I know that on average blacks have the lowest IQ. I haven't done the test yet but I'm sure I'll probably score low on the it so my question is what are jobs for a possible low IQ black ? I considered trades but I know that will involve algebra and I don't think low IQ people can do that. also should I just kill myself ? I don't want to be a stupid nigger
Jobs for a nig ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Become a security guard or a machine operator - perfect dumb guy jobs that pay slightly more than a McDonalds employee.
>also should I just kill myself ?
Yes, because you are an embarrassment.
h-how am i an embarrassment ? I'm being serious. I actually created a suicide plan and figured I'd get advice before going through
That you can write sentences well enough for this post, means you have a well enough IQ for some trades. Go for something practical like woodwork or gardening, maybe tailoring or being a barber, if you can mange.
Religious Jobs like sexton/ sacristan are maybe a possibility as well, depending on country.
Just do it yesterday you said today so just do it
Now you nigs wish slavery was brought back.
Fuck niggers but don't believe IQ tests. My friend scored 170 IQ and she had bad grades, and has to take additional lessons from maths because she wouldn't know how to study on her own. IQ is just for idiots to jerk off to if they take it seriously, and mere additional not to be trusted information for actually intelligent people
wtf algebra in trade school? on 2x=2 level?
I saw an article mentioning how some trades required algebra 2 and pre calc
Like I genuinely think that she is just of your average intelligence, the only thing she is good and and quickly gets it is geography. She would spend hours on additional lessons for months and achieve worse scores than me after practicing in me home for a week. There was also a guy who claimed he had 150 (didn't know him enough to be sure if it's true) and believed blindly your every conspiracy theory like flat earth and fake moon landing
Join our Black Jow Forums discord.
Something like 30% of any given population is below a 90 IQ.
The average first world unemployment rate is 7%.
Shut up and find a job. Any job.
it's still easy as fuck, you can do entire pre calculus from meme
>come get cuddlefucks in our hugbox echo chamber
You, sir, need to asphyxiate and cease to be
>My friend scored a 170 on Buzzfeed's IQ test
>This is an accurate representation of a real IQ test and thus all such tests are invalid
The "self-hating black" pasta has been stale for years. 0/10.
You don't know shit about the culture on there, you cocksucker.
I can provide proof that I'm serious if you'd like
If you're not trolling then immediately toss your computer into a lake and get into therapy. You're severely mentally ill and you have no business being on this god forsaken website.
It's a Discord. It's the same as every Discord, as all social media. It's sad people patting each other's backs because they think that's what they need, that's what's good for them.
Fuck you and fuck your Discord and fuck you twice for shilling it unironically. Eat shit and make out with pavement at terminal velocity.
I.Q. doesn't measure common sense. It measures your ability to grasp complex concepts and ideas, and problem solving, not all of which pertain to math. Also, that girl doesn't have a 170 I.Q. Online tests don't count.
No, it was an official test performed by psychologist, not online.
Again, look up the answer above.
IQ is outdated and proven about as accurate and your online test about how smart you are. The only good proof of your intelligence is your achievements and how you talk with people.
Also, according to your post, it's extremely easy to quickly rise ones IQ, which would defeat the purpose of creating the test as it would be a fluid thing
I'll lurk
should I really do therapy ?
Abso-fucking-lutely. There is nothing normal or healthy about your way of thinking. I think you and I both know that your deep resentment for yourself is much much deeper than your race. I think this fixation you have on being inferior because you're black is a smoke screen for a much bigger problem.
I really didn't consider it like that. I'll definitely give it a try
I just felt inferior after browsing Jow Forums
Good. Even if Pol is shit
Don't limit yourself to your IQ you fucking baby. You'll never reach anything if you feel like you already know your potential. Just go for the things you like. Just trying puts you ahead of most people
and also dont kill yourself man get inspired! Do some cool shit with your life.
Your worth as a person has nothing to do with your intelligence. I'm friends with plenty of people who I consider kind of stupid, because they are sincere, genuine, earnest people, who care about others and put effort into everything they do. I'm even dating someone like that. Your intelligence is really one of the least important aspects of yourself - look at all the fuckwits on here who have "le genius-level iq", yet are absolutely terrible people.
Jow Forums is just a cesspool of national socialist, fundmental Christians, and legitimately pissed off white people who have been getting shit on by liberals for 8 years straight and now feel "powerful" because Trump is POTUS.
Don't ever listen to them about race, they aren't that smart, no matter how hard they try to push their view. Actually, just dont listen to them at all, about anything. Ever.
Pol isn't even white, it's full of niggers and chinks and Mexicans and muricans
Look, bro, browsing /pol is for secure types to see how secure they really are. Everybody tries to put everybody down over there. Not the best place for you.
