I posted a true and factual review of my former company on glassdoor. They are now threatening to sue me for libel. While everything I said is true, I don't have the money to defend myself in court if it goes that far. I don't want to delete my post simply because I want their future employees to be forewarned before taking a job with an unethical/immoral company.
My company is threatening to sue me for my online review of them
>stolen phones
Why not threaten to report them to the authorities?
>factual review
learn the difference between facts and opinions. Consult w/ a 'free consultation' attorney for defending yourself from libel accusations.
Jow Forums may not live in your locality. Consult your local laws and local legal experts for specific legal advice.
Op here
They receive the stolen phones but do not directly buy them. They have no legal responsibility to return them. It's unethical but not illegal.
I went back and changed all facts to sound like opinions. This was to avoid any libel charges... It was the best thing I could think of on short notice. (@united states, Utah)
Restaurants do this all the time to yelpers who give them bad reviews. It's a scare tactic to get you to remove the review. Unless they actually give you any type of court documents, they are bluffing hardcore. It's a waste of time and money to actually go about this
What they're threatening is called workplace retaliation. Workplace retaliation is illegal, and if you report them to the police the company will be investigated and HEAVILY fined.
Having read and , it sounds like you may have over-stepped some bounds. You're likely young, opinionated, and feeling entitled - so it's easy to not recognize the full impact of things you say or do or why something would be construed negatively.
You did not just say "I have felt concern regarding corporate policy in regards to potentially stolen merchandise" -- you said "tons of phones are stolen and management doesn't care!" (paraphrased). You've basically claimed that illegal practices are going on without proof. This is a touchy subject. Re-writing the review to more tactfully handle this would be advisable. If there really are illegal practices going on, report them to a government agency (possibly the FTC) for investigation. Let someone else punish them. Someone who can swing a much bigger stick and with no fear of getting sued in return.
You're a bitter ex-employee, and nobody is going to pay any attention to what you have to say.
Just delete the review and move on with your life.
I'm still employed here. Sorry, I had a typo in the original post. They announced it to the whole company that they are going after the Employee who wrote the reveiw for libel. They aren't doing anything illegal, they buy the phones third party. It's simply unethical and immoral. I never claimed that it was illegal in the post. That doesn't make it any less true tho.
call the ACLU
kill them
Is there any proof that it's you? Glassdoor reviews are anonymous. I also wrote a scathing review of my former company. When they saw it, they also made threats to sue. I ignored them because there is literally nothing they could do. Instead I told this to another former employee and convinced him to write a glassdoor review. One where he mentioned "this company threatens former employees with lawsuits if you don't remove negative reviews".
Their threats changed to begging. Felt good to ignore those as well.
Why would you do that on a company you currently work for? Homeboy you fucked up. You don't have to work there. If you aren't going to fix the situation then the least you can do is quit bitching so that people don't have to listen to you kvetch. Post glassdor reviews as a previous employee only or you're asking for bullshit.
All the best of luck OP. I don't have any advice but it's good to see someone fighting the good fight.
>t. head-in-the-sand coward
Op here
They can supeana the information if it is legally considered defamation. However, I covered my tracks well. I don't think it will lead back to me.
I'll be taking another job that i just got offered. It's simply going to be blatantly obvious who it was if I leave.
"receiving stolen goods" is in itself a crime in most places, regardless of whether or not one pays for said stolen goods. Knowing they're stolen and not reporting them and turning them over for evidence is also a crime in many places.
Op, if you had bothered to take some photos of said stolen phones' information screens displaying identifying marks along with messages requesting stolen phone back, you'd have some facts to build a case on.
The most logical comments came from . The Glassdoor gets very few actual subpoenas and fights them successfully before giving up the IP address of the poster. Also, the company going after the reviewer will end up doing more harm than good to themselves by going after people who legitimately posted a review of what their beliefs are. I read your review and unless the company can prove you actually knew the phones weren’t stolen you’re fine. Even so, you said they’re probably stolen. Also, the company has to prove damages. That’s not easy to do. Stop worrying and move on. It’s an intimidation tactic.
Op here.
I want to thank you all for your advice. I'm not going to worry about it any longer. Especially since those phones are stolen and as mentioned earlier that is apparently illegal.
I can't take any pictures.. We aren't allowed to do that because they are a R2 certified company. Meaning we do our best to wipe all data on those phones. Unfortunately, it was in the Employee contact i signed...
Industry standards aren't law. Consult a lawyer immediately. You've already established a paper trail here that you know a crime is being committed and stated you're going to continue assisting criminal actions.
False. I quit my job today. I am going to go and report them immediately
OP here
Update: I filed a police report on them today. I found out that they have an active investigation on them for selling/receiving stolen goods. Up till now they haven't been able to get an employee to make an official statement. My testimony is likely the lynch pin in the police investigation.