ALERT: False Flag Narrative Distraction!

It's plainly obvious that the IG FISA Report is going to drop along with the 20 page unredactions.

Attached: FF.png (624x356, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums is ALWAYS right.

Attached: 1535913324685.jpg (1684x1262, 679K)

It appears it's happening, brace yourself.

Attached: FalseFlag.png (618x1239, 417K)

anybody cap that post from yesterday saying “tomorrow will be an explosive day”?

Quick rundown on what they're trying to cover for?

Ez reference list of commie controlled establishments

>bad news for kikes coming
>false flag right on schedule
>bomb threats this time instead of a shooting
Was dynamite on sale at 75% off?

>8 hours ago
surely the happening has happened user...or its nothing


Also this below...

Inb4 mueller finds it was a russian trump supporter and media just believes it


I think Jow Forums is hacked?!

here it is

Attached: CCBA4DA3-5DC6-44BA-9FA0-C532D2C91BDA.jpg (807x513, 55K)

This is quicker to organise out of the blue mein neger, its just words over a phone

put those twitter handles on the know nothing list.

At some point someone needs to pull the trigger on raiding these media outlets for inciting mass hysteria through literal lies

Wow, it's actually a real tweet. Holy shit. Lots of the reply are based.

Actual bombs would be a happening. Sadly, this is just a bullshit scare tactic to distract the public from real news

>I smell DS fear

Attached: Patriot.png (627x722, 336K)

It’s a subset of the proud boys behind this entire event. They’re trying to cause mayhem because the pussy ass right can’t go out on the street and have a war like real men.

You make me sick

Its da bomb 88

Off by one on both time stamp and digit. Smh.

So this is why they closed some roads in DC tonight
