Fuck (((Trump)))

friendly reminder: Trump's a kike puppet who never had any intention of building a wall, ending relations with Israel, and his supreme court pick is liberal af.
Don't vote for him in 2020. Send a message to these neocon fuckwits by voting against them, having the demoshits in charge is much better than these cucks.

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Other urls found in this thread:


WTF I hate Trump now

Understand what jews did to the West

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Unironically this. he needs to go I'm so sick of him sucking kike dick. I'm voting for whoever opposes him in 202p

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Magapedes and kikes will whine, but this is the truth

I’m just leaving the presidential choice on the ballot blank, still can’t bring myself to vote for a Dem

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>n-no Trump is based and redpilled! Israel is our greatest ally!
kill yourself juden rat

Friendly reminder you took the time to make that image and you're a retard.

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He’s only 90% Zionist and that’s why he’s “hated”. He doesn’t care about making America great again, its more like help all the chabad kike billionaires that have bailed him out / donated to him in the past

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voting hard left this time around
accelerationism all the way

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>his supreme court pick is liberal af.
Whoa, [[citation needed]]. Wasn't he pick because he's (((conservative)))

Trunp is a businessmen and you're just a poor faggot loser shill

Trumps Jewish ancestry has been a topic of big debate as of late

You're so full of bullshit

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>n-no Trump is based and redpilled! Israel is our greatest ally!
>I-i-i don't care the dems are 100% jew controlled
>I-i-i only care that o-o-orange man bad my f-f-fellow goyi-...er... white people

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If there’s no wall, what do liberal women keep hitting?

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Understand what jews did to the West

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I honestly don't know who is jewing who anymore...

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Im also voting dems this year , trump is a pussy , at least hillary was a badass

>implying (((they))) won't just run another neocon

why are kikes so obvious?
try harder faggot

Care to explain why Moshe

What's bullshit about that statement? He was bailed out by bankers that kept him alive because he was more useful to them alive.


good luck in 2020 you zionist faggot
nice spambot you got in /ptg/ btw, those posts look 100% organic :) LUL


You're american too dumbass. Or what are you just some full blown nigger?

Spotted the kike

destroyed the jew op shill with this post.

>having the demoshits in charge is much better than these cucks

No two party system faggot.

You're talking out of your ass

Disgusting that Trump sends 10 million of our tax dollars a day to israhell instead of using it to Make America Great Again.

Has trump even been to NYC lately? The bridges and roads are falling apart.

Has the god emperor abandoned us?

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Can I get a non-shill reply?

Trump exposes the (((FAKE MEDIA))) daily, but nothing happens. No one is persecuted, jailed, and this shit keeps boiling daily. Why doesn't he just name (((them))) and have them executed? This goes for Clintons and Podestas, Obama etc. Please explain it to me

God left because of weeb shits like you


>his supreme court pick is liberal af.
stopped reading after that, you're retarded.

Fuck this shit. I'm with her now.

Attached: former trump supporter.jpg (512x599, 89K)

because he is one of (((them)))

Imagine being such a loser that even in the best economy we've ever had you have to work 14 hour shifts for Shareblue at 0.15 a post. I guess there really is no hope for some people. Sad!

Either way, caucasions lose.
>your grandchildren will be brown.

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chiiiiiiiiiiil that was just a request I did a long time ago. Dont even know what show its from...

In any event Nips more based than us westies since they arent giving their money to support the jooish welfare state, so at least there is that for them i guess.

forgot to add pic.

It's taken from a leftard group on FB. (((Airhorns for America))) check it out, it's really funny, there are actual basedboy NPCs there

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We shouldve been with her from the start , she would e stood up forbthe little guy (us whites). We betrsyed her user , she just wanted to help us

I'm starting to think this way as well. The guy might as well be a jew

>Why doesn't he just name (((them))) and have them executed? This goes for Clintons and Podestas, Obama
We need that to happen if he is going to Make America Great Again, the level of jooish influence over our people must be stopped by any and all means necessary.

Its time to make America, America again.

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You're an idiot

Voting's for braindead faggots anyway

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careful rabbi, your jooish inbred fragility is showing.

