Women on Tinder can't fucking read

my bio says "dtf, here to hookup"

I've had no less than 4 women this week with blank bios match and then say "oh i'm just looking for friends"

what the fuck is this shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah how do you deal with this?

>believing what women say
Keep advancing until they give a stern "No". At that point, never approach them until they initiate first.

low iq monkeys just ask them to fuck and if they say no you unmatch.

Does being friends includes cuddling and long walks in the park with hand holding? Because that's what I'm looking for.

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fuck you lmao


What does this have to do with fitness?

Tinder threads are more interesting than most the spam threads reposted daily.

What does it have to do with fitness?

Fitness dick in these THOTs mouth

finding a mate and doing the procreations is peak fitness by definition

fuck off fag

Men can be really shameless and embarrassing.

Glad I'm not like whatever percentile of men is so damn perverted and horny all the time.

I went on a date with this really special girl the other day, and things progressed to going up to her apartment (it wasn't like that...), and all my buddies were telling me the usual guy stuff when I told them about how our date went.

I just don't get this "bed the girl immediately" mentality that so many men seem to share. I'm straight up not into that stuff. I also don't shamelessly ogle women or hit on every woman that walks.

I know at least 2 guys at my work that suddenly become suuuuuuper friendly and chatty with nearly every woman they come into contact with, but act no different with men.

It's ridiculous. I never have and never will get how men can be such pigs.

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its not that men are pigs, its the insecurity that ruins the modern society
at the fall of every society, everyone is obsessed with sex while the degenerate sodomites walk freely and without shame
its a normal sign of societal decay right before the fall
other signs include cheffs being worshiped, gladiators making more money than rulers can, retarded nobodies becoming famous for being famous, some people riding the river to the waterfall not thinking about the waterfall while other hermits hide from it all and are expats

chads and stacies are degenerates, so is the virgin and the wizard
the jews did it

if you aren't a woman you have remarkable skill at righting exactly like one

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Accidently super liked a biggin’
You know the drill fellas.

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the soi is strong in him

mommy i'm thirsty gib milkies

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i too like women only as friends
is3.Jow Forums.org/gif/1528498590069.webm


Tbh senpai id fuck her

go with this though

They say that because they read your bio, but dont want to look like sluts, your bio is having the opposite effect that you want

Women don't want to make it THAT easy and look like a slut but they all are trying fuck



thats what women say to men who have nothing to offer them


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They want you to fight for them.

The fact they match you, even with that bio, should give you enough of a hint
Women fucking love sex, they just don't want to come off as a slut. So they say:"let's be friends first" And if anything happens, they can explain it away as "things progressed from one thing to the other".

In other words, proceed as usual

its just girls being retarded as always. dont believe their bullshit, they dont even believe it themselves.

>I just don't get this "bed the girl immediately" mentality

if you dont smash as soon as possible, some other dude will do it instead.
you might think that your date was super meaningful and unique because its the first date you got in two years, but to her thats just another tuesday. any single girl that isnt a complete landwhale goes on at least two or three dates with different dudes each week, and has at least half a dozen guys throwing themselves at her on whatsapp and facebook at any given time, always ready to give her the dick whenever she wants.

you think she is a "really special girl" but in reality she's been with over a hundred dudes already

This is good bait.

Milk trucc just arrive.

When a woman says “We are not having sex” she means “Keep trying, you pussy. Make me your fuckhole.”.

Women aren’t direct about wanting dick unless they’re drunk or 100% outclassed in SMV.

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Mmmm-mmmm good pasta!

I love it when chicks tell me this because I then know we'll be having sex.

She's already thinking about having sex with you but doesn't want to look like a slut.

Fucking this.

>when we fuckin?
>"Oh i'm just here for friends"
>Yeah me too so when we fuckin?

I would still unironically smash.
Rolling for 'ayy gurl lemme clap dem cheeks'



Missed out on quints. Somewhere, a thread is getting derailed.

This became pasta very quickly

Yoo want numba 1 fuckee?

Mama got some CAKE on her ass. Thick as fuck.

