Should I check myself into a mental hospital?

>live with parent
>been diagnosed with MDD since 14
>held a few jobs, took a semester at college last year before I dropped
>not kissless or virgin but have never been in a real relationship
>got close once
>~5 years ago, my best friend started cheating on his gf with me
>mostly emotional, romantic, we never had sex or kissed, but we found other ways and cuddled
>I can not begin to describe with words the way this sort of love feels
>it ends as all things do

>already in a slump
>friend comes back into my life only to leave it
>rock bottom achieved.jpeg

I really don't feel like typing the specifics but suffice to say I'm running out of hope. My faith, whatever that's worth, seems to have gotten stronger, though. It's really the only reason I haven't just ended it, though I don't really know how I would desu.

Point is, I threw away my meds and haven't even looked for a job in 6 months. I'm young enough to fix this but old enough to look back and see my mistakes. But, something about losing him again (even though this isn't even the first time) hit me really, really hard. I don't see the point in building up anything anymore. Life is meaningless and people are selfish and cold, including me. I want to live but I want to be free of this existential heartache and I can't seem to exist without it. I feel like my ability to love is shattered and my willpower, what little was left, is all together gone.

Convince me to check into the psych ward or kill myself

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Other urls found in this thread:

A Psych ward is for when you've disconnected from reality and need to be medded back in. It's not for existential problems. I've been in the psych hospital 4 times and it was always for a real crisis.

Go have a really hard think about the direction of your life and what you want out of it instead. There's a lot to live for. We all go through battles with demons when we're down. You have to fight them and come out the victor.

>get over it
wonderful advice user

I have MDD dude. I've had it for 8 years now. You think I didn't try thinking positive? I'm not some teenage edgelord threatening to kill himself because he's a faggot. I was, but that's beside the point.

>psych ward isn't for existential problems
BPD people are admitted all the time and MDD is a stone-throw away from that. Regardless, it's just a misnomer on my part, obviously I meant the inpatient department of the closest mental hospital

>real crisis
user I'm seriously considering suicide you autistic fuck I might just kill myself from this terrible post let alone the existential despair

Thanks for the lack of advice anyway I guess

Wow, I'd type more advice to help, but instead you're the one talking like an autistic asshole. no sympathy from me anymore.

Also psych wards aren't for people considering suicide. They're for people that tried and failed. Go call a hotline. Faggot.

>the inpatient department of the closest mental hospital
This is a good place to be bored all day and have no privacy. It's not a place where you get well. Trust me, the police took me there a month ago.

Again, it was a misnomer on my part.

>more advice
literally you're only piece of advice was to think user. that is genuinely the worst, shittiest advice I have ever seen let alone recieved on this website.

>also psych wards aren't for people considering suicide
uh, yes they are dumbass. there's an inpatient and and involuntary departments for a reason, retard.

Go then and see what I mean you naive dipshit.

Enjoy your huge bill.

Just to prove a point

I get that you're soooo much worse off than I am mr. tried 4 times but throwing around your pain like it makes mine irrelevant is fucking ignorant. The damn nut bin isn't JUST for suicide survivors, it's for those considering it too.

You're an asshole. Fuck you for turning a thread meant to help me into just another reason why I fucking hate people.

I'm the naive dipshit? Aren't you the guy who can't even kill himself right?

Fuck you user

That's not why I was there you presumptuous fuck.

KYS, my new adivce

I'm just telling you that mental hospitals suck and they don't help you. Their function is to stabilize you so that you don't want to commit suicide in the moment.

The thing is, all the time you're in there, the only thing you ever think about is getting out, because it is so mind numbingly boring, so you end up "stabilized" pretty easily. Then they send you back out into the world into the exact same conditions that made you want to kill yourself in the first place.

I'm not being presumptuous at all.
>I've been in the psych hospital 4 times and it was always for a real crisis.
>psych wards aren't for people considering suicide. They're for people that tried and failed.
>i wasn't in the psych ward for attempting suicide

you're either an idiot or a liar

>Fuck you for turning a thread meant to help me into just another reason why I fucking hate people.

was legit advice and you threw it in his face. you don't want help you want somewhere to vent your aggression. I don't think the problem is people making you hate them, I think the problem is you're by nature hostile and just blame it on everyone else.

You need to stop being a punk and call the hotline and get some actual professional help and not just some other people who have been through shit telling what you should do on the internet.

Stop complaining about everyone else being shit and recognize that none of that matters and you need help, so stop trying to save face to literal who's on the internet and make the call.

In case you didn't catch that, let me sum it up for you: call the suicide hotline and stop posting. Have a panty shot on your way out.

