I'm fat af lol

So I'm a young teenage girl and i'm getting fatter by the day. I'm around 80 kg and around 170 cm. I'm getting really insecure about my body, I'm starting to get stretch marks ALL OVER my body like the back of my legs,thighs,hips,shoulders,stomach,boobs,butt and my arms. And summer is coming and i'm way too insecure to wear short sleeved shirts or shorts and skirts. My parents fat shame me and tell me not to eat. I tried working out and dieting but I always go back to my habits of eating late at night and just staying home all day. Boys don't even like me because i'm so fat and they make fun of me about being a pig and me eating alot, I usally try to ignore them and insult them back. I really need some help on what to do!
(Pic unrelated)

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Eat mostly protein and vegetables, cut out refined carbs.

Eat healthy and less. Burn calories by doing whatever.


Fucking go and exercise you fat cunt. No1 will ever like you and you won't achieve nothing if you're fat and lazy . Gtfo from safe zone

>diet and working out
start doing both ,even if u fail at dieting, working out will have some effect still

also when u have time and u are not in rush try moving from place to place on foot instead of taking public transport or car ride

Try the keto diet. Eat bacon and olive oil and healthy fats. Lose weight. Have more energy, think more clearly, feel better overall after the induction part. There's a lot of people out there doing it, lots of recipes, youtube is a good place to start.

Start a diet/gym membership and follow one rule; any time you want to change/break it, you do it next time. So if you want to stop going to the gym, go today and decide next time if you still feel that way.


Ignore everybody who tells you to do sport. They have no idea what they are talking about.

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Thank you i'll try it out!

Get on it while you are young, have a fast metabolism and your skin can bounce back relatively quickly once you lose weight.
Since you are about 20 kg overweight it will take you a few months (average is 5 for the common recommendations), maybe up to a year if you are particularly lazy with your healthy habits but still consistent.
Go to Jow Forums and read the sticky on how you can lose bodyfat, there is not roundabout.
Train yourself to watch, measure and write down everything you really eat to realise how many calories you are really eating and instinctively back down on them.
You can also go to Jow Forums and check on how fasting-based lifestyle works, but you are still young and the normies usually fuck it up then complain.

Go on youtube or whatever and find interesting and nutritious recipes you can cook for yourself.

Tell your parents to stop being faggots and support your weight loss if they are that bothered by it, maybe they could buy ingredients for your meals and help you cook.

If you fuck up and binge just suck it up and keep going - it is better to eat healthy 9 times and eat shit 1 time than to eat healthy once or twice, eat shit, give up, keep eating shit and then be surprised not much changed.

Remember, to lose bodyfat you need to eat less but working out helps maintaining it and makes your body look better, so start lifting weights.

And most importantly, find a forum that isnt full of bitter faggots and will support and motivate you. In this regard even plebbit is a better place, you can organize some challenges with other fatties and have a healthy competition.

If you are afraid of this summer then work hard to prepare for the next summer so you can buy yourself some cute clothes. Believe me you dont want to wait with it until you get older, take it from me. The fact that you want to change your lifestyle at this age gives you a huge advantage.

Don't eat and run fattie run

Avoid salty food retains a lot of water weight and do cardio every day if possible even if it’s only 30mins. And try to spend time with people who are active if you hang around other people with bad habits it’s gonna be harder to deal with your own. And fuck these people talking shit your making an effort to lose weight and their gonna criticize you at least at least you can change but their always gonna be dumb as fuck

>Ignore everybody who tells you to do sport. They have no idea what they are talking about.
They are just being baiting retards with nothing useful to add.

Go on a liquid diet: water, soups, wet stuff, etc..

How about a piss diet? Costs absolutely nothing and you will loss fat extremely fast

I'm 170cm, I lost 10 kg by one simple thing
>Drink tea or water instead of eating when you are just a wee hungry
>Never eat until you are full, eat small portions
>Chew gum if you you bored and feel like eating
>Go to sleep hungry

Literally just fix your eating habits. Veggies and lean meat are good, pasta and bread less so, so reduce the amount of them you consume. Also reduce the amount of sweets you eat. You don't have to stop completely if you're okay with slow weight loss; for example, it's okay to eat a piece of cake once a week as long as you eat properly for the rest of the week. Drink just water, no sweet shit. No exercise is necessary as it's mainly about your diet. Also get used to the fact that the changes in your lifestyle will be permanent otherwise you're gonna balloon up again.

t. average tumblr meme advice

I don't go on Tumblr. I say what worked for me be made me lose weight quickly and not gain it back :^)

Eat less, move more

Good for you but
1) More gums are shit-tier and have some cancerous sweeteners 2) why do you imply people must go sleep hungry? I never eat in the morning and always get a decent dinner which works fine for me. Usually starting the day with food is what makes me hungry. Not a bad advice because the bigger breaks between meals the better, but it has a funnily negative implication.
Still, congrates and good it worked for you.