I suggest you find work out in the sun, figure out if that is your cup of tea. Farming, whatever. Money is not everything, living outside and working physically, making things with one's hands, improves mood, confidence and outlook on life. And you need those more than a few extra bucks.
what sõy ass whitey made this post
Just because you're black doesn't mean you can't try. Work in a warehouse, save up money or something and try to get into a trade school. There's a difference between black people who work and act normal and a nigger who does nothing but act like a nigger. You can make yourself useful, or at least a decent person.
>There's a difference between black people who work and act normal and a nigger who does nothing but act like a nigger.
I thought that was a meme that people would spout on /b/
Work at a weeeeed dispensary! Being black gives you instant nigga credit.
Nigga credit ?
Yo dawg, Idk even know if this be legit. I don't know what yo street cred look like. How many Trayvon tokens you got?
Not to mention that it's illogical that you think that is bad, but that aside, no, every server or circle has their own culture.
This doesn't make sense at all. If IQ is a predictor of anything, it should at least be mathematical ability. The most effective IQ tests involve pattern recognition and problem solving. I highly doubt your friend has a 170 IQ and is in the situation you described.
Well you can doubt as much as you like it, I doubted it as well until I saw a proof. IQ is measured when person is younger and it highly depends on kid's ability to focus, mood and current physical situation. Also intelligence wouldn't be only mathematical intelligence but that is quite known already and I'm sure you know it too.
Also ability to solve problems changes a lot during life, if you do maths, physics or programming it skyrockets for you. If IQ was an accurate way to measure it would mean that your IQ just went up 10-20 points. Don't you think it would be silly?
Not to derail the OP but are you still able to do math with an 85-90 IQ score ?
You can do math with every IQ score, unless you have one disorder, I can't remember how it was called, but it just prevented you from making calculations. But nevermind that, you can do math with every IQ if you actually try to, if you sit down, and do one example after another, you will soon find yourself thinking that math is not as difficult as it seemed at the beginning.
Your IQ means nothing if you don't do shit, well, even if you do IQ barely means what you were at the certain point it was measured
Whats the most effective way of studying math ?
Doing a lot of exercises of every type over and over again and finding logic in it
I don't mean to keep asking questions but where do you think I could find math exercises at ?
Math books, didn't you get one is school? Also there are many sites that offer math exercises and methods of solving them. Also you can look up exams that were created, like official exam that every student had to write, they will come with answers
You should browse Jow Forums less frequently.
What're you passionate about, user?
I don't know. Ive been experiencing anhedonia lately so I couldn't really tell you
Just go to trade school, they don't require algebra all the time. Then go to Africa and try to improve the shitty place.
>thinks IQ is an valid indication of intelligence
Fucking neck yourself you self hating coon or seek help.
Dude race iq theory has been debunked ages ago stop listening to Jow Forumstards and read a fucking book and credibile studies.
Khan Academy is my best friend. It could be yours too.
>this picture
Murican one is true but holy shit, it's quite obvious that niggers are more stupid just by looking at civilisation, culture, their place in today's society when they have the same rights and how many there are black scientists vs white scientists that actually did something important
Also no nigger looks like that, especially eyes and lips, they have also different skull shape
>Jow Forums
Just stay away from ignorant shit like this OP. They think the world is simple and have all the solutions. Also how old are you OP, have you tried going to college or any higher education.
I am a stupid faggot. I am squatting in my friend's dorm room because I am dumb as hell and nobody would hire me and would accept me. I've been living here for 4 days and would likely be kicked out tomorrow. I'm OK with that, I'll just drown myself.
>how old are you OP
>have you tried going to college or any higher education ?
No, currently I work a part time job at a warehouse but I'm trying to find a higher paying job
Just get money doing part time jobs and save up
top kek
I like how they basically just used paint dump tool to fill in a white guy with dark brown shit color
That seriously made me laugh.
But don't kill yourself op, even with low IQ life is worth living.
And you're most likely not that dumb if you can post such a high quality written thread descriptionon on Jow Forums.
nigga just read some books. up that IQ
I have read books. IQ is not boostable
I never go on Pol kek
Also added awful black hair and called is a nigger
There are several trades you can learn.
They all aim to teach you more than you need so some people can get further education.
But it doesn't matter.
There is a big difference between getting all A's and passing. In trade school, you just need to pass.
I took the education for electricians and while it is considered one of the most technical educations, the most advanced math we learned were Pythagoras.
I felt so dumb when I later learned electronics and found out complex numbers were a much better tool to calculate these things.
Anyway, my point is that if you want to be a brick layer, you don't need much mathematics and there will be people helping you through it because they know you don't need it.
What you need is the ability to do as you are told, do it efficiently and you will be fine.
Is there still hope for me learning things like Pythagoras and complex numbers if I chose electrician ?
Also can you live off of a brick layers salary ?