Why are Ukrainian women such whores?

They are all worse whores than the western women. They just parrot the western wsj talking points with an even bigger knack for gold digging.

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*Sjw talking points.


You've probably never been to Ukraine. You know nothing about them. Fucking edgy virgin.

i can buy russian whores with chump change, ukrainian ones are at least 50 bucks.

not a single one of them is fuckable.

I know plenty of ukrain sluts and I have fucked a few of them. They just turn me off now.

The Jewish Bolsheviks brutalized Ukraine more than any other land including Russia. Between that and Chernobyl the nation's soul is irreparably damaged

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Whore they sure are.

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Youre a whiny NEET, and no one cares about your projection. You wouldnt know because you never leave your house. If I was your dad id leave you whining and begging for chicken tendies. Slavic women are incredibly loyal. Why shit on women anyways, when most white people cant even run a mile in 12 minutes or lift their own body weight? Keep LARPing faggot, I'm a nationalist but NEETs will get the rope to. Quit with the divisive bait slide threads

Holding a sign up saying "I am a prostitute" does not make one a prostitute. Do you have proof?

Doing that with tits hanging does.

хopoшaя paбoтa вacя, +дecять pyблeй

Its because American media has poisoned them. They had their identity removed after the fall of the Soviet Union and the EU and Amerimutt poison poured in to quickly jew and sour the people. Ukrainians actually as a whole are more nationalistic and less degenerate than any other EU country

In the Viking lands, full nude volleyball on public beaches is completely normal. Signs and tits (meaning they don't have to GTFO) is not proof of prostitution. You must provide evicence to support your claim.

Everything is not america's fault.

No they dont lol
Stop spreading lies on the internet

Not americans citizens. But our government and media have ruined many countries and caused a huge unmeasurable wave of toxic degeneracy.

Vikings spike nude bro...

But our government has subverted us and divided us as a distraction from that for generations now

>t. Barron Trump

so whats with the indian flag

Only two of these bitches could get paid to fuck.

You're fucking retarded. Ukraine's identity didn't exist under Soviet rule either and the country was damaged long before we touched it.

Lol. They are definitely being satirical because beta jew fags go there for sex tours sometimes its even done with women who are minors and they are actually being nationalistic bringing attention to a fucked up situation there.

No shit. And American tranny television and consumerism was one of their only media outlets. They have dubbed and subbed American TV programs there which have influenced them there just like it has here. But that goes over your head, or your counting on the thread anons to be ignorant to that. And its not even feministic or whorish to fight corruption in their country. They did it in a cheesy way but it was effective. Stop trying to shift the context with no links or research.