commercials if they bother you so much?
>And every other day theres some news story about some dog that got rescued in some disaster or accident, or a lost dog that got found.
Why does this bother you?

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And they are cute. Orientals can’t say they are cute. They try to dress up as cartoons to be cute and still look like sadistic small dicked gofer toothed mother fuckers when they are looking at your pets licking their lips. Fuck knows I’d rather have dogs around me than weirdos.

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Gooks are Korean not Japanese, you stupid wop

Fucking degenerate

Obviously. Most trainers will spend no more than 40 hours with your dog, and even then, it is usually with other dogs. Dogs are pack animals. They respect dominance. If you do not psychologically dominate your dog, it won't listen to you. When your dog leaves training, it will go back to behaving poorly, because it won't understand that those "bad" behaviors were actually "bad" all the time. Instead, they will think it's just something that one person doesn't want them to do. And since they no longer see that person, they will likely forget.

Humans like dogs, because dogs are very social. But sociability mostly means it acts like the things around it. If you are a disorganized, impulsive person, your dog will be poorly behaved. If you are disciplined, and treat your dog well, it will love you and be disciplined. Obviously, to train skills in a dog takes more than that, but modifying its behavior is almost as simple as just staring them in the eye and speaking in a harsh, low voice until they submit. As soon as they do, reward them, not with treats, but with positive attention. Having a dog is actually a fine dry run for raising a child, in that it's many of the same principles, but far simpler. Millenials, however, are collectively in delayed adolescence. You should never really rely on any millenials you meet that are obsessed with dogs. They will not be particularly reliable, and more importantly, they will be one-sided in their relationship. They will not see how their actions are within their control, and they will not see how they share responsibility in conflict. That it's so mainstream is a very bad omen.

>neurotic parasites
That is exactly what they are. A dump of money and time for nothing.

cute ol puppers allowed tho

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Or you wait till they are 8 and they will be already more useful with each year being even more useful until your power is at 2x

Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

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You see, you have experienced this with dogs because either you are surrounded by, or are yourself, a nigger who can't train dogs worth a goddamn.
So you like cats. They do nothing and shit in a box. Gee, that's odd. My well trained dog lets me know he needs to go outside and can defend me far better than a cat ever can. Oh what's this? They can also find dead/missing people and bombs? Gee, your faggot cats seem nowhere to be found doing these things.

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That room is absolutely filthy. Maybe Peterson actually has a point.

>cute ol puppers allowed tho
no user
cute puppers grow up and if they're on the furniture as pups they'll want to do it as doggos

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wasted get.

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one needs a quality leather couch and wooden floors. let the good doggos chill.

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i do. every single time.

No its just dumb. Dogs arent people but they also dont taste good.

They actually are classified as an invasive species and have caused the extinction of 3 bird species on the north American continent

My pitbull once took a burglars finger off. I didnt even call the cops because I figured he already got his punishment.

It's true. I point this out to my GF all the time. The cat has replaced the daughter we wouldve had and taken its love because she's too pussy to change.

Dogs can do way more tasks than cats.

I had kids and dogs.
All kids should have dogs.