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Yeah OK bud. Don't fuck this one up.

Girl you thicker than oatmeal

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Fucking milk truck

Damn right
I went on a date with a special girl and while at the mall people gave me ugly looks especially dudes.
Like so what she is retarded, she asked me out. I flexed a cep and she lost her shit and wanted the poosie.
We are havin a nice evening, shopping for clothes, get her some food and pigs are lookin at me like they are jealous of retard strength cockriding.
I fuckin feel you buddy. Bitches gettin in the way of love makin

I’m sorry user

Post more pics

>mfw fucked 7 girls before I was 20 and now have a long term gf. Anyone need any tips? I’m great with girls

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Still waiting for one of you lads to win.
Hopefully I’ll get some decent matches later and have some more material to work with.

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sup faggot

>so when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?

They want to fuck but they want it to be your fault cause that way they're not sluts

"Please let me pee in your butt"

>yo skank I’d pull your weave off

sick delts girl, whats your shoulder routine?



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My dubs winrar

“I’d Robbe you of your innocence”

I’m going to put my 8x6 in between those h cup tits and fuck you until there’s more cum than milk in you

send him straight to jasenovac

I don't think it's a him

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meet up and kill it

Complete waste

stop posting this disgusting slob and fire up the ovens already

If dubs post this instead of the other dubs

Hey at least you get matches...

i'm a 32 year old khv with no friends and no social skills

what advice do you got?

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get a sales job

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kek every line I progressively laughed harder...

Get social media and then practice. I went from your situation to having fucked 7 girls in literally 7 weeks once I’d gotten the hang of it

Also, biggest thing to realise is that it’ll never land in your lap, you have to go for it actively or you’ll die a virgin.

whale whale whale... what do we have here?

>Get social media
who would i add? i have no friends in the first place

what do i do on social media? not like i have any pictures or stories to share
>haven't had a photo taken of me (by someone other than myself) in over a decade

I meant dating apps like tinder etc, good to have an Instagram so you don’t look creeepy

You got about 10 seconds to show me that hole, cuz this gorilla dick daddy's hungry, and if you don't blow me right, I might kill you

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but why would girls ever respond to me?

>browsed okcupid before
>look at both girls and guys profile
>everyone makes more money, has hobbies/interests and more importantly
>>is better looking than me

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heres where you learn an important lesson, embellish yourself make yourself look like your the best damn thing on the planet written down treat it like a damn resume, even lie if you need it be research about your lied hobbies etc and know just enough to get you by, act like a salesman and the product youre trying to sell is yourself. don't be honestly boring.

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Yeah uh huh user. It's fine if you're Jow Forums and want to smash some chocolate milk truck you don't have to make shit up to ask for what to say.

I don't have an instagram, do they really help you get girls? Do you have to put up pictures regularly for it to be worth it or is just having one enough?

Well you have attitude of a virgin beta so you’ll remain one, Fix that first or you’ll be a cuck forever.

Lmao this

I had one girl say she was looking for friends and i just jokingly replied "We can be friends as much as you like as long as I can eat your ass at some point" and she immediately dropped the whole friend thing. Was surprised tbqh

It’s good to have something that they can add you on or look at cus it proves you’re not some catfish or creepy rapist. Especially if you have photos with friends etc. Then Take good photos and put them on tinder and get some matches- then trial and error until you get one that’s interested- then text and sext then meet at hers and fuck.

Hey girl, check 'em.

>Glad I'm not like whatever percentile of men is so damn perverted and horny all the time.

So you're low test then



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>srs tho I love big tits but never match with them :(

How can you tell they really mean no then?

They can't say no if you tape their mouth.

You're an actual brainlet op. Women don't want to feel like sluts. They almost will never straight up say "ya I just want to fuck". You need to get her interested via text which is harder unless you're attractive/pay for boosts, or you need to go on a date and be relatively charming and sexualize the interaction.

Sitting there like an actual autistic person saying "me only want sex" will get you nowhere. Women have tons of options and behaving like that puts you in the very bottom of the pool of men she has at her disposal

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