>always consider myself straight
>have had gfs
>always feel the need to look at gayporn though
>feeling goes away after orgasm
what the fuck is wrong with me Jow Forums?
Always consider myself straight
Other urls found in this thread:
nigga u fukn gay
well for starters, just admit that you're gay
Youre a gay leaning bisexual, faggot.
you're a faggot, that is what is wrong with you.
Probably a jidf shill who is trying to make pol look bad to new people coming here too.
Same OP, I unironically blame Jow Forums and weed. It started with traps
Stop watching porn retard
I'll fuck you in the ass if it makes you feel better
You're Canadian.
Porn addiction.
Just do nofap, you sick degenerate.
The problem is that you are trans. You have a gf because you are obsessed with being a woman and you watch gay porn because you want to be fucked. Take the estrogenpill
>orgasming the gay thoughts away
Jow Forums, trap porn, and weed sounds like the typical weekday for a surprisingly good number of people i know on discord
all of the faggot and trap shit posted here is jews who are afraid of white people coming here and learning something. It is just a way of (((shutting it down)))
>Imagine being trans. Imagine dilating the bloody pus filled hole where your genitals once were EVERY DAY. Imagine being a part of the family that has to deal and cope with that. Imagine being so deluded you believe you can actually change your genitals. The only reason normies are so accepting of this is because everything they know about the LGBT community is all sugar coated lies.
all porn is gay
majority of porn is watching a dick go in a hole. what difference does it make?
FUCK I don't want to be gay
minus the weed I feel the same. I blame /b/ for this faggotry
It's in the same vein as this for me en.wikipedia.org
Have you masterbated your whole life? Or most of it. I find plying with your own dick gives you a kind of egotistical love. You spend enough time with yourself, playing with your dick, grabbing it and feeling the ecstacy it brings that you kind of maybe relate that to other men. Trust me, it's just a gay feeling but it's not something you want.. Another theory is just growing up around porn. You may not agree with it, but your senses are attuned to seeing it so it excites your labido because it was a common thing to see whenever you masterbate. Not really gay men, but men and dick in general
probably gay
fippity bippity
>Probably a jidf shill
Or an lgbt shill (which are just useful idiots to the kikes)
Google "HOCD" and stop watching porn immediately
Pornographic satiation. Over-exposure results in an increasing escalation in the need for novelty/taboo content and an easy source of both novel and taboo content for straight men is gay porn. Take a break from watching porn and the desire to watch gay shit will probably go away as just seeing titties becomes at least a little exciting again.
I see aids in your future. Also, faggot
You're a Canadian. Buggery is part of the Canadian mating process. You need to get a faggot's shit on your dick so you can induce ovulation in the Canadian woman, otherwise you'll never sire the next generation of Canadians
Ur a fag.
Consciously you really want to be straight
Unconsciously you get really turned on by gay shit
idk why you're asking here, but you're bisexual
please don't have kids
Such is death
fuck man I never knew what i'm feeling has a name. Thanks bro
I've smoked weed for 5 years and been on Jow Forums for 12. You're just a faggot.
Weed preys on a person's worst insecurities, things that they don't actually think about but exist as dark shadows in their mind. Then again for many people it is a relaxing experience and only that.
In all fields faggots
I actually learned today that marijuana can inhibit GnRH secretion, which consequently lowers LH secretion, which is the hormone that tell yours balls to make testosterone. So that could be another reason you're all turning into bitch boys.
However I've smoked almost every day for 5 years and I still like my women with vaginas.
Oh jeez plz no
Jacking off to tranny porn while high is literally the best feeling ever
Whatthe fucking sausage fuck?
Is this the most 4 Chan post of the month? Let's find out!
go suck some dick leaf.
Even as someone who has descended through the ladder of perversion quite deeply I could never stomach tranny shit. That's like rationalizing self torture.
I lack the willpower
The worst I can manage is LARPing as a nig dicking down an amateur white girl while she begs me to cum inside her and I fuck my pillow till the bed breaks
How the fuck you get high and start fapping to trannies?
I literally can admit I'll practice my thrust game to compete with pornstars(race is pretty irrelevent but the pooped.com shit gets shilled too much) but fapping to the degenerate shit just makes me go soft and want to rethink my life
Sorry not everyone is like you
Oh shit you mean that doesn't work? Then I'm in deep.
Never seen this one before. Context?
should I keep going? I have more than 100 of these I can post...
OP is a faggot at its truest form
> /pol - My Homosexuality Blog
>kekistani flag
I think you have me beat faggot
Dude cuts off his own balls then benis. Documents the whole thing cool as a cucumber. Name is Trent something. Just Google "My Life without a Cock" will bring it up.
Gay dudes are the biggest scumbags. My wife works with one at a clinic. The dude spends 30 minutes in the work bathroom 3-4 times a day presumably taking dick pics to send to his "married" boyfriends. The kid is also only 20 years old and says he has sucked "probably 50 dicks." He has a fixation on describing the feeling of anal sex. He's also an extreme narcissist and constantly begs for management position despite being 100% unqualified. He's also extremely lazy and will sick HR on anyone who calls him out for it. So many mental red flags it's unbelievable we have to pretend that they aren't totally fucked in the head.
Stop telling him he's gay, he's just being a fucking degenerate.
Stop jerking off and stop watching porn.