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Get better reading comprehension.

>A Psych ward is for when you've disconnected from reality and need to be medded back in.

Literally right before I said when I went.

Like other anons are telling you. Somebody in your situation will get no value from being there. They're for people that absolutely need it.

>But muh depression

Go see a fucking Therapist then.

Do you have a therapist?

>was legit advice
No it the fuck wasn't.
>Have a think about it!!
Isn't fucking advice user. You speak as if I'm 12 years old and this is the first time I've ever considered a course of action like this and am not taking it seriously.

I've had Major Depression for 8 years. I've taken meds for it just as long, meds I threw away. I have had a god damn think about it for a long, long time and I have obviously tried to "fight my demons"

Your advice, literally, was
>get over it
That isn't advice, its not even what I asked for in this thread. You just assumed your own experience outweighs my own.

And just because you clearly didn't get the first time
>think about why you shouldn't kys
isn't fucking legit advice, user. At all. That's the most basic, obvious shit ever.

>go see a therapist
what part of I have had MDD for 8 years do you people not understand? I'm not even being an asshole here, I've said this like 5 fucking times now.

Obviously I have been to therapy and obviously it didn't work.

>the mental health department is not for people considering suicide
why the fuck do you keep saying this? you're wrong. there is an inpatient and partial hospitalization programs for a reason. maybe I wouldn't benefit from them but it's not because "it's for people that absolutely need it", that's the called the outpatient and involuntary department. Stop equating YOUR experience to literally everyone's.

I gave you a link to the damn hospital with literal instructions and steps on what to do before you check yourself in. It's a thing. Stop saying it isn't.

>call the suicide hotline
don't fucking patronize me. For the last fucking time, I have MDD for 8 years anons. That's a long time. I'm not a fucking retard, you think I haven't called the hotline?

I'm not some random user who is experiencing sadness for the first time damn it. EIGHT YEARS, literally all of my adult life, I have had Depression. I know the basics ffs.

dude get your shit together you're only 22

i can't tell you cuz im not in that situation but if i am here's what i do

Be brave, suck it up and try to fucking get my life back together, don't think about it, just do it.

i dont care stick a printed paper with the nike logo on it.

grow some skins and learn to not give a shit. that's how you get through life. I still don't get it, you lost someone they're gone, so what, find a new one, even on discord, get some friends.

Dude, 22, listen to yourself you know how many people want to be that?

Oh, and
>blame it on everyone else
yeah, no. I'm not blaming my situation on anyone at all other than myself and just because I get an angry when an user says
>just think about why you shouldn't kys!
and calls that actual advice doesn't make me hostile, it makes him a doofus. I'm not an asshole because I don't want to be patronized damn it

I am well aware this shit is no one's fault but my own and I am not sitting here blaming you all for my problems, I'm saying
>get over it!
is shitty advice because god damn it, it IS shitty advice. It's not even advice at all, in fact.

I never said 'get over it' I said look for reasons to live and fight for them. That's the only way out of the hole you're in.

It's not the someone user and words will never make you understand. The losing him part is just the push over the edge not the reason I was on the cliff.

I am 22. I am young. But I also have depression user. Not the waah my bf broke up with me kind, but the chemical-imbalance-in-the-brain kind. It is literally harder for me to feel happiness than you.

that said, this the closest I've gotten to actual advice. so thank you.

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Please tell me the difference between "get over it" and "think about why you shouldn't kill yourself"

There isn't one, is there?

Obviously I have thought about it user, I've had 8 fucking years to think about it. Even if I didn't it's still the most obvious fucking thing to say. why is this hard to understand?

>user is about to jump
>"hey user, did you think about why you SHOULDN'T jump??"
>oh wow you're right definitely didn't do that I just walk up to this ledge because I was sad for a brief moment thanks you saved me

Anons in this thread are liars giving life-threateningly bad advice.

If you are seriously considering suicide, not just thinking about it but actually on the edge of doing it, absolutely put yourself in the hospital on a 72-hour hold.

They will make you go to a therapist after. You should go, even if therapy hasn't worked for you in the past.

More importantly, you need to see a pill doc, too. I can never remember which term is for which. If therapy isn't helping, then you need therapy plus medication.

Speaking from experience, the medication part may suck balls to start. It's a lot of trial and error because every person's chemistry is different.

I have anxiety, agoraphobia, bipolar, MDD, and strongly suspected I also have borderline or aspergers. Lithium made it so I can get through my day, though I'm still unemployed. It's a huge step forward from where I was before I went on a 72-hour hold for threatening to kill myself.