Ops *Most gums

Im yet to hear about a person getting cancer from chewing orbit to be fair

She says that she is getting hungry in the evenings, and starts to eat then, maybe for you it works different but going to sleep hungry would change that. Also your metabolism is slowler during the night so you just gain more weight if you eat late

You havent heard that aspartame is connected to cancer? People get cancer from anything these days so i doubt someone would be able to identify what exactly they got it from - usually the reaction is 'it appeared out of nowhere' if it isnt something as obvious as smoking. Besides, sweeteners keeps your insuline levels high which potentially makes you hungrier.
>Also your metabolism is slowler during the night so you just gain more weight if you eat late
Meal timing is an outdated strategy. As i said it didnt influence how i lost weight and i basically skipped breakfast since i have no need for it. If you go for a night snack then yes, you will have more calories to burn. You will only get in as many calories as you consume. Another case is eating right before bed which can give you acid reflux, as well as the fact the meal will sit in your stomache, making you 'heavier' after you wake up, but i eat dinner a few hours before sleeping.

there is still time
you need to get not fat
otherwise you are bound for a world of suffering

Nope, I never heard about it before, I don't chew much of a gum unless I'm hungry and don't have anything to eat

Well i don't eat breakfasts either but idk if it affects my weight or not. Although recently I got quite chubby, aka 57kg when I'm 170cm due to stress and medicine lol

I think the best is to eat like 2-3 h before going to bed but I'm not a specialist so I might be wrong

>aka 57kg when I'm 170cm
Since that is a normal bmi i assume your bodyfat percentage is high enough if you consider yourself chubby.
Proper nutrition and working out lets you change your body composition and makes you healthier and overall better looking.
Since you mentioned stress im thinking that maybe eating before bed influences the sleep quality itself for some people which would explain the weight gain too. High cortisol is connected to unhealthy sleeping habits, how is your sleep?
I also heard some good stuff about fasted cardio when getting rid of the last stubborn few pounds.

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Omg thank you so much I LOVE YOU you motivated me so much thank you for taking care of me.

Actually there is truth to that. Exercise is important to keep the body and mind healthy, and the person disciplined, but in terms of pure weight it has little effect compared to diet. People overeat by 1-3k calories, but even quite active gym-goers can only hope to shed at most 1k calories a day over a 1hr gym session. Consider that if you're obese, you're not going to have the strength to bike for an hour straight, that you won't be going to the gym every day, and you see that exercising by itself doesn't affect your weight nearly at all.

In contrast, cutting on calories and having a proper diet can and does give tangible results. It requires discipline, and doing sports builds that, not to mention all the other health benefits, so I'd still definitely recommend that. But, it's important to know why you're doing what, especially when so many people stop trying because they don't see results - they do one thing, and expect results that it doesn't provide

Ah shit, I misread you post. Well, maybe someone will find my post at least a little useful

Heyo, I just wanna say, I bet you're beautiful as hell, it's okay to be insecure, we all are trust me. I'm a teenager girl too (sorry that sounds fake and cat-fishy but eh believe in what you want) I've been anorexic for awhile trying to lose weight and fat n stuff for so long, but then I lost control and ended up in a hospital. I just want to say be careful with diets!! Make sure they're temporary (2 months at the least!!!) I suggest exercising will be the best way to feel better, don't try to hurt yourself too much.

I go to sleep around 12 and wake up at 6:00 and roll around in bed for about 30 minutes then get up for school so im pretty tired but then when I come home I take 3-4 hour naps

thank you for your advice

I consider myself chubby whenever I'm more than underweight, it's a quirk after I went through years of self hate because I was actually chubby

I sleep normally but never feel rested. I have anxiety disorders hence I got problems with stress but it's lots better when I'm past my mock exams and about to start holidays

I want to start working out but I'm absolutely terrified of having muscles that would weight a lot

I understand where you are coming from. I have also struggled with overeating for much of my life. I assume you know that you are eating too much and the problem is willpower, so people telling you to eat less isn't going to help.

There is no magic diet, but for me I find that making sure that eating plenty of soluble fiber (like oats, beans, or just taking Metamucil with meals) and protein (good sources are greek yogurt and canned fish) help me feel full all day at lower calorie levels. For snacking and eating late at night, don't give yourself access. If you really need to have your parents lock the cupboards.

Try to make it simple. Exercise for 30-1 hour everyday. Tabata,running, gym weight lifting.
Eating less, change diet to more healthy. Drink water/tea when you are not hungry. Eat more fruits.

Keto might be to hard for a beginner user, especially a young teen that reliant on her parents for a lot of the things in her life. Ive done it, I'm a fitizen and am no stranger to diets, and I failed the first time around.

All these people have good advice, however I disagree with something the last one said. Going to bed hungry sucks and is a good way to test your willpower. Protip, you will lose.