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What I hate the most about him, is that Ivanka is married to (((Kuschner))) and she's into Chinese culture. I don't know, it's probably a political theatre in the end anyway, so I guess might as well as enjoy the show until it lasts.

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left guy is joos who want to destroy america which is what ANTIFA is.

Right guy is just a human who wants to make the world better by getting rid of the joos which is both logical and rational since all joos are born liars.

Just look at this image from the holohoax which proves its all fake. If one part is fake, then all of it is fake, only retards think otherwise.

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Saved. Holy shit it's real.

Do you even know what means stupid? Stop using words you don't understand

Learn english you fuckin israeli

Yeah shill you forgot trumps son in law and his Jew fucking daughter nice cherry pick you autistic fuck

America hasn't been a formal country since 1861, my friend. Wake up. We're the dog of Israel.


T. Kike

>t. kike


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>better than literally anything on this gay earth
Nice try, schlomo.

Your comment makes no sense. Speculation and accusations based on nothing more than a quick impression followed by some quick nervous response of yours to accuse anything against you as Jewish. Even so slightly as to own money that person is "Israel's bitch" to you people. This makes sense considering that everything you say is paranoid bullshit that has no weight. You guys were never trump supporters and are most likely shills circle jerking to divide this board with your fake news

Wishing this hard sorry fucker trump loves the Jews more than he loves you

Our new Chief of Staff, Jared Kushner, let Netanyahu sleep in his bed.

I admire those with optimism, but at some point you have to take a step back and realize just how Jew'd Trump and his administration are.

He's not looking out for the interests of white people.

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I can't wait for 2020
This board is going to melt LUL

you dun got triggered rabbi

now go be inbred and fuck your sister somewhere else.

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The economy is great, but Trump is massively failing to address the immigration and demographic problems. I don't care about having a few extra shekels, I want the subhumans gone before we become Brazil 2.0.

>(((they))) won't just run another neocon
(((they))) run all the candidates on both sides. The only candidates they don't run are independents they never even tell you who the candidates are. That should be illegal but (((they))) also write our laws and control the FCC. Nothing left to do but gas them all. We have no choice

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>I'm a nationalist!

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>dun got triggered
So another shit skin Muslim larping as a white to make it seem cool to hate trump because he does business with the Jews. Typical of shills, thank God your idea of trump is a minority one here

Hello brother

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I can't believe you would even have to explain that to someone on this board. This place is zoomerville now.

You don't care about it because you're a broke ass loser who is going to vote for AOC probably. Meanwhile MAGA is going full steam, cry more.

>Change is bad. Just continue to let the failing corrupt system fuck you in the ass.

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Lel. Paid shill detected

>Meanwhile MAGA is going full steam
Hows progress on the wall looking?

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Why yes, he is! Here's a picture detailing specific Jews connected to Trump as well! Hope you enjoy, Shlomo.

Attached: Donald Trump's Jewish Cabal.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)

Sometimes I wonder, if there is anyone left on (((pol))) who is not a shill

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Attached: I Don't Know Who's Jewing Who Anymore.jpg (616x693, 353K)

>Brought to you live by the (((people))) who gave you "Hitler was actually a Jew", "George Rockwell was just an FBI plant", and that old classic "(((Communism))) would work every time if it wasn't for the (((CIA)))", ladies and gentleman, please warm your ovens for the (((double bluff)))!

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>muh wall
Who gives a shit? When does this place become a bunch of whining liberal faggots. If you were actually employable immigrants wouldn't be competition for you anyway.

Wow. What a kike you are


Wow what an unoriginal shill you are

Btw all the Jew shit is right out of the DNC/David Brock/Soros playbook. You people should a new script already.

Whatever they pay you, it's too much.

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Im being paid by who now?

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Paid Kushner shills

Nice ad hominen. Yes, why should we actually expect Trump to fulfill his most popular campaign promise?

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill.

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Or lock her up or 9/11 truth or jfk truth or FISA or obongo birth certificate or DACA

i could keep going all night

The wall was never a big deal to anyone. Trump is a businessman and America is back in business.