>Please tell me the difference between "get over it" and "think about why you shouldn't kill yourself"

I said neither of those things.

I said

>Go have a really hard think about the direction of your life and what you want out of it instead. There's a lot to live for. We all go through battles with demons when we're down. You have to fight them and come out the victor.

What do you want out of life and work toward that basically.

I've been on a few different kinds of meds. About 6 months ago I got a new rx, Bupropion, They worked, sort of. I flushed them last week in a fit. Maybe I need even stronger kinds, I don't know.

thank you for understanding, I know I seem like an asshole but truly I am not, I just don't want to be patronized.

friend, don't call me a liar. a mental health hospital can't discharge you and then "make you go" to a therapist

Oh my fucking god you are so dense.

Ok user

>Go have a really hard think about the direction of your life and what you want out of it instead

What's the difference between this and
>think about why you shouldn't kill yourself

Go on, type it out. Maybe then you'll start to see why you're being an idiot.

I have fucking thought about it user, what the fuck is wrong with you? You think suicide was the first option on my list? You think I didn't try every other way except literally locking myself up before I do it?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You don't seem like an asshole. I've had most of those illnesses I listed since I was twelve. I know what it's like. I know you can end up totally miserable and toxic to be around not because you want to be, but because a small sliver of what you inflict on yourself seeps out to those around you. Even the ones you care about, let alone random assholes on the internet.

I also know what it's like for therapy not to work.

I also understand going through a dozen meds, some of which make you foggy-headed, some of which keep you awake for two week straight with only an hour or two of sleep at a time, some of which make you nauseous.

From someone turning 30 this month, let me tell you that it's absolutely worth it once you find the pill that works.

The therapy, for me, is mostly because they don't like to give you the pills without it. It does work for a lot of people, so I'll always recommend it, but even if it doesn't? Get the meds. You'll feel like a person again, eventually.

also, last time I got out, they just gave me the name of a psychiatrist and told me to fuck off. this was after my previous psychologist and psychiatrist both ended our relationship because "I need more help than they can provide".

but I'm obviously lying about that as well

No one's calling you a liar, reality simply disagrees with you

Actually, yes. They can. At least if it's involuntary, they can court-mandate that you see a therapist.

This happened to both my and my sister, and my social worker father confirmed it's standard procedure.

I'm not sure about willing sign-ins. I "willingly" signed myself in but they later claimed it was forced, so who knows which I was actually classified under when I got court-mandated to go.

You go out of your way to swear at me and call me Satan when I was just trying to help and compliment another user when he just says 'suck it up'.

Please tell me how 'sucking it up is better advice then making a list of ways to improve it? Go on I'll wait. Maybe then you'll start to see why you're being an idiot.

gaslighting the mentally ill

Should I really check myself in? Do I tell what's left of my friends or do I just... go?

I hated it at the time, because I didn't think I needed it.

I doubt every place is the same, but the one I went to had the best breakfasts I've had in my life. It had other patients who were in the same boat as me, wouldn't judge, knew what I was going through, and actually made pretty good friends that I kept in contact with even after leaving. It had non-mandatory workshops you could go to where I actually learned a lot.

And it set me on the path to the meds that let me function as a person.

If you are actually on the edge, like I said, do it. Hands down. If not, then just seek one of those pill docs.

As for your friends? It's up to you. Do you want them to visit you? There are visiting hours. There is some taboo about mental hospitals, so it's up to you if you want all of them to know about it. I'd tell my closer friends, personally, but it's up to you.

Because I haven't already tried just sucking it up, user. It's not rocket science.

Thinking about why you shouldn't kill yourself is the first fucking thing someone considering suicide does.

>it's standard procedure
Somebody should have told the people on my case.

I really like getting told I'm lying about my experiences with mental health services. It makes me feel fucking great.

Thanks user

You might've saved my life. I don't know. We'll see, I guess. Thank you

For what it's worth, I appreciate you tried to give me advice, too, user. Even if it was the worst advice I've ever seen. At least you tried.

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My original post wasn't a reply to anyone, user. It's only you assuming I was speaking to you, personally

Maybe it varies by state. I'm positive it varies by country.

But anyone who tells someone talking about suicide that they won't get any benefit from seeking emergency care for suicidal ideation is either a liar, criminally misinformed, or a sociopath trying to get someone killed.

I don't know if that person was you or not. If it wasn't, you can chill out. If it was, you need to not be on a board for giving advice. You'll get someone killed.

Again I never said think of reasons to not kill yourself. I said think of ways to improve your life.

Use a little abstract thought. That means meds, friends, career, and a plan.