You should familiarize yourself with macro and micro nutrients and how they interact with each other, and with your body. You should try to cut out as much unnecessary sodium as possible, but make sure you are still eating enough table salt to get your iodine and keep a good level of water retention, or your life will suck. Luckily something like a teaspoon (total) of table salt added to your food throughout the day is enough to get all your iodine.

First you are going to want to think about your goals. You are going to have to figure what a realistic one for you would be. Then research ow to make that happen. The sticky on fit will be your best friend for the next few months. It will tell you, or lead you to, all of the information a beginner will need to know for diet and exercise. Read it, know it, understand it.

Next you need to change how you think of a diet, and of food in general. Your diet should be thought of in the same terms as you would think of any other animals diet, its just what they eat. Do not 'go on a diet', you will fail and hate the entire process. Instead you need to change your diet, for good. This is not temporary. Don't eat salad 24/7 and think you can go back to chips and burgers in a couple of months. That's why people fail. They see this change as temporary, and so their own change is temporary. You will need to build healthy habits and rid yourself of the old ones. One user suggested keto, I would not recommend doing that just yet. Instead do Paleo. Its much less complex and easier for a novice. It will also give you a good idea of what your new, permanent, diet will look like. It will also be easier on your body to transition to and much easier to keep a good balance of micros and macros.

Eat healthier foods or start working out. If you're going to spend so much time at home you may as well do some exercise while watching YouTube or listening to music or something. Pick what you like doing less and do more of the other. Get a sibling or parent to be your workout partner. Just do something every day to better yourself and you'll see some progress in a few months.

Um... let's see just how fat you are, OK? I like fat chicks, so... your story is kinda hot, actually!

post pics

Keto is a fucking joke m8..might help you lose a bit of weight at first but is unhealthy as fuck in the long run

good /bread/

Hey, if you wanna chat, discord me; Doyce#11588. I'd love to help you out and stay motivated, OP.

Doyce#4401, sorry. Had a derp there.

Hey, if you wanna chat, discord me; Doyce#4401. I'd love to help you out and stay motivated, OP.

Wanted to fix the last

How old are you?
Depending on your age you could just mantain the weight until you grow tall enough for it not to be a problem


bump for intrest

the bumps never end for this thread about a cute chubby girl

I dont really take much pictures of my body so this is the only one I have

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I'm under 16. I dont really think ill grow that tall anymore either...

Thank you lol

Try water fasting.


Or maybe instead of going on diets so dangerous or extreme they only can last two months you could try making sustainable healthy changes to your diet.

This website is 18+, enjoy your ban

Dont post your pictures or anything that could give away personal information on anonymous sweater knitting forums for the love of god. And really if you are looking for advice stay away from Jow Forums. You can be here for memes and occasional comfy threads, but otherwise it is a kind of shitty place for motivation or sensible advice from levelheaded people. Literally the sticky on Jow Forums is the only thing you need.

If she isn't cute af nobody would care enough about doxxing her, especially not on a blue board, speaking from experience, I made a mistake of posting few pictures of myself like a year ago and I even added some people from here on Facebook and nothing happened

She just admitted she is underage, i think that is enough for strange individuals to prey on her

Inside at the time too, I was 17 and inexperienced with Jow Forums enough to say so, after that shit I got like 5 4chin orbiters stalking me under every thread or post and obviously soon few people started to despise me too

I was quite new on the site and under the impression that this place is a nice place for people to help each other oh boy was I wrong

I was* not inside

Although before I were 16 I treated Jow Forums as "a weird place with awful memes" and losers

Lots of people browse before they are 18 just don’t mention it in a post I’m 22 now I started lurking when I was 11 though.

Well, we are talking about a place where a guy recently posted how he killed some 8 y.o. in Germany, so lets put anegdotal stories aside and trust the idea behind why underages are not allowed here in the first place.

Yeah, just don't sacre her too much, she shouldn't be too scared of something happening to her if she doesn't give up her personal info like address or name

Also she would remember that you can delete a post but it would remain archived, something I learned way too late after I posted my whole face

Yeah, I am totally not telling her to do that, I just don't want her to panic about being found and stalked/doxxed. Also I didn't hear about that? Would you tell me what happened please?

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Actually it was his friend that posted it after the guy sent it to him, so i got it wrong. I think he is still on the run.
There was also this famous other guy that strangled his gf to death and posted pics.

Im sure she will be fine, didnt mean to scare her, but seeing how vulnerable she is and clearly seeking some support i just wanted to warn about putting too much trust in this website.

I hope she’s old enough to know that posting her address or phone number online is like chumming the water you’re swimming in, I think in this case it’s more like chumming the kiddie pool not the open ocean.

Well it's better to say it than trust a 15 yo with it. Especially that anons can put quite a pressure on a girl.

Oh shit, that's intense

I'm sorry then I misunderstood you, I thought you wanted to scare her. You are right, it's better to be careful and read this before doing something stupid

Stop typing in caps you toxic pleb...