It's like you just read into my post and thought I was twisting a knife in your sensitive spot and then you became extremely aggressive.


Did you know YOUR experience doesn't automatically equate to everyone else's? That each state has it's own rules for mental hospitals?

Isn't possible you aren't lying, just misinformed?

I'm saying that I got no benefit from seeking emergency care for suicidal ideation.

I'm glad if I helped.

More glad if a fellow depression sufferer ends up a little happier. It really blows chunks, especially when it feels like you're trying and nothing works.

Every single time the subject of mental health care comes up, I get accused of lying by smarmy pricks who need to believe that "there's help available" and won't hear anything to the contrary.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Again, do you think that suicide was just the first fucking option? That I didn't try dieting and excercise, that I haven't tried speed-painting and forcing myself into a sleep routine?

It's you just read my post and assumed I'm some 12 year old who felt sad once and is overreacting and not someone who has been dealing with MDD for almost a decade and is at the end of their rope

Of. Fucking. Course. I thought about ways to improve. I've thought my music and my writing, my family and my pets.

I am considering SUICIDE user, these are the first things one thinks about. I'm not screaming waah im gonna kill myself like a little girl. The only reason I'm not dead now is by some god damn miracle last year I had a spiritual connection and started to have faith in a god for the first time ever. that's it. that's the only reason, because maybe, just maybe god cares enough about me for not do it.

I have used "abstract thought", you fucking pretentious patronizing god damn idiot. I became extremely aggresive because you became extremely presumpetious and holier-than-thou, for the last fucking time
>think about why you should do it!
isn't advice. and that IS what you said, no it's not word-for-word and it doesn't fucking have to be, because that is, in essence, your advice. spell it in a thousand ways and it's still the same.

>suck it up
is an action, this is something I have not tried and something that isn't inhertitanyl done by all suicidal people

>think about why you shouldn't
is something every single suicidal person does and they reason why they should sometimes outweigh the reasons why they shouldn't.

Go fuck yourself asshole.

Maybe that's because you're a liar.

Being a prick to people trying to help you isn't a healthy alternative to suicide either.

So getting meds, finding peace with god, getting an actual job, and a plan of action isn't a good idea? Jeez fuck me then.

There is help available. I got help. I spent a good few years on a suicide education board helping to help others like me.

What they don't tell you is that there are many different kinds of help, and not all kinds of help work for all people. But just because they don't work for all people doesn't mean they aren't worth trying. Therapy hasn't worked for me in over fifteen years of trying it, but I'll still recommend it every time. It helps people that aren't me every single day.

Similarly, they don't tell you that just because one person doesn't work for you doesn't mean the entire method is out the window. My first two pill doctors weren't great. One put me on a bad mix of pills that made it impossible to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time. The other put me on this weird herbal mix that had me constantly feeling like I needed to puke. The third got it right. My bipolar is pretty well managed now.

You can't tell mentally ill people not to seek help because one particular method didn't work for you personally. You also can't blow off a method after one attempt (not that I'm saying you are; I don't know you or your life, so I don't know if you tried more than once).

then why aren't you dead

I told you to get actual PROFESSIONAL help from a hotline and stop posting. Said professional help would have gotten you in touch with a facility and got you what you need.

Literally the same thing the guy who you're telling thank you to suggested you do by getting a 72-hour hold with different steps. PROFESSIONAL HELP. I wasn't about to tell you detailed information i'm not qualified to give, so I referred you and you just throw it back anyway.

And in the end none of that shit matters anyway. You want to meet up and suck that user's dick afterwards as thanks go ahead, but get the fuck off of here and go take care of yourself and stop lashing out at everything like its simply trying to patronize you. I'm going to get back to having my nervous fucking breakdown digging through my old Army medical files instead of telling you what you should do in and trying to figure out the way want to hear it.


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no problem, sometime when i see a person that can't be helped i will admit to it that they are far long gone..

what makes you seeking for advice here is that sliver of hope that you have to get better in the future. or maybe companions.

If it's too crazy, you gonna need some distraction.

this kid i know, he has chronic depression and how he got through his break up idk but basically he did it in the middle of finals and because of all that hectic going on, finishing projects, study for finals.. he couldnt get a moment to think about his depression.

this is just a suggestion, you dont have to go through it but its worth a try:

occupy yourself with work or chores and try to block out the bad stuff, (guy i talked about he keep saying it out loud because part of him keeps telling himself that he's worthless)

this either break you in the middle and you will still think about it, so it would be a fail

or make you forget about the past. because of all this work coming in and you're working til you're brainless, you are fighting over what just happened and it no longer becomes a big problem or concern.

I mean one example are some of these autistic retards commenting in this thread that arent actually giving you advice. and they're just there brainlessly commenting, making you even more brainless when you read them


if you already tried this occupying strategy im sorry, i really can't think of anything other than a mental facility.. one of my friend was in there and she got so tired and sick of it that somehow she just stopped her eating disorder.. it works somehow i guess?

also i try to stay away from meds as much as possible (just have a fear of getting hooked on them thats all), but that would be my backup plan if it actually helps me. stay with things that u can do yourself first, then if it doesnt work, ask for help from professionals.

just one way to do things.

anyway going to sleep, best of luck with whatever path you will choose.

>nervous breakdown
>old army medical files
Do you want to talk about this?

Except you never said that. You didn't say suck it up and go acquire these things, you didn't say to take action. You said to think. You said to make a plan for it, as if I have never thought about it or don't currently desire all these things.

The problem is my desire to fucking kill myself is much stronger.

This is obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

That user is not, in any way, trying to help me. >think about reasons to not kill yourself!
is not advice ffs and it's far from helpful.

The closest time I got to actually gun in my hand killing myself, I didn't seek help.

There's that smarm.

I'm simply advising somebody that mental hospitals are not what most people think they are. If you go there expecting attention and help, you are going to experience neglect.

I told you I already FUCKING CALLED THE HOTLINE user

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>It's far from helpful
That doesn't excuse you from acting like someone with decency.

Took me 2 seconds to come up with that plan.

Apparently I have more brain cells then you if you can't use advice for your own benefit and need people to make the list of ways to improve YOUR life for you.

>If you go there expecting attention and help, you are going to experience neglect.

Read this slowly because you clearly skipped it the first ten times.

YOUR experience does not equate with everyone else's.
YOUR experience does not equate with everyone else's.
YOUR experience does not equate with everyone else's.
YOUR experience does not equate with everyone else's.
YOUR experience does not equate with everyone else's.
YOUR experience does not equate with everyone else's.

What experience am I supposed to base my advice on? This was my experience, multiple times, going to mental hospitals, voluntary and involuntary.

If you want a professional opinion, ask the professionals, who will tell you how great and helpful it will be, whether it is or not. That's what I did. I'm simply offering an alternative perspective.

Nervous breakdown and panic is as far as I can tell unrelated. I'm digging through files to find personal ID info for when I go to get my license, namely my DD-214's got mixed up after having to move rooms but I found them. I have to schedule another Mental Health appointment for anxiety and non-service related PTSD soon because I had to cancel the last one. Just getting super anxious and panicky after talking to people I haven't talked to for a long time, or just doing a lot of talking in general.

The files thing is just taking me awhile and I was THINKING of starting a thread to I guess vent/have someone to type to but judged against it. It's getting better, but it's been happening over a week now. Thank you for the offer.

Love you too. Hope you feel better and get the help you need.

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This is a thread on Jow Forums, you know that, right?

Holy shit you are a dense. Can you even read?

My entire point is that I already had a fucking list user, it's not hard to make the list, it's hard to enact upon it and simply saying 'do it' isn't advice. I would do it, the problem is the crippling anxiety and immense existential despair and the complete lack of willpower that comes with depression ffs.

This is not hard to understand and I do not know why you feel the need to keep arguing as if you ever had any point.

You can give advice based on your experience, that's fine, the issue was when you started replying to other anons saying THEIR experience was wrong and yours was the only one that could be.

I'd greatly appreciate you pointing out where exactly I did that. I'm quite certain I didn't do that.

Well lets make a new list on things you have already approved.

-Suck it up
-Get the Right meds
-Get help

In case you haven't noticed. This asshole is on of the only people continually trying to help.

>Jow Forums

There are mostly good people on Jow Forums. You're projecting. People that use words like autist are doing it for the lulz, not as a direct insult to people trying to help.

>there are mostly good people on Jow Forums
and just like everything you ever said has become invalid because your idiocy is now on full display

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The only thing you've helped with is keeping my thread on page 1 for the anons with the actual advice to help me

so, thanks?

>friend, don't call me a liar. a mental health hospital can't discharge you and then "make you go" to a therapist

>This is a thread on Jow Forums, you know that, right?
And everyone acts horrible on Jow Forums, yeah yeah. Except the people trying to help you. Honestly at this point you're probably best off getting help from a trip to a psych ward if you think it'll make you feel better. Really if life isn't that important anyway then what do you have to lose by a trip there? It's natural to do what you're driven to do anyway.

Dude, I don't care anymore. Congratulations you are a bad person and everything you've sen in life you've reaped. Nothing.